Source code for

Module for finding kernels and fitting them with sums of exponentials.

Uses the Vector Fitting algorithm (Gustavsen, 1999) and Prony method.

Author: Willem Wybo
Date: 13/05/2016

import numpy as np
import scipy.linalg as la
from scipy.cluster.vq import kmeans

import math
import copy

class Fitter(object):
    def der(self, x, arr):
        dx = x[1] - x[0]
        diffarr = (arr[1:] - arr[0:-1]) / dx
        return diffarr, x[0:-1] + dx/2

    def derder(self, x, arr):
        dx = x[1] - x[0]
        diffarr, _ = self.der(x, arr)
        diffdiffarr = (diffarr[1:] - diffarr[0:-1]) / dx
        return diffdiffarr, x[1:-1]

    def zerocrossing(self, x, arr):
        arr = copy.copy(arr)
        inds = np.where(np.diff(np.sign(arr)))[0]
        return inds, x[inds]

    def find_nearest(self, array, value):
        idx = (np.abs(array-value)).argmin()
        return array[idx], idx

class ExpFitter(Fitter):
    def sumExp(self, x, a, c, flat=True):
        if flat:
            return (np.exp(x[:,None]*a[:,None].T).dot(c[:,None])).flatten().real
            return np.exp(x[:,None]*a[:,None].T).dot(c[:,None]).real

    def PronyExpFit(self, deg, x, y):
        Construct a sum of exponentials fit to a given time-sequence y by
        using prony's method

            [deg]: int, number of exponentials
            [x]: numpy array, sequence of regularly spaced points at which y is evaluated
            [y]: numpy array, sequence

            [a]: numpy array, exponential coefficient
            [c]: numpy array, exponentail magnitudes
            [rms]: float, root mean square error of the data
        # deg += 1
        # stepsize
        h = x[1] - x[0]
        #Build matrix
        A = la.hankel(y[:-deg],y[-deg-1:])
        a = -A[:,:deg]
        b = A[:,deg]
        #Solve it
        s = la.lstsq(a,b)[0]
        #Solve polynomial
        p = np.flipud(np.hstack((s,1)))
        u = np.roots(p)
        #Only keep roots in unit circle
        inds = np.where(np.logical_and((np.abs(u) < 1.), \
                np.logical_not(np.logical_and(np.imag(u) == 0., np.real(u) <= 0.))))[0]
        u = u[inds]
        #Calc exponential factors
        a = np.log(u)/h
        #Build power matrix
        A = np.power((np.ones((len(y),1))*u[:,None].T),np.arange(len(y))[:,None]*np.ones((1,len(inds))))
        #solve it
        f = la.lstsq(A,y)[0]
        #calc amplitudes
        c = f/np.exp(a*x[0])
        #build x, approx and calc rms
        approx = self.sumExp(x, a, c).real
        rms = np.sqrt(((approx-y)**2).sum() / len(y))
        return a, c, rms

    def construct_Hankel_matrices(self, y):
        ind0 = int(len(y)/2)
        # original and shifted hankel matrix
        H0 = la.hankel(y[0:ind0], y[ind0-1:2*ind0-1])
        H1 = la.hankel(y[1:ind0+1], y[ind0:2*ind0])
        return H0, H1

    # def Z_McE_ExpFit(self, x, y, deg=2):
    #     # construct the Hankel matrices
    #     H0, H1 = self.construct_Hankel_matrices(y)
    #     # compute the singular value decomposition
    #     U, s, Vh = la.svd(H0)
    #     U_ = U[:, 0:deg]
    #     Vh_ = Vh[0:deg, :]
    #     s_ = s[0:deg]
    #     # compute system matrix
    #     F0 = np.diag(1./np.sqrt(s_)).dot(U_.T)
    #     F1 =
    #     A =
    #     # find eigenvalues of system matrix
    #     u, v = la.eig(A)
    #     # system time-scales (inverse)
    #     alphas = np.log(u) / dx
    #     return alphas

    def fitExp_Z_McE(self, x, y, rtol=1e-2, maxdeg=10):
        deg = 1; rms = 1.
        # stepsize
        dx = x[1] - x[0]
        # construct the Hankel matrices
        H0, H1 = self.construct_Hankel_matrices(y)
        # compute the singular value decomposition
        U, s, Vh = la.svd(H0)
        # loop over increasing number of exponentials
        while rms > rtol and deg < maxdeg:
            U_ = U[:, 0:deg]
            Vh_ = Vh[0:deg, :]
            s_ = s[0:deg]
            # compute system matrix
            F0 = np.diag(1./np.sqrt(s_)).dot(U_.T)
            F1 =
            A =
            # find eigenvalues of system matrix
            u, v = la.eig(A)
            # system time-scales (inverse)
            alphas = np.log(u.real) / dx
            # solve weights
            A = np.exp(x[:,None] * alphas[None, :] * dx)
            gammas = la.lstsq(A,y)[0]
            # compute rmse
            approx = self.sumExp(x, alphas, gammas)
            rms = np.sqrt(((approx-y)**2).sum() / len(y))
            # increase degree
            deg += 1

        return alphas, gammas, rms

    def reduceSeries(self, a, c, x, y, rtol=1e-2):
        Reduces the number of exponential terms in a series, till a given tolerance
        is reached

            [a]: numpy array of exponential timescales
            [c]: numpy array of exponential magnitudes
            [x]: numpy array of x-values at which the function is evaluated
            [y]: numpy array of function values
            [rtol]: float, relative tolerance given the largest function value
            [alpha]: exponential coefficients
            [gamma]: magnitudes
            [rms]: float, root mean square error
        k = 1; rms = 2*rtol

        while rms > rtol and k <= len(a):
            sortind = np.argsort(np.abs(c))[::-1]
            alpha = a[sortind][0:k]
            gamma = c[sortind][0:k]

            approx = self.sumExp(x, alpha, gamma).real
            rms = np.sqrt(((np.abs(approx-y) / np.max(np.abs(y)))**2).sum() / len(y))
            k += 1

        return alpha, gamma, rms

    def fitExp(self, x, y, deg=30, rtol=1e-2, surface=False, A=None):
        a, c, rms = self.PronyExpFit(deg, x, y)
        alpha, gamma, rms = self.reduceSeries(a, c, x, y, rtol=rtol)
        if surface:
            dx = x[1] - x[0]
            if A == None:
                A = dx * np.sum(y)
            Afit = np.sum(gamma * (np.exp(alpha*x[-1]) - np.exp(alpha*x[0])) / alpha)
            gamma = gamma * A / Afit
            approx = self.sumExp(x, alpha, gamma).real
            rms = np.sqrt(((np.abs(approx-y) / np.max(np.abs(y)))**2).sum() / len(y))

        return alpha, gamma, rms

class fExpFitter(Fitter):
    def sumFExp(self, s, alphas, gammas):
        return np.sum(self.fexps(s, alphas, gammas), 0)

    def fexps(self, s, alphas, gammas):
        return gammas[:,None] / (alphas[:,None] + s[None,:])

    def trialFunFit(self, s, arr, alphas, pairs=None):
        # construct matrix for extended fitting problem
        A = np.concatenate((1. / (s[:,None] + alphas[None,:]), \
                                arr[:,None] / (s[:,None] + alphas[None,:])), axis=1)
        # find auxiliary residues
        c = la.lstsq(A, arr)[0][-len(alphas):]
        # find zeros of fitted auxiliary function
        H = np.diag(alphas) -,1), dtype=complex), c[None,:])
        alphanew = np.linalg.eig(H)[0]
        # find real residues
        Anew = 1. / (s[:,None] + alphanew[None,:])
        cnew = la.lstsq(Anew, arr)[0]

        return alphanew, cnew, None

    def trialFunFit_constrained(self, s, arr, alphas, pairs, zerostart=False):
        deg = len(alphas)
        carr = np.concatenate((arr.real, arr.imag))
        # construct matrix for extended fitting problem
        A = np.concatenate((1. / (s[:,None] + alphas[None,:]), \
                                arr[:,None] / (s[:,None] + alphas[None,:])), axis=1)
        # implement the constraint
        pairsnew = np.concatenate((pairs, pairs))
        for i, p in enumerate(pairsnew):
            if p:
                x1 = A[:,i] + A[:,i+1]
                x2 = 1j * (A[:,i] - A[:,i+1])
                A[:,i] = x1
                A[:,i+1] = x2
        A = np.concatenate((A.real, A.imag), axis=0)
        # find auxiliary residues
        c = la.lstsq(A, carr)[0][-len(alphas):]
        # find zeros of fitted auxiliary function
        a = np.diag(alphas)
        b = np.ones(deg)
        # implement similarity transform
        for i, p in enumerate(pairs):
            if p:
                a[i:i+2, i:i+2] = np.array([[alphas[i].real, alphas[i].imag], \
                                            [-alphas[i].imag, alphas[i].real]])
                b[i:i+2] = np.array([2,0])
        H = a.real -[:,None], c[None,:])
        alphanew = np.linalg.eig(H)[0]
        inds = np.argsort(alphanew)
        alphanew = alphanew[inds]
        # indicates where pairs of complex conjugate poles occur
        auxarr = np.abs((np.abs(alphanew[:-1]) - np.abs(alphanew[1:])) / np.abs(alphanew[:-1]))
        auxarr2 = np.abs(alphas.imag) > 1e-15
        pairs = np.logical_and(np.concatenate((auxarr < 1e-15, np.zeros(1, dtype=bool))), auxarr2)
        # find residues
        Anew = 1. / (s[:,None] + alphanew[None,:])
        for i, p in enumerate(pairs):
            if p:
                x1 = Anew[:,i] + Anew[:,i+1]
                x2 = 1j * (Anew[:,i] - Anew[:,i+1])
                Anew[:,i] = x1
                Anew[:,i+1] = x2
        Anew = np.concatenate((Anew.real, Anew.imag), axis=0)
        if zerostart:
            # enforce K(t=0)=0 constraint
            row1 = np.ones(2*deg)
            for i, p in enumerate(pairs):
                if p:
                    row1[i+1] = 0
            Anew = np.concatenate((np.ones((1, deg), dtype=complex), Anew), axis=0)
            carr = np.concatenate((np.zeros(1, dtype=complex), carr))
        cnew = la.lstsq(Anew, carr)[0]
        cnew = np.array(cnew, dtype=complex)
        # recast cnew to complex values
        for i, p in enumerate(pairs):
            if p:
                cnew[i:i+2] = np.array([cnew[i] + 1j * cnew[i+1], cnew[i] - 1j * cnew[i+1]])

        return alphanew, cnew, pairs

    def fit_residues(self, s, arr, alphas, pairs):
        carr = np.concatenate((arr.real, arr.imag))
        A = 1. / (s[:,None] + alphas[None,:])
        for i, p in enumerate(pairs):
            if p:
                x1 = A[:,i] + A[:,i+1]
                x2 = 1j * (A[:,i] - A[:,i+1])
                A[:,i] = x1
                A[:,i+1] = x2
        A = np.concatenate((A.real, A.imag), axis=0)
        cnew = la.lstsq(A, carr)[0]
        cnew = np.array(cnew, dtype=complex)
        # recast cnew to complex values
        for i, p in enumerate(pairs):
            if p:
                cnew[i:i+2] = np.array([cnew[i] + 1j * cnew[i+1], cnew[i] - 1j * cnew[i+1]])
        return cnew

    def trialFunFit_constrained_2d(self, s, arr2d, alphas, pairs):
        print('>>> multifun fit test v2 <<<')
        deg = len(alphas)
        # construct f array
        arr1d = np.array([], dtype=complex)
        for ind, arr in enumerate(arr2d):
            arr1d = np.concatenate((arr1d, arr))
        # construct matrix A
        ns = len(s)
        ncols = (len(arr2d) + 1) * deg
        nrows = len(arr1d)
        A = np.zeros((nrows, ncols), dtype=complex)
        for ind, fis in enumerate(arr1d):
            indA = int(ind/ns)
            A[ind,deg*indA:deg*(indA+1)] = 1./(s[ind%ns] + alphas)
            # try:
            #     A[ind,deg*indA:deg*(indA+1)] = 1./(s[ind%ns] + alphas)
            # except ValueError:
            #     print indA
            #     print deg*indA
            #     print deg*(indA+1)
            #     print ncols
            A[ind,-deg:] = -fis / (s[ind%ns] + alphas)
        # implement the constraint
        for j in range(len(arr2d) + 1):
            for i, p in enumerate(pairs):
                if p:
                    x1 = A[:,j*deg+i] + A[:,j*deg+i+1]
                    x2 = 1j * (A[:,j*deg+i] - A[:,j*deg+i+1])
                    A[:,j*deg+i] = x1
                    A[:,j*deg+i+1] = x2
        A = np.concatenate((A.real, A.imag), axis=0)
        arr1d = np.concatenate((arr1d.real, arr1d.imag))
        # find auxiliary residues
        c = la.lstsq(A, arr1d)[0][-len(alphas):]
        print('cnew: ', c)
        # find zeros of fitted auxiliary function
        a = np.diag(alphas)
        b = np.ones(deg)
        # implement similarity transform
        for i, p in enumerate(pairs):
            if p:
                a[i:i+2, i:i+2] = np.array([[alphas[i].real, alphas[i].imag], \
                                            [-alphas[i].imag, alphas[i].real]])
                b[i:i+2] = np.array([2,0])
        # compute zeros of sum sigmafit
        H = a.real -[:,None], c[None,:])
        print('H: ', H)
        alphanew = np.linalg.eig(H)[0]
        print('alphanew: ', alphanew)
        inds = np.argsort(alphanew)
        alphanew = alphanew[inds]
        # indicates where pairs of complex conjugate poles occur
        auxarr = np.abs((np.abs(alphanew[:-1]) - np.abs(alphanew[1:])) / np.abs(alphanew[:-1]))
        auxarr2 = np.abs(alphanew.imag) > 1e-15 # np.abs(alphas.imag) > 1e-15
        pairs = np.logical_and(np.concatenate((auxarr < 1e-15, np.zeros(1, dtype=bool))), auxarr2)
        # find residues
        # compute matrix for residue calculation
        Anew = 1. / (s[:,None] + alphanew[None,:])
        for i, p in enumerate(pairs):
            if p:
                x1 = Anew[:,i] + Anew[:,i+1]
                x2 = 1j * (Anew[:,i] - Anew[:,i+1])
                Anew[:,i] = x1
                Anew[:,i+1] = x2
        Anew = np.concatenate((Anew.real, Anew.imag), axis=0)
        # compute residues
        c2dnew = np.zeros((arr2d.shape[0], deg), dtype=complex)
        for ind, arr in enumerate(arr2d):
            carr = np.concatenate((arr.real, arr.imag))
            cnew = la.lstsq(Anew, carr)[0]
            cnew = np.array(cnew, dtype=complex)
            # recast cnew to complex values
            for i, p in enumerate(pairs):
                if p:
                    cnew[i:i+2] = np.array([cnew[i] + 1j * cnew[i+1], cnew[i] - 1j * cnew[i+1]])
            c2dnew[ind,:] = cnew

        print('cnew: ', c2dnew)

        return alphanew, c2dnew, pairs

    def reduceSeries(self, s, y, a, c, pairs=None, rtol=1e-2, pprint=True):
        reduce the series of exponentials after the fitting
        k = 1; rms = 1.

        # ensure stability of approximation
        inds = np.where(a.real > 0.)[0]
        a = a[inds]; c = c[inds];
        if pairs is not None: pairs = pairs[inds]

        # construct indices for ranking the exponentials
        pairs_alltrue = copy.copy(pairs)
        for i,p in enumerate(pairs):
            if p: pairs_alltrue[i+1] = True
        magnitudes = np.zeros(a.shape)
        for i in range(len(pairs_alltrue)):
            if pairs_alltrue[i]:
                c_ = c[i].real; c__ = c[i].real
                a_ = a[i].real; a__ = a[i].real
                magnitudes[i] = (c_*a_ + c__*a__) / (a_**2 + a__**2)
                magnitudes[i] = c[i].real / a[i].real

        sortind = np.argsort(np.abs(magnitudes))[::-1]

        anew = copy.copy(a[sortind])
        alphas = anew
        cnew = copy.copy(c[sortind])
        gammas = cnew
        # look for pairs to be sure they are correct
        auxarr = np.abs((np.abs(alphas[:-1]) - np.abs(alphas[1:])) / np.abs(alphas[:-1]))
        auxarr2 = np.abs(alphas.imag) > 1e-15
        pairs = np.logical_and(np.concatenate((auxarr < 1e-15, np.zeros(1, dtype=bool))), auxarr2)
        npairs = copy.copy(pairs)

        approx = self.sumFExp(s, alphas, gammas)

        while rms > rtol and k < len(a)+1:
            if (pairs is not None) and pairs[k-1]:
                k += 1
            alphas = anew[0:k]
            gammas = cnew[0:k]

            auxarr = np.abs((np.abs(alphas[:-1]) - np.abs(alphas[1:])) / np.abs(alphas[:-1]))
            auxarr2 = np.abs(alphas.imag) > 1e-15
            npairs = np.logical_and(np.concatenate((auxarr < 1e-15, np.zeros(1, dtype=bool))), auxarr2)

            approx = self.sumFExp(s, alphas, gammas)
            rms = np.sqrt(((np.abs(approx-y) / np.max(np.abs(y)))**2).sum() / len(y))
            k += 1

        if pprint:
            pairinds = copy.copy(npairs)
            inds = np.where(npairs)[0]
            for i in inds:
                pairinds[i+1] = True
            inds = np.where(np.logical_not(pairinds))[0]
            if len(inds) > 0:
                if np.max(np.abs(alphas[inds].imag)) > 1e-6:
                    print('!!! Warning: invalid pairs !!!')
                    print('original alphas: ', anew)
                    print('original gammas: ', cnew)
                    print('original pairs: ', pairs)
                    print('new alphas: ', alphas)
                    print('new gammas: ', gammas)
                    print('new pairs: ', npairs)

        return alphas, gammas, rms, approx, npairs

    def _find_start_nodes(self, s, deg, realpoles, initpoles):
        if initpoles == 'lin':
            trialpoles = np.linspace(s[int(len(s)/2.)+1].imag, s[-1].imag, deg)
        elif initpoles == 'log10':
            trialpoles = np.logspace(1, np.log10(s[-1].imag), num=deg, base=10)
        elif initpoles == 'log':
            trialpoles = np.logspace(1, np.log(s[-1].imag), num=deg, base=math.e)
        elif initpoles == 'random':
            trialpoles = s[-1].imag * np.random.rand(deg)
            raise Exception('initpoles invalid')
        if realpoles:
            pairs = np.zeros(trialpoles.shape, dtype=bool)
            trialpoles = np.array([[tp + 1j*tp, tp - 1j*tp] for tp in trialpoles]).flatten()
            pairs = np.array([[True, False] for _ in range(deg)]).flatten()
        return trialpoles, pairs

    def _run_fit(self, s, y, trialpoles, pairs, rtol, maxiter, constrained, zerostart, pole_flip=True, pprint=True):
        performs iterations of the actual fitting process
        k = 0; rms = rtol+1.
        l = 0; m = 0

        alist = []; clist = []; rmslist = []; pairslist = []

        trialpoles_orig = copy.copy(trialpoles)
        pairs_orig = copy.copy(pairs)

        if constrained:
            while rms > rtol and k < maxiter:
                a, c, pairs = self.trialFunFit_constrained(s, y, trialpoles, pairs, zerostart=zerostart)
                approx = self.sumFExp(s, a, c)
                rms = np.sqrt(((np.abs(approx-y) / np.max(np.abs(y)))**2).sum() / len(y))
                # if unstable poles, make sure to run again
                # if np.min(a) < 0.:
                #     rms = rtol + 1.
                #     if m < 10.:
                #         if pole_flip:
                ind = np.where(a < 0.)[0] # where poles are unstable
                if len(ind) > 0:
                    a[ind] *= -1.
                    c = self.fit_residues(s, y, a, pairs)
                    approx = self.sumFExp(s, a, c)
                    rms = np.sqrt(((np.abs(approx-y) / np.max(np.abs(y)))**2).sum() / len(y))
                            # if rms < rtol:
                            #     alist.append(copy.deepcopy(a)); clist.append(copy.deepcopy(c)); rmslist.append(rms); pairslist.append(pairs)
                        # else:
                        #     ind = np.where(a > 0.)[0] # where poles are stable
                        #     newpole, newpair = self._find_start_nodes(s, len(a)-len(ind), True, 'random')
                        #     trialpoles = np.concatenate((a[ind], newpole))
                        #     pairs = np.concatenate((pairs[ind], newpair))
                    # else:
                    #     trialpoles, pairs = self._find_start_nodes(s, len(trialpoles_orig), True, 'random')
                    #     m = 0
                    # l += 1; m += 1
                # else:
                alist.append(copy.deepcopy(a)); clist.append(copy.deepcopy(c)); rmslist.append(rms); pairslist.append(pairs)
                trialpoles = copy.copy(a)
                k += 1
            if pprint and l > 5:
                print('Often found unstable poles (' + str(l) + ' times)')
            return alist, clist, rmslist, pairslist
            while rms > rtol and k < maxiter:
                a, c,_ = self.trialFunFit(s, y, trialpoles, zerostart)
                approx = self.sumFExp(s, a, c)
                rms = np.sqrt(((np.abs(approx-y) / np.max(np.abs(y)))**2).sum() / len(y))
                trialpoles = a
                k += 1
            return alist, clist, rmslist, None

    def _run_fit_vector(self, s, ys, trialpoles, pairs, rtol, maxiter):
        # eps = 2.
        # k = 0; rms = 1.
        # rms_ = rms

        # alist = []; clist = []; rmslist = []; pairslist = []

        # while rms > rtol and k < maxiter:

        #     a, c2d, pairs = self.trialFunFit_constrained_2d(s, ys, trialpoles, pairs)
        #     rms = 0.
        #     for ind, y in enumerate(ys):
        #         approx = self.sumFExp(s, a, c2d[ind])
        #         rms += np.sqrt(((np.abs(approx-y) / np.max(np.abs(y)))**2).sum() / len(y))
        #     alist.append(copy.deepcopy(a)); clist.append(copy.deepcopy(c2d)); rmslist.append(rms); pairslist.append(pairs)
        #     # randomize poles a bit
        #     skip = False
        #     tp = copy.deepcopy(a)
        #     if (rms_ - rms) / rms_ < eps:
        #         for i, p in enumerate(pairs):
        #             if not skip:
        #                 if p:
        #                     x1 = 0.1 * tp[i].real; x2 = 0.1 * np.abs(tp[i].imag)
        #                     r1 = x1 * (2. * np.random.rand() - 1); r2 = x2 * (2. * np.random.rand() - 1)
        #                     tp[i:i+2] = np.array([tp[i] + r1 + 1j*r2, tp[i+1] + r1 - 1j*r2])
        #                     skip = True
        #                 else:
        #                     x = 0.1 * tp[i]
        #                     r = x * (2. * np.random.rand() - 1)
        #                     tp[i] += r
        #                     skip = False
        #     trialpoles = tp
        #     k += 1
        #     rms_ = rms
        eps = 2.
        k = 0; rms = 1.
        rms_ = rms

        alist = []; clist = []; rmslist = []; pairslist = []

        while rms > rtol and k < maxiter:
            a2d = np.zeros((len(ys), len(trialpoles)), dtype=complex)
            c2d = np.zeros((len(ys), len(trialpoles)), dtype=complex)
            pairs2d = np.zeros((len(ys), len(trialpoles)), dtype=bool)
            for ind, y in enumerate(ys):
                a2d[ind], c2d[ind], pairs2d[ind] = self.trialFunFit_constrained(s, y, trialpoles, pairs)
                # put complex conjugates with positive part first
                for i, p in enumerate(pairs2d[ind]):
                    if p:
                        if a2d[ind,i] < 0:
                            a2d[ind,i] = a2d[ind,i].real - 1j * a2d[ind,i].imag
                            a2d[ind,i+1] = a2d[ind,i+1].real - 1j * a2d[ind,i+1].imag
                            c2d[ind,i] = c2d[ind,i].real - 1j * c2d[ind,i].imag
                            c2d[ind,i+1] = c2d[ind,i+1].real - 1j * c2d[ind,i+1].imag
            a, pairs = self._Kmeans(a2d, pairs2d)
            c2d = np.zeros((len(ys), len(a)), dtype=complex)
            for ind, y in enumerate(ys):
                c2d[ind] = self.fit_residues(s, y, a, pairs)
                approx = self.sumFExp(s, a, c2d[ind])
                rms += np.sqrt(((np.abs(approx-y) / np.max(np.abs(y)))**2).sum() / len(y))
            alist.append(copy.deepcopy(a)); clist.append(copy.deepcopy(c2d)); rmslist.append(rms); pairslist.append(pairs)
            # randomize poles a bit
            skip = False
            tp = copy.deepcopy(a)
            if (rms_ - rms) / rms_ < eps:
                for i, p in enumerate(pairs):
                    if not skip:
                        if p:
                            x1 = 0.1 * tp[i].real; x2 = 0.1 * np.abs(tp[i].imag)
                            r1 = x1 * (2. * np.random.rand() - 1); r2 = x2 * (2. * np.random.rand() - 1)
                            tp[i:i+2] = np.array([tp[i] + r1 + 1j*r2, tp[i+1] + r1 - 1j*r2])
                            skip = True
                            x = 0.1 * tp[i]
                            r = x * (2. * np.random.rand() - 1)
                            tp[i] += r
                            skip = False
            trialpoles = tp
            k += 1
        return alist, clist, rmslist, pairslist

    def _Kmeans(self, a2d, pairs2d):        # do the kmeans algorithm to make sure all nodes are the same
        a1d = np.array([], dtype=complex)
        for i, a in enumerate(a2d):
            # determine the coefficients not to take into account in the algorithm
            paux = np.concatenate((np.array([False]), pairs2d[i,:-1]))
            inds = np.where(np.logical_not(paux))[0]
            a1d = np.concatenate((a1d,a[inds]))
        adata = np.concatenate((a1d.real[:,None], a1d.imag[:,None]), 1)
        astart = np.concatenate((a2d[-1].real[inds][:,None], a2d[-1].imag[inds][:,None]), 1)
        a = kmeans(adata, astart)[0]
        # check for complex conjugates
        anew = []; pairsnew = []
        for alpha in a:
            if np.abs(alpha[1]) > 1e-9:
                anew.append(alpha[0] + 1j*alpha[1])
                anew.append(alpha[0] - 1j*alpha[1])
                anew.append(alpha[0] + 1j*0.)
        # a = a[:,0] + 1j* a[:,1]
        # look for pairs to be sure they are correct

        # auxarr = np.abs((np.abs(a[:-1]) - np.abs(a[1:])) / np.abs(a[:-1]))
        # auxarr2 = np.abs(a.imag) > 1e-15
        # pairs = np.logical_and(np.concatenate((auxarr < 1e-15, np.zeros(1, dtype=bool))), auxarr2)
        return np.array(anew), np.array(pairsnew)

    def reduceNumExp(self, s, y, a, c, pairs, lim=0.1, pprint=True, pplot=True):
        pools the short timescale exponentials
        # find inds of exponentials that have to be taken together
        inds = np.where(np.abs(a.real) > (1e3 / lim))[0]
        # the other indices stay the same
        inds_no = np.where(np.abs(a.real) <= (1e3 / lim))[0]
        anew = a[inds_no]; cnew = c[inds_no]; pairsnew = pairs[inds_no]
        if len(inds) > 1:
            amin = np.min(a[inds])
            EF = ExpFitter()
            if pplot == True:
                import matplotlib.pyplot as pl
                y_f_full = self.sumFExp(s, a, c)
                y_f_part = self.sumFExp(s, a[inds], c[inds])
                pl.figure('reduceNumExp problem')
                pl.plot(s.imag, y_f_full.real, 'r')
                pl.plot(s.imag, y_f_part.real, 'b')
                pl.plot(s.imag, y_f_full.imag, 'r--')
                pl.plot(s.imag, y_f_part.imag, 'b--')
            # multiple step approach
            t = np.linspace(0., 5./amin.real, 1000.)
            y_t = EF.sumExp(t, -a[inds], c[inds])
            y_t_full = EF.sumExp(t, -a, c)
            A_t = -np.sum(c[inds] * (np.exp(-a[inds]*t[-1]) - np.exp(-a[inds]*t[0])) / a[inds])
            y_t_lim = EF.sumExp(np.array([lim*1e-3]), -a[inds], c[inds])
            y_t_lim_full = EF.sumExp(np.array([lim*1e-3]), -a, c)
            #~ print 'full sum at 1ms: ', y_t_lim_full
            #~ print 'partial sum at 1ms: ', y_t_lim
            #~ print 'max full sum: ', np.max(y_t_full[1:])
            # fit first outside of first timestep if necessary
            if amin.real < (2e4 / lim) and np.abs(y_t_lim_full - y_t_lim) > 0.001 * np.max(y_t_full[1:]):
                t_out = np.linspace(lim*1e-3, 5./amin.real, 1000.)
                y_out = EF.sumExp(t_out, -a[inds], c[inds])
                A_out = -np.sum(c[inds] * (np.exp(-a[inds]*t_out[-1]) - np.exp(-a[inds]*t_out[0])) / a[inds])
                    # if the maximum of the to be grouped exponentials is past lim,
                    # we use two exponentials, otherwise one
                    #~ else:
                    A, C, _ = EF.fitExp(t_out, y_out, deg=1, rtol=0.0001, surface=True, A=A_out)
                    A = -A.real; C = C.real
                    Ptemp = [False]
                except ValueError:
                    A = np.array([amin.real])
                    C = A_out / ((np.exp(-A*t_out[-1]) - np.exp(-A*t_out[0])) / A)
                    Ptemp = [False]
                # check if we need to fit inside first timestep
                t_in = np.linspace(0., lim*1e-3, 100)
                y_in = EF.sumExp(t_in, -a[inds], c[inds]) - EF.sumExp(t_in, -A, C)
                A_in_full = -np.sum(c[inds] * (np.exp(-a[inds]*t_in[-1]) - np.exp(-a[inds]*t_in[0])) / a[inds])
                A_in = -np.sum(C * (np.exp(-A*t_in[-1]) - np.exp(-A*t_in[0])) / A)
                if np.abs(A_in - A_in_full) < 0.01 * np.abs(A_in_full):
                    # we don't need to fit an extra exponential,
                    # but just rescale surfaces a bit
                    A_tot = np.sum(c[inds] / a[inds])
                    A_part = np.sum(C / A)
                    C = C * A_tot / A_part
                    P = np.array(Ptemp, dtype=bool)
                    # we need to fit an extra exponential
                    t = np.linspace(0., 3./amin.real, 1000.)

                    A_t = np.sum(c[inds] / a[inds])
                    A_exp1 = np.sum(C / A)
                    A2 =  np.array([1e4 / lim], dtype=complex)
                    C2 =  (A_t-A_exp1) * A2

                    P = np.array(Ptemp + [False], dtype=bool)
                    A = np.concatenate((A, A2))
                    C = np.concatenate((C, C2))
                # we can just fit inside the first timestep
                # construct new exponential naively
                A = np.array([amin.real], dtype=complex)
                C = np.sum(c[inds] / a[inds]) * A
                P = np.array([False], dtype=bool)

            # concatenate the arrays
            anew = np.concatenate((anew, A))
            cnew = np.concatenate((cnew, C))
            pairsnew = np.concatenate((pairsnew, P))

            if pprint or pplot:
                t = np.linspace(0.,0.050,100000)
                A_original = - np.sum(c * (np.exp(-a*t[-1]) - np.exp(-a*t[0])) / a)
                A_new = - np.sum(cnew * (np.exp(-anew*t[-1]) - np.exp(-anew*t[0])) / anew)
                if np.abs(A_original - A_new) > 1e-12 or np.isnan(A_new.real):
                    print('!!! Warning: surfaces under kernels not equal !!!')
                    print('oringal surface: ', A_original)
                    print('new surface: ', A_new)
                    print('all a\'s: ', a)
                    print('all gamma\'s: ', c)
                    print('all pairs: ', pairs)
                    print('tbg a\'s: ', a[inds])
                    print('tbg gamma\'s: ', c[inds])
                    print('tbg pairs: ', pairs[inds])
                    print('ntbg a\'s: ', a[inds_no])
                    print('ntbg gamma\'s: ', c[inds_no])
                    print('ntbg pairs: ', pairs[inds_no])
                    print('new a\'s: ', anew)
                    print('new c\'s: ', cnew)
                    print('new pairss: ', pairsnew)

            if pplot and (np.abs(A_original - A_new) > 1e-12 or np.isnan(A_new.real)):
            #~ if pplot:
                t = np.linspace(0.,0.050,100000)
                dt = t[1] - t[0]
                ef = ExpFitter()
                se_ = ef.sumExp(t, -a[inds], c[inds])
                e_ = ef.sumExp(t, -A, C)
                se = ef.sumExp(t, -a, c)
                e = ef.sumExp(t, -anew, cnew)
                print('integral original reduced: ', - np.sum(c[inds] * (np.exp(-a[inds]*t[-1]) - np.exp(-a[inds]*t[0])) / a[inds]))
                print('integral fit reduced: ', - np.sum(C * (np.exp(-A*t[-1]) - np.exp(-A*t[0])) / A))
                print('final a\'s :', anew)
                print('new a\'s :', A)
                import matplotlib.pyplot as pl
                pl.figure('reduce_exp problem')
                pl.plot(t*1000, se, 'r', label='original kernel')
                pl.plot(t*1000, e, 'b', label='new kernel')
                pl.plot(t*1000, se_, 'r--', label='exps to be reduced')
                pl.plot(t*1000, e_, 'b--', label='to be reduced exp')

        # new approximation and rmse
        approx = self.sumFExp(s, anew, cnew)
        rms = np.sqrt(((np.abs(approx-y) / np.max(np.abs(y)))**2).sum() / len(y))

        return anew, cnew, rms, approx, pairsnew

    def fitFExp_increment(self, s, y, rtol=1e-2, maxiter=20, maxiter_step=3, realpoles=True, constrained=True, zerostart=False, pprint=True):

        # find the start nodes
        trialpoles, pairs = self._find_start_nodes(s, 1, realpoles, 'log10')

        for k in range(maxiter):
            alist, clist, rmslist, pairslist \
                    = self._run_fit(s, copy.copy(y), trialpoles, pairs, rtol, maxiter_step,
                                    constrained, zerostart, pole_flip=True, pprint=pprint)
            indmin = np.argmin(np.array(rmslist))
            alpha = alist[indmin]; gamma = clist[indmin]; rms = rmslist[indmin]; pairs = pairslist[indmin]
            if rms < rtol:
                if realpoles:
                    # alphanew = [s[-1].imag * np.random.rand()]
                    alphanew = [np.random.choice(1./s.imag)]
                    pairsnew = [False]
                    areal = s[-1].imag * np.random.rand()
                    aimag = s[-1].imag * np.random.rand()
                    alphanew = [areal + 1j*aimag, areal - 1j*aimag]
                    pairsnew = [True, False]
            trialpoles = np.array(alpha.tolist() + alphanew)
            # print trialpoles
            pairs = np.array(pairs.tolist() + pairsnew)
        rmsfinal = rms

        if pprint and rmsfinal > rtol:
            print('Target accuracy was not reached')

        return alpha, gamma, pairs, rmsfinal

    def fitFExp(self, s, y, deg=20, rtol=1e-2, maxiter=5, lim=None, realpoles=True, initpoles='lin',
                zerostart=False, constrained=True, reduce_numexp=False, return_real=False, lower_limit=None):
        Fits a function in fourrierspace by a series of fourrier transformed exponentials.

            [s]: numpy array of frequencies (imaginary) at which value function is evaluated
            [y]: numpy array of complex function values
            [deg]: int, number of exponential terms used (real number is dubbeled if realpoles=False)
            [rtol]: float, relative toleranse after which iterations stop
            [maxiter]: int, maximum number of iterations
            [lim]: float, smallest timescale to take into account [ms], if not None, the algorithm
                fits the slowest timescale first, then the next slowest, etc. !!Use only for
                decaying transfer functions!!
            [realpoles]: boolean, use real starting poles if true, use complex conjugate poles if
            [initpoles]: 'lin' for linearly spaced initial poles, 'log10' and 'log' for
                logarithmically spaced poles
            [zerostart]: boolean, constrain the function to be 0 at t=0 if true
            [constrained]: fix the poles to be complex conjugate pairs
            [reduce_numexp]: boolean, pool short time scale exponentials together if true
            [return_real]: boolean, fix the output to only contain real poles if true
            [lower_limit]: float, if not None, lower limit on the exponential prefactors

            [alpha]: numpy array of (complex) timescales of exponentials
            [gamma]: numpy array of complex magnitudes of exponentials
            [pairs]: boolean array that indicates True at every index where a complex
                conjugate pair occurs
            [rms]: float, root mean square error
        trialpoles, pairs = self._find_start_nodes(s, deg, realpoles, initpoles)

        if lim != None:
            a_s = []; c_s = []; pair_s = []
            y_decr = copy.copy(y)
            deg_decr = deg
            keep_going = True
            count = 0
            while keep_going:
                alist, clist, rmslist, pairslist = self._run_fit(s, y_decr, trialpoles, pairs, rtol, maxiter, constrained, zerostart)
                indmin = np.argmin(np.array(rmslist))
                anew, cnew, rmsnew, approx, pairsnew = self.reduceSeries(s, y_decr, alist[indmin], clist[indmin], pairs=pairslist[indmin], rtol=rtol)
                if count == 0:
                    # save parameters for later purposes
                    asave = copy.copy(anew)
                    csave = copy.copy(cnew)
                    rmssave = rmsnew
                    pairssave = pairsnew
                    surface_original = np.sum(cnew / anew)
                ind = []
                # take the longest timescale out
                if pairsnew[ind]:
                a_tba = anew[ind]
                c_tba = cnew[ind]
                pair_tba = pairsnew[ind]
                surface = np.sum(cnew / anew)
                y_old = copy.copy(y_decr)
                y_decr = self.sumFExp(s, anew, cnew) - self.sumFExp(s, anew[ind], cnew[ind])
                #~ deg_decr -= len(ind)
                trialpoles, pairs = self._find_start_nodes(s, deg_decr, True, initpoles)
                # stop if timescale is small enough
                if anew[ind][0] > 1e3 / (0.2*lim):
                    if len(ind) == 1:
                        c_tba = surface * a_tba
                    elif len(ind) == 2:
                        c_tba[0] = surface * (a_tba[0].real**2 + a_tba[0].imag**2) / (2.*a_tba[0].real)
                        c_tba[1] = c_tba[0]
                        raise ValueError('invalid array length')
                    keep_going = False
                # stop if rmse is small enough
                approx = self.sumFExp(s, a_tba, c_tba)
                rms = np.sqrt(((np.abs(approx-y) / np.max(np.abs(y)))**2).sum() / len(y))
                if rms < rtol:
                    keep_going = False
                # append new parameters to lists
                a_s += a_tba.tolist(); c_s += c_tba.tolist(); pair_s += pair_tba.tolist()
                # stop if to many parameters
                if count >= 9.:
                    keep_going = False
                count +=1

            # for returning
            alpha = np.array(a_s, dtype=complex); gamma = np.array(c_s, dtype=complex); pairs = np.array(pair_s, dtype=bool)
            approx = self.sumFExp(s, alpha, gamma)
            rms = np.sqrt(((np.abs(approx-y) / np.max(np.abs(y)))**2).sum() / len(y))
            # check whether it was better to go with the first parameters
            if len(asave) < len(alpha) and rmssave < rtol:
                alpha = asave; gamma = csave; pairs = pairssave
                approx = self.sumFExp(s, alpha, gamma)
                rms = np.sqrt(((np.abs(approx-y) / np.max(np.abs(y)))**2).sum() / len(y))
            surface_after = np.sum(gamma / alpha)
            if np.abs(surface_original - surface_after) > rtol * surface_original:
                print('surface original: ', surface_original)
                print('surface after: ', surface_after)
            if np.min(alpha.real) < 0.:
            alist, clist, rmslist, pairslist = self._run_fit(s, y, trialpoles, pairs, rtol, maxiter, constrained, zerostart)
            indmin = np.argmin(np.array(rmslist))
            alpha, gamma, rms, approx, pairs = self.reduceSeries(s, y, alist[indmin], clist[indmin], pairs=pairslist[indmin], rtol=rtol)
            if reduce_numexp:
                alpha, gamma, rms, approx, pairs = self.reduceNumExp(s, y ,alpha, gamma, pairs, pplot=False)

        if return_real:
            inds = np.where(np.roll(pairs, 1))[0]
            alpha_real = np.delete(alpha.real, inds)
            alpha = alpha_real + 0j
            pairs = np.zeros(alpha.size, dtype=bool)
            gamma = self.fit_residues(s, y, alpha, pairs)

        if lower_limit:
            inds = np.where(alpha.real < lower_limit)[0]
            alpha = np.delete(alpha, inds)
            pairs = np.delete(pairs, inds)
            gamma = self.fit_residues(s, y, alpha, pairs)

        return alpha, gamma, pairs, rms

    def fitFExp_vector(self, s, ys, deg=20, rtol=1e-2, maxiter=5, extra_startpoles=[], extra_startpoles_pairs=[],
                        realpoles=True, initpoles='lin', reduce_series=False):
        Fit multiple data-arrays in Fourrier-domain simultaneously with a shared set of nodes

            [s]: numpy array of complex number, frequencies of data
            [ys]: numpy ndarray of complex numbers, rows are different data-arrays
            [deg]: int, the starting number of nodes
            [rtol]: float, the relative tolercance at which to stop
            [maxiter]: int, the maximal number of iterations after which to stop when rtol
                is not reached
            [extra_startpoles]: numpy array of complex number, additional initial poles
            [extra_startpoles_pairs]: numpy bolean array, indicates complex conjugate pairs
                associated with the extra initial poles
            [realpoles]: boolean, if True the starting poles are real, if false the starting
                poles are complex conjugates (and then the real degree is 2*deg)
            [initpoles]: string specifying how the initial poles are distributed, choices are
                'lin', 'log' and 'log10'
            [reduce_series]: boolean, whether to delete expontentials of small influence after
                the fitting

            [alpha]: complex numpy array of exponential coefficients
            [gamma]: 2d complex numpy array, each row contains the residues corresponding to
                the respective data arrays
            [pairs]: boolean numpy array, indicates where a pair of complex conjugate
                exponentials occurs
            [rms]: float, aggregated root mean square error
        trialpoles, pairs = self._find_start_nodes(s, deg, realpoles, initpoles)
        if len(extra_startpoles) > 0:
            trialpoles = np.concatenate((trialpoles, extra_startpoles))
            pairs = np.concatenate((pairs, extra_startpoles_pairs))
        alist, clist, rmslist, pairslist = self._run_fit_vector(s, ys, trialpoles, pairs, rtol, maxiter)
        indmin = np.argmin(np.array(rmslist))
        if reduce_series:
            # reduce the number of exponentials for each function separately
            alpha_arr = np.array([], dtype=complex)
            rms = 0.
            for ind, c in enumerate(clist[indmin]):
                alpha, gamma, rms_ind, approx, pair = self.reduceSeries(s, ys[ind], alist[indmin], c, pairs=pairslist[indmin], rtol=rtol)
                rms += rms_ind
                alpha_arr = np.concatenate((alpha_arr, alpha))
            alpha_arr = np.unique(alpha_arr)
            # search positions of common alphas
            asortind = np.argsort(alist[indmin])
            alphapos = np.searchsorted(alist[indmin][asortind], alpha_arr)
            inds = asortind[alphapos]
            return alist[indmin][inds], clist[indmin][:,inds], pairslist[indmin][inds], rms
            return alist[indmin], clist[indmin], pairslist[indmin], rmslist[indmin]

def create_logspace_freqarray(fmax=7, base=10, num=200):
    a = np.logspace(1, fmax, num=num, base=base)
    b = np.linspace(-base, base, num=num//2 + 1)
    # b = np.linspace(-base, base, num=num/2+(num/2)%2)[:-1]
    return 1j * np.concatenate((-a[::-1], b[1:-1], a))

[docs]class FourrierTools(object): """ Performs an accurate Fourrier transform on functions evaluated at a given array of temporal grid points Parameters ---------- tarr: `np.array` of floats, the time points (ms) at which the function is evaluated, have to be regularly spaced fmax: float, optional (default ``7.``) the maximum value to which the logarithm is evaluated to get the maximum evaluation frequency base: float, optional (defaul ``10``) the base of the logarithm used to generated the logspace num: int, even, optional (default ``200``) Number of points. the eventual number of points in frequency space is (2+1/2)*num Attributes ---------- s: np.array of complex The frequencies at which input arrays in the Fourrier domain are supposed to be evaluated t: np.array of real The time array at which input arrays in the time domain are supposed to be evaluated ind_0s: int Index of the zero frequency component in `self.s` """ def __init__(self, tarr, fmax=7, base=10, num=200): assert num % 2 == 0 # create the frequency points at which to evaluate the transform self.s = create_logspace_freqarray(fmax=fmax, base=base, num=num) self.t = tarr self.ind_0s = len(self.s) // 2 # create the quadrature matrix self._setQuad() self._setQuadInv() def _setQuad(self): s = self.s t = self.t N = len(t) dt = (t[1] - t[0])*1e-3 c = np.zeros((len(s), N), dtype=complex) Nr = np.arange(1,N-1)[np.newaxis,:] sc = s[:,np.newaxis] mask_arr = np.abs(sc)>1e-12 # first frequency integral np.divide(np.exp(-sc*dt) - 1., -sc*dt, out=c[:,0:1], where=mask_arr) np.divide(-1. + c[:,0:1], -sc, out=c[:,0:1], where=mask_arr) c[np.where(np.logical_not(mask_arr))[0],0] = dt / 2. # middle integrals np.divide(np.exp(-sc*dt*(Nr+1)) - 2.*np.exp(-sc*dt*Nr) + np.exp(-sc*dt*(Nr-1)), sc**2 * dt, out=c[:,1:-1], where=mask_arr) c[np.where(np.logical_not(mask_arr))[0],1:-1] = dt # last frequency integral np.divide(np.exp(-sc*dt*N) - np.exp(-sc*dt*(N-1)), -sc*dt, out=c[:,N-1:N], where=mask_arr) np.divide(np.exp(-sc*dt*N) - c[:,N-1:N], -sc, out=c[:,N-1:N], where=mask_arr) c[np.where(np.logical_not(mask_arr))[0],N-1] = dt / 2. self.c = c def _setQuadInv(self): t = self.t[:,np.newaxis]*1e-3 s = self.s[np.newaxis,:] ic = np.zeros((len(self.t), len(self.s)), dtype=complex) mask_arr = np.abs(t)>1e-12 # compute integrals I1 = np.divide(np.exp(s[:,1:]*t) - np.exp(s[:,:-1]*t), 1j*t, out=np.zeros_like(ic[:,:-1]), where=mask_arr) I1[np.where(np.logical_not(mask_arr))[0],:] = (s[:,1:] - s[:,:-1]) / 1j I2_ = np.divide(np.exp(s[:,1:]*t) - np.exp(s[:,:-1]*t), 1j*t, out=np.zeros_like(ic[:,:-1]), where=mask_arr) # I2_[0,:] = s[:,1:] - s[:,:-1] / 1j I2 = np.divide((s[:,1:]-s[:,:-1]).imag * np.exp(s[:,1:]*t) - I2_, 1j*t, out=np.zeros_like(ic[:,:-1]), where=mask_arr) I2[0:1,:] = s[:,1:] * (s[:,1:] - s[:,:-1]) # compute matrix elements ic[:,0] = I1[:,0] - I2[:,0] / (s[:,1] - s[:,0]).imag ic[:,1:-1] = I1[:,1:] - I2[:,1:] / (s[:,2:] - s[:,1:-1]).imag + I2[:,:-1] / (s[:,1:-1] - s[:,:-2]).imag ic[:,-1] = I2[:,-1] / (s[:,-1] - s[:,-2]).imag self.ic = ic / (2.*np.pi)
[docs] def __call__(self, arr): """ Evaluate the Fourrier transform of `arr` Parameters ---------- arr: `np.array` Should have the same length as `self.t` Returns ------- s: `np.array` the frequency points at which the Fourrier transform is evaluated (in Hz) farr: `np.array` the Fourrier transform of `arr` """ farr =, arr) return self.s, farr
[docs] def ft(self, arr): """ Evaluate the Fourrier transform of `arr` Parameters ---------- arr: `np.array` Should have the same length as `self.t` Returns ------- s: `np.array` the frequency points at which the Fourrier transform is evaluated (in Hz) farr: `np.array` the Fourrier transform of `arr` """ return self(arr)
[docs] def ftInv(self, arr): """ Evaluate the inverse Fourrier transform of `arr` Parameters ---------- arr: `np.array` Should have the same length as `self.s` Returns ------- t: `np.array` the time points at which the inverse Fourrier transform is evaluated (in ms) tarr: `np.array` the Fourrier transform of `arr` """ tarr =, arr) return self.t, tarr
class expExtractor(object): def __call__(self, N=1, recalc=False, atol=5e-2, pprint=True): """ Fit a partial fraction decomposition to the obtained kernel in the frequency domain input: N (int): the number of exponenstials to use recalc (bool): whether to force a refit if a fit with the given N already exists atol (float): the tolerance, if the RMSE of the fit is higher and pprint is True a warning is printed pprint (bool): whether to print the warning output: kfit (dict): {'a': array of the exponental factors (1/tau), 'c': array of the coefficients, 'p': idicators whether or not a given exponential is part of a complex conjugate pair} """ if N not in self.kfit or recalc: FEF = fExpFitter() ak, ck, pk, rms = FEF.fitFExp(self.s_f, self.k_f, rtol=1e-2, deg=N, maxiter=20, initpoles='log10', realpoles=True, zerostart=False, constrained=True, reduce_numexp=False) ak *= 1e-3; #ck *= 1e-3 # convert units to ms # also try time domain approach if N < 10: EF = ExpFitter() if 'k_t' not in self.__dict__: k_t = EF.sumExp(self.tarr, -self.kfit[30]['a'], self.kfit[30]['c']) else: k_t = self.k_t ak_, ck_, rms_ = EF.PronyExpFit(N, self.tarr, k_t) ak_ = -ak_ pk_ = np.zeros(ak_.shape, dtype=bool) # go for the approach with the lowest error rms = np.sqrt(((k_t - EF.sumExp(self.tarr, -ak, ck))**2).sum() / len(k_t)) if rms > rms_: ak = ak_; ck = ck_; pk = pk_; rms = rms_ if rms > atol and pprint: print('No sane fit achieved for N=' + str(N)) print('RMSE:', rms) self.kfit[N] = {'a': ak, 'c': ck, 'p': pk} return self.kfit[N] def fit_vector(self, N, atol=5e-2, pprint=True, store=True): FEF = fExpFitter() ak, ck, pk, rms = FEF.fitFExp(self.s_f, self.k_f, rtol=1e-2, deg=N, maxiter=20, initpoles='log10', realpoles=True, zerostart=False, constrained=True, reduce_numexp=False) ak *= 1e-3; #ck *= 1e-3 # convert units to ms if rms > atol and pprint: print('No sane fit achieved for N=' + str(N)) print('RMSE:', rms) res = {'a': ak, 'c': ck, 'p': pk} if store: self.kfit[N] = res return res def fit_prony(self, N, atol=5e-2, pprint=True, store=True): EF = ExpFitter() if 'k_t' not in self.__dict__: k_t = EF.sumExp(self.tarr, -self.kfit[30]['a'], self.kfit[30]['c']) else: k_t = self.k_t ak, ck, rms = EF.PronyExpFit(N, self.tarr, k_t) ak *= -1. # ck *= 1e-3 pk = np.zeros(ak.shape, dtype=bool) if rms > atol and pprint: print('No sane fit achieved for N=' + str(N)) print('RMSE:', rms) res = {'a': ak, 'c': ck, 'p': pk} if store: self.kfit[N] = res return res def k_freq(self, N): self(N) FEF = fExpFitter() return FEF.sumFExp(self.s_f, self.kfit[N]['a']*1e3, self.kfit[N]['c']) def k_time(self, N): self(N) EF = ExpFitter() return EF.sumExp(self.tarr, -self.kfit[N]['a'], self.kfit[N]['c']) class IzExtractor(expExtractor): def __init__(self, Iz, yarr): self.tarr = Iz FT = FourrierTools(self.tarr) self.s_f, self.k_f = FT(yarr) # for storing kernel fit results self.kfit = {} # initial fit self(30) class simpleExpExtractor(expExtractor): def __init__(self, arr, tarr): dt = tarr[1] - tarr[0] self.tarr = tarr self.k_t = arr # create a smoothing window if arr hasn't gone to zero yet if arr[-1] > 1e-9: vwindow = np.cos((np.pi/2.)*(self.tarr/self.tarr[-1])) else: vwindow = np.ones(self.tarr.shape) # compute Fourrier transform FT = FourrierTools(self.tarr, fmax=np.log10(1./(dt*1e-3)), base=10., num=200) self.s_f, self.k_f = FT(self.k_t) # for storing kernel fit results self.kfit = {} # initial fit self(30) class kernelExtractor(expExtractor): """ This class computes the rescale kernel between the synapse in the dendrite and the synapse in the soma. input: vdend (numpy 1d array): the somatic voltage recording with the synapse in the dendrites vsoma (numpy 1d array): the somatic voltage recording with the synapse at the some vbase (numpy 1d array): the somatic voltage recording without the synapse time (numpy 1d array): the time array associated with the recordings attributes: vdend: somatic voltage from dendritic spike arrival onwards vsoma: somatic voltage from somatic spike arrival onwards vbase: somatic voltage without spike arrival vdend_: vdend - vbase vsoma_: vsoma - vbase s_f: frequency array vdend_f: fourier transform of vdend_ vdend_f: fourier transform of vdend_ k_f: kernel in the frequency domain """ def __init__(self, vdend, vsoma, vbase, time): # time step dt = time[1] - time[0] # voltage deviations from baseline vdend_ = vdend-vbase vsoma_ = vsoma-vbase # find when the spike arrives istart = np.where(vdend_ > 1e-9)[0][0] - 1. # time array PSP self.tarr = time[istart:] - istart*dt # full potentials after spike arrival self.vdend = vdend[istart:] self.vsoma = vsoma[istart:] self.vbase = vbase[istart:] # create a smoothing window if PSP hasn't gone to zero yet if vdend_[-1] > 1e-9: vwindow = np.cos((np.pi/2.)*(self.tarr/self.tarr[-1])) else: vwindow = np.ones(self.tarr.shape) # PSPs self.vdend_ = vdend_[istart:] * vwindow self.vsoma_ = vsoma_[istart:] * vwindow # fourrier transform FT = FourrierTools(self.tarr, fmax=np.log10(1./(dt*1e-3)), base=10., num=200) self.s_f, self.vdend_f = FT(self.vdend_) self.s_f, self.vsoma_f = FT(self.vsoma_) # compute the kernel self.k_f = self.vdend_f / self.vsoma_f # for storing kernel fit results self.kfit = {} # initial fit self(30) class expNReducer(expExtractor): def __init__(self, alphas, gammas): FEF = fExpFitter() # creat time array self.tarr = np.linspace(0.,100.,1e3) # create frequency array self.s_f = create_logspace_freqarray(fmax=7, base=10, num=200) # kernel in freqency domain self.k_f = FEF.sumFExp(self.s_f, -alphas*1e3, gammas*1e3) # for storing kernel fit results self.kfit = {} # initial fit self(30)