Source code for neat.channels.ionchannels

import sympy as sp
import numpy as np

import os
import warnings

CONC_DICT = {'na': 10.,  # mM
             'k': 54.4,  # mM
             'ca': 1e-4,  # 1e-4


E_ION_DICT = {'na': 50.,
              'k': -85.,
              'ca': 50.,

class _func(object):
    def __init__(self, eval_func_aux, eval_func_vtrap, e_trap):
        self.eval_func_aux = eval_func_aux
        self.eval_func_vtrap = eval_func_vtrap
        self.e_trap = e_trap

    def __call__(self, *args):
        vv = args[0]
        if isinstance(vv, float):
            if np.abs(vv - self.e_trap) < 0.001:
                return self.eval_func_vtrap(*args)
                return self.eval_func_aux(*args)
            fv_return = np.zeros_like(vv)
            bool_vtrap = np.abs(vv - self.e_trap) < 0.0001
            inds_vtrap = np.where(bool_vtrap)
            args_ = [a[inds_vtrap] for a in args]
            fv_return[inds_vtrap] = self.eval_func_vtrap(*args_)
            inds = np.where(np.logical_not(bool_vtrap))
            args_ = [a[inds] for a in args]
            fv_return[inds] = self.eval_func_aux(*args_)
            return fv_return

def _insert_function_prefixes(string, prefix='np',
                              functions=['exp', 'sin', 'cos', 'tan', 'pi']):
    Prefix all occurences in the input `string` of the functions in the
    `functions` list with the provided `prefix`.

    string: string
        the input string
    prefix: string, optional
        the prefix that is put before each function. Defaults to `'np'`
    functions: list of strings, optional
        the list of functions that will be prefixed. Defaults to
        `['exp', 'sin', 'cos', 'tan', 'pi']`


    >>> _insert_function_prefixes('5. * exp(0.) + 3. * cos(pi)')
    '5. * np.exp(0.) + 3. * np.cos(pi)'
    for func_name in functions:
        numpy_string = ''
        while len(string) > 0:
            ind = string.find(func_name)
            if ind == -1:
                numpy_string += string
                string = ''
                numpy_string += string[0:ind] + prefix + '.' + func_name
                string = string[ind+len(func_name):]
        string = numpy_string
    return string

class SPDict(dict):
    Dictionary that accepts both strings and similarly name sympy symbols as keys
    def __getitem__(self, key):
            return super(SPDict, self).__getitem__(key)
        except KeyError:
            if isinstance(key, sp.Symbol):
                return super(SPDict, self).__getitem__(str(key))
                return super(SPDict, self).__getitem__(sp.symbols(key))

class CallDict(dict):
    Callable dictionary, items are supposed to be callables
    that all accept an identical argument list
    def __call__(self, *args):
        Calls dictionary items (supposed to be callable)
        return SPDict({str(k): f(*args) for k, f in self.items()})

class BroadcastFunc(object):
    def __init__(self, func):
        self.func = func

    def __call__(self, *args):
        Broadcast the result of `self.func` call to shape of first `arg`
        res = self.func(*args)
        if isinstance(args[0], np.ndarray):
            return np.broadcast_to(res, args[0].shape)
            return res

[docs]class IonChannel(object): """ Base ion channel class that implements linearization and code generation for NEURON (.mod-files) and C++. Userdefined ion channels should inherit from this class and implement the `define()` function, where the specific attributes of the ion channel are set. The ion channel current is of the form .. math:: i_{chan} = \overline{g} \, p_o(x_1, ... , x_n) \, (e - v) where $p_o$ is the open probability defined as a function of a number of state variables. State variables evolve according to .. math:: \dot{x}_i = f_i(x_i, v, c_1, ..., c_k) with $c_1, ..., c_n$ the (optional) set of concentrations the ion channel depends on. There are two canonical ways to define $f_i$, either based on reaction rates :math:`\\alpha` and :math:`\\beta`: .. math:: \dot{x}_i = \\alpha_i(v) \, (1 - x_i) - \\beta_i(v) \, x_i, or based on an asymptotic value :math:`x_i^{\infty}` and time-scale :math:`\\tau_i` .. math:: \dot{x}_i = \\frac{x_i^{\infty}(v) - x_i}{\\tau_i(v)}. `IonChannel` accepts handles either description. For the former description, dicts `self.alpha` and `self.beta` must be defined with as keys the names of every state variable in the open probability. Similarly, for the latter description, dicts `self.tauinf` and `self.varinf` must be defined with as keys the name of every state variable. The user **must** define the attributes `p_open`, and either `alpha` and `beta` or `tauinf` and `varinf` in the `define()` function. The other attributes `ion`, `conc`, `q10`, `temp`, and `e` are optional. Parameters ---------- p_open: str The open probability of the ion channel. alpha, beta: dict {str: str} dictionary of the rate function for each state variables. Keys must correspond to the name of every state variable in `p_open`, values must be formulas written as strings with `v` and possible ion as variabels tauinf, varinf: dict {str: str} state variable time scale and asymptotic activation level. Keys must correspond to the name of every state variable in `p_open`, values must be formulas written as strings with `v` and possible ion as variabels ion: str ('na', 'ca', 'k' or ''), optional The ion to which the ion channel is permeable conc: set of str (containing 'na', 'ca', 'k') or dict of {str: float} The concentrations the ion channel activation depends on. Can be a set of ions or a dict with the ions as keys and default values as float. q10: str, optional Temperature dependence of the state variable rate functions. May be a float or a string convertible to a sympy expression containing the `temp` parameter (temperature in ``[deg C]``). This factor divides the time-scales :math:`\tau_i(v)` of the ion channel. If not given, default is 1. temp: float, optional The temperature at which the ion channel is evaluated. Can be modified after initializiation by calling `IonChannel.setDefaultParams(temp=new_temperature)`. If not given, the evaluates `self.q10` at the default temperature of 36 degC. e: float, optional Reversal of the ion channel in ``[mV]``. functions that need it allow the default value to be overwritten with a keyword argument. If nothing is provided, will take a default reversal for `self.ion` (which is -85 mV for 'K', 50 mV for 'Na' and 50 mV for 'Ca'). If no ion is provided, errors will occur if functions that need `e` are called without specifying the value as a keyword argument. Examples -------- >>> class Na_Ta(IonChannel): >>> def define(self): >>> # from (Colbert and Pan, 2002), Used in (Hay, 2011) >>> self.ion = 'na' >>> # concentrations the ion channel depends on >>> self.conc = {} >>> # define channel open probability >>> self.p_open = 'h * m ** 3' >>> # define activation functions >>> self.alpha, self.beta = {}, {} >>> self.alpha['m'] = '0.182 * (v + 38.) / (1. - exp(-(v + 38.) / 6.))' # 1/ms >>> self.beta['m'] = '-0.124 * (v + 38.) / (1. - exp( (v + 38.) / 6.))' # 1/ms >>> self.alpha['h'] = '-0.015 * (v + 66.) / (1. - exp( (v + 66.) / 6.))' # 1/ms >>> self.beta['h'] = '0.015 * (v + 66.) / (1. - exp(-(v + 66.) / 6.))' # 1/ms >>> # temperature factor for reaction rates >>> self.q10 = '2.3^((temp - 23.)/10.)' """ def __init__(self): """ Will give an ``AttributeError`` if initialized as is. Should only be initialized from its' derived classes that implement specific ion channel types. """ # define the channel based on user specified state variables and activations self.define() # ion that carries the channel current if not hasattr(self, 'ion'): self.ion = '' # temperature factor, if it exist if not hasattr(self, 'q10'): self.q10 = '1.' self.q10 = sp.sympify(self.q10, evaluate=False) # sympy temperature symbols assert len(self.q10.free_symbols) <= 1 self.sp_t = list(self.q10.free_symbols)[0] if len(self.q10.free_symbols) > 0 else \ sp.symbols('temp') # the voltage variable self.sp_v = sp.symbols('v') # extract the state variables self.p_open = sp.sympify(self.p_open) self.statevars = self.p_open.free_symbols # construct the rate functions if 'alpha' in self.__dict__ and 'beta' in self.__dict__: for svar in self.statevars: key = str(svar) self.alpha[svar] = sp.sympify(self.alpha[key], evaluate=False) self.beta[svar] = sp.sympify(self.beta[key], evaluate=False) # convert to internal representation self.varinf, self.tauinf = {}, {} for svar in self.statevars: key = str(svar) self.varinf[svar] = self.alpha[svar] / (self.alpha[svar] + self.beta[svar]) self.tauinf[svar] = (1./self.q10) / (self.alpha[svar] + self.beta[svar]) elif 'tauinf' in self.__dict__ and 'varinf' in self.__dict__: for svar in self.statevars: key = str(svar) self.varinf[svar] = sp.sympify(self.varinf[key], evaluate=False) self.tauinf[svar] = sp.sympify(self.tauinf[key], evaluate=False) / self.q10 del self.varinf[key] del self.tauinf[key] else: raise AttributeError("Necessary attributes not defined, define either " + \ "`alpha` and `beta` or `tauinf` and `varinf`.") self.varinf, self.tauinf = SPDict(self.varinf), SPDict(self.tauinf) # set the right hand side of the differential equation for # state variables self.fstatevar = SPDict() for svar in self.statevars: self.fstatevar[svar] = (-svar + self.varinf[svar]) / self.tauinf[svar] # concentrations the ion channel depends on if not hasattr(self, 'conc'): # if concentration ions are not defined, attempt to extract them from # the state variable functions self.conc = set() for key, expr in self.fstatevar.items(): self.conc |= expr.free_symbols # set union # remove everything that is not a concentration self.conc -= self.statevars self.conc -= {self.sp_v, self.sp_t} # if no default concentrations are defined, default values are taken # from default concentration values if not hasattr(self.conc, 'values'): self.conc = SPDict({sp.symbols(str(ion)): \ CONC_DICT[str(ion)] for ion in self.conc}) # sympy concentration symbols self.sp_c = [ion for ion in self.conc] # default parameters self.default_params = SPDict({}) self.default_params[str(self.sp_t)] = self.temp if 'temp' in self.__dict__ else \ TEMP_DEFAULT try: self.default_params['e'] = self.e if 'e' in self.__dict__ else \ E_ION_DICT[self.ion] except KeyError: warnings.warn('No default reversal potential defined.') # set the lambda functions for efficient numpy evaluation self._lambdifyChannel() def __getstate__(self): """ remove lambdified functions from dict as they can not be pickled """ d = dict(self.__dict__) del d['f_statevar'] del d['f_varinf'] del d['f_tauinf'] del d['f_p_open'] del d['dp_dx'], d['df_dv'], d['df_dx'], d['df_dc'] return d def __setstate__(self, s): """ since lambdified functions were not pickled we need to restore them """ self.__dict__ = s self._lambdifyChannel()
[docs] def setDefaultParams(self, **kwargs): """ **kwargs Default values for temperature (`temp`), reversal (`e`) """ self.default_params.update(kwargs) self._lambdifyChannel()
def _substituteDefaults(self, expr): """ Substitute default values in input expression Parameters ---------- expr: sympy expression """ for param, val in self.default_params.items(): expr = expr.subs(sp.symbols(param), val) return expr @property def ordered_statevars(self): return list(sorted(self.statevars, key=str)) def _lambdifyChannel(self): """ Create lambda functions based on sympy expression for relevant ion channel functions """ # arguments for lambda function args = [self.sp_v] + self.ordered_statevars + self.sp_c args_ = [self.sp_v] + self.sp_c # lambdified open probability self.f_p_open = BroadcastFunc(sp.lambdify(args, self.p_open)) # storatestate variable function self.f_statevar = CallDict() self.f_varinf, self.f_tauinf = CallDict(), CallDict() # storage of derivatives self.dp_dx = CallDict() self.df_dv, self.df_dx, self.df_dc = CallDict(), CallDict(), CallDict() for svar, f_svar in self.fstatevar.items(): f_svar = self._substituteDefaults(f_svar) varinf = self._substituteDefaults(self.varinf[svar]) tauinf = self._substituteDefaults(self.tauinf[svar]) # state variable function self.f_statevar = BroadcastFunc(sp.lambdify(args, f_svar)) # state variable activation & timescale self.f_varinf[svar] = BroadcastFunc(sp.lambdify(args_, varinf)) self.f_tauinf[svar] = BroadcastFunc(sp.lambdify(args_, tauinf)) # derivatives of open probability to state variables self.dp_dx[svar] = BroadcastFunc( sp.lambdify(args, sp.diff(self.p_open, svar, 1))) # derivatives of state variable function to voltage self.df_dv[svar] = BroadcastFunc( sp.lambdify(args, sp.diff(f_svar, self.sp_v, 1))) # derivatives of state variable function to state variable self.df_dx[svar] = BroadcastFunc( sp.lambdify(args, sp.diff(f_svar, svar, 1))) # derivatives of state variable function to concentrations self.df_dc[svar] = \ CallDict({c: BroadcastFunc( sp.lambdify(args, sp.diff(f_svar, c, 1))) \ for c in self.sp_c}) def _argsAsList(self, v, w_statevar=True, **kwargs): """ Converts arguments to list for lambdified functions """ arg_list = [v] if w_statevar: for svar in self.ordered_statevars: key = str(svar) try: arg_list.append(kwargs[key]) except KeyError: # state variable is not in kwargs # set default value based on voltage args = self._argsAsList(v, w_statevar=False, **kwargs) arg_list.append(self.f_varinf[svar](*args)) for c in self.sp_c: key = str(c) try: arg_list.append(kwargs[key]) except KeyError: # ion is not in kwargs # set stored default value arg_list.append(self.conc[c]) return arg_list
[docs] def computePOpen(self, v, **kwargs): """ Compute the open probability of the ion channel Parameters ---------- v: float or `np.ndarray` of float The voltage at which to evaluate the open probability **kwargs Optional values for the state variables and concentrations. Broadcastable to `v` if provided Returns ------- float or `np.ndarray` of float The open probability """ args = self._argsAsList(v, **kwargs) return self.f_p_open(*args)
[docs] def computeDerivatives(self, v, **kwargs): """ Compute: (i) the derivatives of the open probability to the state variables (ii) The derivatives of state functions to the voltage (iii) The derivatives of state functions to the state variables Parameters ---------- v: float or `np.ndarray` The voltage at which to evaluate the open probability **kwargs Optional values for the state variables and concentrations. Broadcastable to `v` if provided Returns ------- tuple of three floats or three `np.ndarray`s of float The derivatives """ args = self._argsAsList(v, **kwargs) return self.dp_dx(*args), self.df_dv(*args), self.df_dx(*args)
[docs] def computeDerivativesConc(self, v, **kwargs): """ Compute the derivatives of the state functions to the concentrations Parameters ---------- v: float or `np.ndarray` The voltage at which to evaluate the open probability **kwargs Optional values for the state variables and concentrations. Broadcastable to `v` if provided Returns ------- tuple of three floats or three `np.ndarray`s of float The derivatives """ args = self._argsAsList(v, **kwargs) return self.df_dc(*args)
[docs] def computeVarinf(self, v): """ Compute the asymptotic values for the state variables at a given activation level Parameters ---------- v: float or `np.ndarray` The voltage at which to evaluate the open probability Returns ------- dict of `np.ndarray` of dict of float The asymptotic activations, items are of same type (and shape) as `v` """ args = self._argsAsList(v, w_statevar=False, **{}) return self.f_varinf(*args)
[docs] def computeTauinf(self, v): """ Compute the time-scales for the state variables at a given activation level Parameters ---------- v: float or `np.ndarray` The voltage at which to evaluate the open probability Returns ------- dict of `np.ndarray` of dict of float The asymptotic activations, items are of same type (and shape) as `v` """ args = self._argsAsList(v, w_statevar=False, **{}) return self.f_tauinf(*args)
[docs] def computeLinear(self, v, freqs, **kwargs): """ Combute the contributions of the state variables to the linearized channel current Parameters ---------- v: float or `np.ndarray` The voltage ``[mV]`` at which to evaluate the open probability freqs float, complex, or `np.ndarray` of float or complex: The frequencies ``[Hz]`` at which to evaluate the linearized contribution **kwargs Optional values for the state variables and concentrations. Broadcastable to `v` if provided Returns ------- float, complex or `np.ndarray` of float or complex The linearized current. Shape is dimension of `freqs` followed by the dimensions of `v`. """ dp_dx, df_dv, df_dx = self.computeDerivatives(v, **kwargs) # broadcast frequencies if isinstance(freqs, np.ndarray) and isinstance(v, np.ndarray): freqs.reshape(freqs.shape+tuple([1]*v.ndim)) lin_f = np.zeros_like(freqs) for svar, dp_dx_ in dp_dx.items(): df_dv_ = df_dv[svar] * 1e3 # convert to 1 / s df_dx_ = df_dx[svar] * 1e3 # convert to 1 / s # add to the impedance contribution lin_f += dp_dx_ * df_dv_ / (freqs - df_dx_) return lin_f
[docs] def computeLinearConc(self, v, freqs, ion, **kwargs): """ Combute the contributions of the state variables to the linearized channel current Parameters ---------- v: float or `np.ndarray` The voltage ``[mV]`` at which to evaluate the open probability freqs: float, complex, or `np.ndarray` of float or complex: The frequencies ``[Hz]`` at which to evaluate the linearized contribution ion: str The ion name for which to compute the linearized contribution **kwargs Optional values for the state variables and concentrations. Broadcastable to `v` if provided Returns ------- float, complex or `np.ndarray` of float or complex The linearized current. Shape is dimension of `freqs` followed by the dimensions of `v`. """ dp_dx, df_dv, df_dx = self.computeDerivatives(v, **kwargs) df_dc = self.computeDerivativesConc(v, **kwargs) # broadcast frequencies if isinstance(freqs, np.ndarray) and isinstance(v, np.ndarray): freqs.reshape(freqs.shape+tuple([1]*v.ndim)) lin_f = np.zeros_like(freqs) for svar, dp_dx_ in dp_dx.items(): df_dc_ = df_dc[svar][ion] * 1e3 # convert to 1 / s df_dx_ = df_dx[svar] * 1e3 # convert to 1 / s # add to the impedance contribution lin_f += dp_dx_ * df_dc_ / (freqs - df_dx_) return lin_f
def _getReversal(self, e): if e is None: try: e = self.default_params['e'] except KeyError: raise KeyError('No default reversal defined, provide value for `e`.') return e
[docs] def computeLinSum(self, v, freqs, e=None, **kwargs): """ Combute the linearized channel current contribution (without concentributions from the concentration - see `computeLinConc()`) Parameters ---------- v: float or `np.ndarray` The voltage ``[mV]`` at which to evaluate the open probability freqs: float, complex, or `np.ndarray` of float or complex: The frequencies ``[Hz]`` at which to evaluate the linearized contribution e: float or `None` The reversal potential of the channel. Defaults to the value stored in `self.default_params['e']` if not provided. **kwargs Optional values for the state variables and concentrations. Broadcastable to `v` if provided Returns ------- float, complex or `np.ndarray` of float or complex The linearized current. Shape is dimension of `freqs` followed by the dimensions of `v`. """ e = self._getReversal(e) return (e - v) * self.computeLinear(v, freqs, **kwargs) - \ self.computePOpen(v, **kwargs)
[docs] def computeLinConc(self, v, freqs, ion, e=None, **kwargs): """ Combute the linearized channel current contribution from the concentrations Parameters ---------- v: float or `np.ndarray` The voltage ``[mV]`` at which to evaluate the open probability freqs: float, complex, or `np.ndarray` of float or complex: The frequencies ``[Hz]`` at which to evaluate the linearized contribution ion: str The ion name for which to compute the linearized contribution e: float or `None` The reversal potential of the channel. Defaults to the value stored in `self.default_params['e']` if not provided. **kwargs Optional values for the state variables and concentrations. Broadcastable to `v` if provided Returns ------- float, complex or `np.ndarray` of float or complex The linearized current. Shape is dimension of `freqs` followed by the dimensions of `v`. """ e = self._getReversal(e) return (e - v) * self.computeLinearConc(v, freqs, ion, **kwargs)
def writeModFile(self, path, g=0., e=0.): """ Writes a modfile of the ion channel for simulations with neuron """ cname = self.__class__.__name__ sv = [str(svar) for svar in self.statevars] cs = [str(conc) for conc in self.conc] modname = 'I' + cname + '.mod' fname = os.path.join(path, modname) file = open(fname, 'w') file.write(': This mod file is automaticaly generated by the ' + '``neat.channels.ionchannels`` module\n\n') file.write('NEURON {\n') file.write(' SUFFIX I%s\n'%cname) if self.ion == '': file.write(' NONSPECIFIC_CURRENT i' + '\n') else: file.write(' USEION %s WRITE i%s\n'%(self.ion, self.ion)) for c in cs: file.write(' USEION %s READ %si\n'%(c, c)) file.write(' RANGE g, e' + '\n') taustring = 'tau_' + ', tau_'.join(sv) varstring = '_inf, '.join(sv) + '_inf' file.write(' GLOBAL %s, %s\n'%(varstring, taustring)) file.write(' THREADSAFE' + '\n') file.write('}\n\n') file.write('PARAMETER {\n') file.write(' g = ' + str(g*1e-6) + ' (S/cm2)' + '\n') file.write(' e = ' + str(e) + ' (mV)' + '\n') for ion in cs: file.write(' ' + ion + 'i (mM)' + '\n') file.write(' celsius (degC)\n') file.write('}\n\n') file.write('UNITS {\n') file.write(' (mA) = (milliamp)' + '\n') file.write(' (mV) = (millivolt)' + '\n') file.write(' (mM) = (milli/liter)' + '\n') file.write('}\n\n') file.write('ASSIGNED {\n') file.write(' i%s (mA/cm2)\n'%self.ion) for var in sv: file.write(' %s_inf \n'%var) file.write(' tau_%s (ms) \n'%var) file.write(' v (mV)' + '\n') file.write(' %s (degC)\n'%(self.sp_t)) file.write('}\n\n') file.write('STATE {\n') for var in sv: file.write(' %s\n'%var) file.write('}\n\n') calcstring = 'i%s = g * (%s) * (v - e)'%(self.ion, sp.printing.ccode(self.p_open)) file.write('BREAKPOINT {\n') file.write(' SOLVE states METHOD cnexp' + '\n') file.write(' %s\n'%calcstring) file.write('}\n\n') concstring = 'i, '.join(cs) if len(cs) > 0: concstring = ', ' + concstring concstring += 'i' file.write('INITIAL {\n') file.write(' rates(v%s)\n'%concstring) for var in sv: file.write(' %s = %s_inf\n'%(var,var)) file.write('}\n\n') file.write('DERIVATIVE states {\n') file.write(' rates(v%s)\n'%concstring) for var in sv: file.write(' %s\' = (%s_inf - %s) / tau_%s \n'%(var,var,var,var)) file.write('}\n\n') # substitution for common neuron names repl_pairs = [(str(c), str(c)+'i') for c in self.conc] file.write('PROCEDURE rates(v%s) {\n'%concstring) file.write(' %s = celsius\n'%str(self.sp_t)) for var, svar in zip(sv, self.statevars): vi = sp.printing.ccode(self.varinf[svar]) ti = sp.printing.ccode(self.tauinf[svar]) for repl_pair in repl_pairs: vi = vi.replace(*repl_pair) ti = ti.replace(*repl_pair) file.write(' %s_inf = %s\n'%(var, vi)) file.write(' tau_%s = %s\n'%(var, ti)) file.write('}\n\n') file.close() return modname def writeCPPCode(self, path): """ Concentration dependent ion channels get constant concentrations substituted for c++ simulation """ c_name = self.__class__.__name__ svs = [str(svar) for svar in self.statevars] # rewrite open probabilities p_open_m = self.p_open p_open_m_inf = self.p_open for svar in self.statevars: p_open_m = p_open_m.subs(svar, sp.symbols('m_' + str(svar))) p_open_m_inf = p_open_m_inf.subs(svar, sp.symbols('m_' + str(svar) + '_inf')) # substitue concentrations in expression def _replaceConc(expr_str, prefix='', suffix=''): for ion, conc in self.conc.items(): expr_str = expr_str.replace(str(ion), prefix + str(ion) + suffix) return expr_str # open header and cc files fcc = open(os.path.join(path, ''), 'a') fh = open(os.path.join(path, 'Ionchannels.h'), 'a') # define class and functions in header file fh.write('class %s: public IonChannel{\n'%c_name) fh.write('private:' + '\n') for svar in self.statevars: sv = sp.printing.ccode(svar) fh.write(' double m_%s;\n'%sv) fh.write(' double m_%s_inf, m_tau_%s;\n'%(sv, sv)) fh.write(' double m_v_%s = 10000.;\n'%sv) fh.write(' double m_p_open_eq = 0.0, m_p_open = 0.0;\n') # hardcode default concentrations for ion, conc in self.conc.items(): fh.write(' double m_%s = %.8f;\n'%(ion, conc)) fh.write('public:' + '\n') fh.write(' void calcFunStatevar(double v) override;' + '\n') fh.write(' double calcPOpen() override;' + '\n') fh.write(' void setPOpen() override;' + '\n') fh.write(' void setPOpenEQ(double v) override;' + '\n') fh.write(' void advance(double dt) override;' + '\n') fh.write(' double getCond() override;' + '\n') fh.write(' double getCondNewton() override;' + '\n') fh.write(' double f(double v) override;' + '\n') fh.write(' double DfDv(double v) override;' + '\n') fh.write(' void setfNewtonConstant(double* vs, int v_size) override;' + '\n') fh.write(' double fNewton(double v) override;' + '\n') fh.write(' double DfDvNewton(double v) override;' + '\n') fh.write('};' + '\n') # function in cc file fcc.write('void %s::calcFunStatevar(double v){\n'%c_name) for svar in self.statevars: varinf = self._substituteDefaults(self.varinf[svar]) tauinf = self._substituteDefaults(self.tauinf[svar]) sv = str(svar) vi = _replaceConc(sp.printing.ccode(varinf), prefix='m_') ti = _replaceConc(sp.printing.ccode(tauinf), prefix='m_') fcc.write(' m_%s_inf = %s;\n'%(sv, vi)) # if self.varinf.shape[1] == 2 and ind == (0,0): if sv == 'm': # instantaneous approximation possible if statevar is activation (denoted by 'm') fcc.write(' if(m_instantaneous)' + '\n') fcc.write(' m_tau_%s = %s;\n'%(sv, sp.printing.ccode(sp.Float(1e-5)))) fcc.write(' else' + '\n') fcc.write(' m_tau_%s = %s;\n'%(sv, ti)) else: fcc.write(' m_tau_%s = %s;\n'%(sv, ti)) fcc.write('}\n') fcc.write('double %s::calcPOpen(){\n'%c_name) fcc.write(' return %s;\n'%sp.printing.ccode(p_open_m)) fcc.write('}\n') fcc.write('void %s::setPOpen(){\n'%c_name) fcc.write(' m_p_open = calcPOpen();\n') fcc.write('}\n') fcc.write('void %s::setPOpenEQ(double v){\n'%c_name) fcc.write(' calcFunStatevar(v);\n') fcc.write('\n') for sv in svs: fcc.write(' m_%s = m_%s_inf;\n'%(sv, sv)) fcc.write(' m_p_open_eq = %s;\n'%sp.printing.ccode(p_open_m_inf)) fcc.write('}\n') fcc.write('void %s::advance(double dt){\n'%c_name) for sv in svs: fcc.write(' double p0_%s = exp(-dt / m_tau_%s);\n'%(sv, sv)) fcc.write(' m_%s *= p0_%s ;\n'%(sv, sv)) fcc.write(' m_%s += (1. - p0_%s) * m_%s_inf;\n'%(sv, sv, sv)) fcc.write('}\n') fcc.write('double %s::getCond(){\n'%c_name) fcc.write(' return m_g_bar * (m_p_open - m_p_open_eq);\n') fcc.write('}\n') fcc.write('double %s::getCondNewton(){\n'%c_name) fcc.write(' return m_g_bar;\n') fcc.write('}\n') # function for temporal integration fcc.write('double %s::f(double v){\n'%c_name) fcc.write(' return (m_e_rev - v);\n') fcc.write('}\n') fcc.write('double %s::DfDv(double v){\n'%c_name) fcc.write(' return -1.;\n') fcc.write('}\n') # set voltage values to evaluate at constant voltage during newton iteration fcc.write('void %s::setfNewtonConstant(double* vs, int v_size){\n'%c_name) fcc.write(' if(v_size != %d)'%len(self.statevars) + '\n') fcc.write(' cerr << "input arg [vs] has incorrect size, ' + \ 'should have same size as number of channel state variables" << endl' + ';\n') for ii, svar in enumerate(self.ordered_statevars): fcc.write(' m_v_%s = vs[%d];\n'%(str(svar), ii)) fcc.write('}\n') # functions for solving Newton iteration fcc.write('double %s::fNewton(double v){\n'%c_name) p_o = self.p_open for svar in self.statevars: sv = 'v_' + str(svar) # substitute default parameters vi = self._substituteDefaults(self.varinf[svar]) # write ccode and substitute variable names vi_ccode = sp.printing.ccode(vi) vi_ccode = vi_ccode.replace(str(self.sp_v), sv) vi_ccode = _replaceConc(vi_ccode, prefix='m_') # assign dynamic or fixed voltage to the activation fcc.write(' double %s;\n'%(sv)) fcc.write(' if(m_%s > 1000.){\n'%sv) fcc.write(' %s = v;\n'%(sv)) fcc.write(' } else{\n') fcc.write(' %s = m_%s;\n'%(sv, sv)) fcc.write(' }' + '\n') fcc.write(' double %s = %s;\n'%(str(svar), vi_ccode)) fcc.write(' return (m_e_rev - v) * (%s - m_p_open_eq);\n'%sp.printing.ccode(self.p_open)) fcc.write('}\n') fcc.write('double %s::DfDvNewton(double v){\n'%c_name) dp_o = {svar: sp.diff(self.p_open, svar, 1) for svar in self.statevars} # print derivatives for svar in self.statevars: sv = 'v_' + str(svar) v_var = sp.symbols(sv) # substitute default parameters vi = self._substituteDefaults(self.varinf[svar]) # write ccode and substitute variable names vi_ccode = sp.printing.ccode(vi) vi_ccode = vi_ccode.replace(str(self.sp_v), sv) vi_ccode = _replaceConc(vi_ccode, prefix='m_') # compute voltage derivatives dvi_dv = sp.diff(vi, self.sp_v, 1) dvi_dv_ccode = sp.printing.ccode(dvi_dv) dvi_dv_ccode = dvi_dv_ccode.replace(str(self.sp_v), sv) dvi_dv_ccode = _replaceConc(dvi_dv_ccode, prefix='m_') # compute derivative fcc.write(' double %s;\n'%sv) fcc.write(' double d%s_dv;\n'%str(svar)) fcc.write(' if(m_%s > 1000.){\n'%sv) fcc.write(' %s = v;\n'%sv) fcc.write(' d%s_dv = %s;\n'%(str(svar), dvi_dv_ccode)) fcc.write(' } else{\n') fcc.write(' %s = m_%s;\n'%(sv, sv)) fcc.write(' d%s_dv = 0;\n'%str(svar)) fcc.write(' }\n') fcc.write(' double %s = %s;\n'%(str(svar), vi_ccode)) expr_str = ' + '.join(['%s * d%s_dv'%(sp.printing.ccode(dp_o[svar]), str(svar)) \ for svar in self.statevars]) fcc.write(' return -1. * (%s - m_p_open_eq) + (%s) * (m_e_rev - v);\n'%(sp.printing.ccode(self.p_open), expr_str)) fcc.write('}\n') fh.write('\n') fcc.write('\n') fh.close() fcc.close()