Source code for

import os
import time
import copy
import warnings

import numpy as np

from ....trees.morphtree import MorphLoc
from ....trees.phystree import PhysTree, PhysNode

    import neuron
    from neuron import h
except ModuleNotFoundError:
    warnings.warn('NEURON not available, importing non-functional h module only for doc generation', UserWarning)
    # universal iterable mock object
    class H(object):
        def __init__(self):

        def __getattr__(self,attr):
                return super(H, self).__getattr__(attr)
            except AttributeError:
                return self.__global_handler

        def __global_handler(self, *args, **kwargs):
            return H()

        def __iter__(self):  # make iterable
            return self

        def __next__(self):
            raise StopIteration

        def __mul__(self, other):  # make multipliable
            return 1.0

        def __rmul__(self, other):
            return self * other

        def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): # make callable
            return H()
    h = H()
    neuron = H()
    np_array = np.array
    def array(*args, **kwargs):
        if isinstance(args[0], H):
            return np.eye(2)
            return np_array(*args, **kwargs)
    np.array = array

h.load_file("stdlib.hoc") # contains the lambda rule
                            'x86_64/.libs/')) # load all mechanisms

class MechName(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.names = {'L': 'pas', 'ca': 'CaDyn'}

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        if key in self.names:
            return self.names[key]
            return 'I' + key
mechname = MechName()

class NeuronSimNode(PhysNode):
    def __init__(self, index, p3d=None):
        super().__init__(index, p3d)

    def _makeSection(self, factorlambda=1., pprint=False):
        compartment = h.Section(name=str(self.index))
        # create the compartment
        if self.index == 1:
            compartment.diam = 2. * self.R # um (NEURON takes diam=2*r)
            compartment.L = 2. * self.R    # um (to get correct surface)
            compartment.nseg = 1
            compartment.diam = 2. * self.R  # section radius [um] (NEURON takes diam = 2*r)
            compartment.L = self.L # section length [um]
            # set number of segments
            if type(factorlambda) == float:
                # nseg according to NEURON bookint
                compartment.nseg = int(((compartment.L / (0.1 * h.lambda_f(100.)) + 0.9) / 2.) * 2. + 1.) * int(factorlambda)
                compartment.nseg = factorlambda

        # set parameters = self.c_m # uF/cm^2
        compartment.Ra = self.r_a*1e6 # MOhm*cm --> Ohm*cm
        # insert membrane currents
        for key, current in self.currents.items():
            if current[0] > 1e-10:
                for seg in compartment:
                    exec('seg.' + mechname[key] + '.g = ' + str(current[0]) + '*1e-6') # uS/cm^2 --> S/cm^2
                    exec('seg.' + mechname[key] + '.e = ' + str(current[1])) # mV
        # insert concentration mechanisms
        for ion, params in self.concmechs.items():
            for seg in compartment:
                for param, value in params.items():
                    exec('seg.' + mechname[ion] + '.' + param + ' = ' + str(value))

        if pprint:
            print(('>>> compartment length = %.2f um'%compartment.L))
            print(('>>> compartment diam = %.2f um'%compartment.diam))
            print(('>>> compartment nseg = ' + str(compartment.nseg)))

        return compartment

    def _makeShunt(self, compartment):
        if self.g_shunt > 1e-10:
            shunt = h.Shunt(compartment(1.))
            shunt.g = self.g_shunt # uS
            shunt.e = self.e_eq    # mV
            return shunt
            return None

[docs]class NeuronSimTree(PhysTree): """ Tree class to define NEURON (Carnevale & Hines, 2004) based on `neat.PhysTree`. Attributes ---------- sections: dict of hoc sections Storage for hoc sections. Keys are node indices. shunts: list of hoc mechanisms Storage container for shunts syns: list of hoc mechanisms Storage container for synapses iclamps: list of hoc mechanisms Storage container for current clamps vclamps: lis of hoc mechanisms Storage container for voltage clamps vecstims: list of hoc mechanisms Storage container for vecstim objects netcons: list of hoc mechanisms Storage container for netcon objects vecs: list of hoc vectors Storage container for hoc spike vectors dt: float timestep of the simulator ``[ms]`` t_calibrate: float Time for the model to equilibrate``[ms]``. Not counted as part of the simulation. factor_lambda : int or float If int, the number of segments per section. If float, multiplies the number of segments given by the standard lambda rule (Carnevale, 2004) to give the number of compartments simulated (default value 1. gives the number given by the lambda rule) v_init: float The initial voltage at which the model is initialized ``[mV]`` A `NeuronSimTree` can be extended easily with custom point process mechanisms. Just make sure that you store the point process in an existing appropriate storage container or in a custom storage container, since if all references to the hocobject disappear, the object itself will be deleted as well. .. code-block:: python class CustomSimTree(NeuronSimTree): def addCustomPointProcessMech(self, loc, **kwargs): loc = MorphLoc(loc, self) # create the point process pp = h.custom_point_process(self.sections[loc['node']](loc['x'])) pp.arg1 = kwargs['arg1'] pp.arg2 = kwargs['arg2'] ... self.storage_container_for_point_process.append(pp) If you define a custom storage container, make sure that you overwrite the `__init__()` and `deleteModel()` functions to make sure it is created and deleted properly. """ def __init__(self, file_n=None, types=[1,3,4], factor_lambda=1., t_calibrate=0., dt=0.025, v_init=-75.): super().__init__(file_n=file_n, types=types) # neuron storage self.sections = {} self.shunts = [] self.syns = [] self.iclamps = [] self.vclamps = [] self.vecstims = [] self.netcons = [] self.vecs = [] # simulation parameters self.dt = dt # ms self.t_calibrate = t_calibrate # ms self.factor_lambda = factor_lambda self.v_init = v_init # mV self.indstart = int(t_calibrate / dt) def _createCorrespondingNode(self, node_index, p3d=None): """ Creates a node with the given index corresponding to the tree class. Parameters ---------- node_index: int index of the new node """ return NeuronSimNode(node_index, p3d=p3d)
[docs] def initModel(self, dt=0.025, t_calibrate=0., v_init=-75., factor_lambda=1., pprint=False): """ Initialize hoc-objects to simulate the neuron model implemented by this tree. Parameters ---------- dt: float (default is ``.025`` ms) Timestep of the simulation t_calibrate: float (default ``0.`` ms) The calibration time; time model runs without input to reach its equilibrium state before the true simulation starts v_init: float (default ``-75.`` mV) The initial voltage at which the model is initialized factor_lambda: float or int (default 1.) If int, the number of segments per section. If float, multiplies the number of segments given by the standard lambda rule (Carnevale, 2004) to give the number of compartments simulated (default value 1. gives the number given by the lambda rule) pprint: bool (default ``False``) Whether or not to print info on the NEURON model's creation """ self.t_calibrate = t_calibrate self.dt = dt self.indstart = int(self.t_calibrate / self.dt) self.v_init = v_init self.factor_lambda = factor_lambda # reset all storage self.deleteModel() # create the NEURON model self._createNeuronTree(pprint=pprint)
[docs] def deleteModel(self): ''' Delete all stored hoc-objects ''' # reset all storage self.sections = {} self.shunts = [] self.syns = [] self.iclamps = [] self.vclamps = [] self.vecstims = [] self.netcons = [] self.vecs = [] self.storeLocs([{'node': 1, 'x': 0.}], 'rec locs')
def _createNeuronTree(self, pprint): for node in self: # create the NEURON section compartment = node._makeSection(self.factor_lambda, pprint=pprint) # connect with parent section if not self.isRoot(node): compartment.connect(self.sections[node.parent_node.index], 1, 0) # store self.sections.update({node.index: compartment}) # create a static shunt shunt = node._makeShunt(compartment) if shunt is not None: self.shunts.append(shunt) # if pprint: # print(h.topology())
[docs] def addShunt(self, loc, g, e_r): """ Adds a static conductance at a given location Parameters ---------- loc: dict, tuple or :class:`neat.MorphLoc` The location of the shunt. g: float The conductance of the shunt (uS) e_r: float The reversal potential of the shunt (mV) """ loc = MorphLoc(loc, self) # create the shunt shunt = h.Shunt(self.sections[loc['node']](loc['x'])) shunt.g = g shunt.e = e_r # store the shunt self.shunts.append(shunt)
[docs] def addDoubleExpCurrent(self, loc, tau1, tau2): """ Adds a double exponential input current at a given location Parameters ---------- loc: dict, tuple or :class:`neat.MorphLoc` The location of the current. tau1: float Rise time of the current waveform (ms) tau2: float Decay time of the current waveform (ms) """ loc = MorphLoc(loc, self) # create the synapse syn = h.epsc_double_exp(self.sections[loc['node']](loc['x'])) syn.tau1 = tau1 syn.tau2 = tau2 # store the synapse self.syns.append(syn)
[docs] def addExpSynapse(self, loc, tau, e_r): """ Adds a single-exponential conductance-based synapse Parameters ---------- loc: dict, tuple or :class:`neat.MorphLoc` The location of the current. tau: float Decay time of the conductance window (ms) e_r: float Reversal potential of the synapse (mV) """ loc = MorphLoc(loc, self) # create the synapse syn = h.exp_AMPA_NMDA(self.sections[loc['node']](loc['x'])) syn.tau = tau syn.e = e_r # store the synapse self.syns.append(syn)
[docs] def addDoubleExpSynapse(self, loc, tau1, tau2, e_r): """ Adds a double-exponential conductance-based synapse Parameters ---------- loc: dict, tuple or :class:`neat.MorphLoc` The location of the current. tau1: float Rise time of the conductance window (ms) tau2: float Decay time of the conductance window (ms) e_r: float Reversal potential of the synapse (mV) """ loc = MorphLoc(loc, self) # create the synapse syn = h.Exp2Syn(self.sections[loc['node']](loc['x'])) syn.tau1 = tau1 syn.tau2 = tau2 syn.e = e_r # store the synapse self.syns.append(syn)
[docs] def addNMDASynapse(self, loc, tau, tau_nmda, e_r=0., nmda_ratio=1.7): """ Adds a single-exponential conductance-based synapse with an AMPA and an NMDA component Parameters ---------- loc: dict, tuple or :class:`neat.MorphLoc` The location of the current. tau: float Decay time of the AMPA conductance window (ms) tau_nmda: float Decay time of the NMDA conductance window (ms) e_r: float (optional, default ``0.`` mV) Reversal potential of the synapse (mV) nmda_ratio: float (optional, default 1.7) The ratio of the NMDA over AMPA component. Means that the maximum of the NMDA conductance window is ``nmda_ratio`` times the maximum of the AMPA conductance window. """ loc = MorphLoc(loc, self) # create the synapse syn = h.exp_AMPA_NMDA(self.sections[loc['node']](loc['x'])) syn.tau = tau syn.tau_NMDA = tau_nmda syn.e = e_r syn.NMDA_ratio = nmda_ratio # store the synapse self.syns.append(syn)
[docs] def addDoubleExpNMDASynapse(self, loc, tau1, tau2, tau1_nmda, tau2_nmda, e_r=0., nmda_ratio=1.7): """ Adds a double-exponential conductance-based synapse with an AMPA and an NMDA component Parameters ---------- loc: dict, tuple or :class:`neat.MorphLoc` The location of the current. tau1: float Rise time of the AMPA conductance window (ms) tau2: float Decay time of the AMPA conductance window (ms) tau1_nmda: float Rise time of the NMDA conductance window (ms) tau2_nmda: float Decay time of the NMDA conductance window (ms) e_r: float (optional, default ``0.`` mV) Reversal potential of the synapse (mV) nmda_ratio: float (optional, default 1.7) The ratio of the NMDA over AMPA component. Means that the maximum of the NMDA conductance window is ``nmda_ratio`` times the maximum of the AMPA conductance window. """ loc = MorphLoc(loc, self) # create the synapse syn = h.double_exp_AMPA_NMDA(self.sections[loc['node']](loc['x'])) syn.tau1 = tau1 syn.tau2 = tau2 syn.tau1_NMDA = tau1_nmda syn.tau2_NMDA = tau2_nmda syn.e = e_r syn.NMDA_ratio = nmda_ratio # store the synapse self.syns.append(syn)
[docs] def addIClamp(self, loc, amp, delay, dur): """ Injects a DC current step at a given lcoation Parameters ---------- loc: dict, tuple or :class:`neat.MorphLoc` The location of the current. amp: float The amplitude of the current (nA) delay: float The delay of the current step onset (ms) dur: float The duration of the current step (ms) """ loc = MorphLoc(loc, self) # create the current clamp iclamp = h.IClamp(self.sections[loc['node']](loc['x'])) iclamp.delay = delay + self.t_calibrate # ms iclamp.dur = dur # ms iclamp.amp = amp # nA # store the iclamp self.iclamps.append(iclamp)
[docs] def addSinClamp(self, loc, amp, delay, dur, bias, freq, phase): """ Injects a sinusoidal current at a given lcoation Parameters ---------- loc: dict, tuple or :class:`neat.MorphLoc` The location of the current. amp: float The amplitude of the current (nA) delay: float The delay of the current onset (ms) dur: float The duration of the current (ms) bias: float Constant baseline added to the sinusoidal waveform (nA) freq: float Frequency of the sinusoid (Hz) phase: float Phase of the sinusoid (rad) """ loc = MorphLoc(loc, self) # create the current clamp iclamp = h.SinClamp(self.sections[loc['node']](loc['x'])) iclamp.delay = delay + self.t_calibrate # ms iclamp.dur = dur # ms iclamp.pkamp = amp # nA iclamp.bias = bias # nA iclamp.freq = freq # Hz iclamp.phase = phase # rad # store the iclamp self.iclamps.append(iclamp)
[docs] def addOUClamp(self, loc, tau, mean, stdev, delay, dur, seed=None): """ Injects a Ornstein-Uhlenbeck current at a given lcoation Parameters ---------- loc: dict, tuple or :class:`neat.MorphLoc` The location of the current. tau: float Time-scale of the OU process (ms) mean: float Mean of the OU process (nA) stdev: float Standard deviation of the OU process (nA) delay: float The delay of current onset from the start of the simulation (ms) dur: float The duration of the current input (ms) seed: int, optional Seed for the random number generator """ seed = np.random.randint(1e16) if seed is None else seed loc = MorphLoc(loc, self) # create the current clamp if tau > 1e-9: iclamp = h.OUClamp(self.sections[loc['node']](loc['x'])) iclamp.tau = tau else: iclamp = h.WNclamp(self.sections[loc['node']](loc['x'])) iclamp.mean = mean # nA iclamp.stdev = stdev # nA iclamp.delay = delay + self.t_calibrate # ms iclamp.dur = dur # ms iclamp.seed_usr = seed # ms iclamp.dt_usr = self.dt # ms # store the iclamp self.iclamps.append(iclamp)
[docs] def addOUconductance(self, loc, tau, mean, stdev, e_r, delay, dur, seed=None): """ Injects a Ornstein-Uhlenbeck conductance at a given location Parameters ---------- loc: dict, tuple or :class:`neat.MorphLoc` The location of the conductance. tau: float Time-scale of the OU process (ms) mean: float Mean of the OU process (uS) stdev: float Standard deviation of the OU process (uS) e_r: float Reversal of the current (mV) delay: float The delay of current onset from the start of the simulation (ms) dur: float The duration of the current input (ms) seed: int, optional Seed for the random number generator """ seed = np.random.randint(1e16) if seed is None else seed loc = MorphLoc(loc, self) # create the current clamp iclamp = h.OUConductance(self.sections[loc['node']](loc['x'])) iclamp.tau = tau iclamp.mean = mean # uS iclamp.stdev = stdev # uS iclamp.e_r = e_r # mV iclamp.delay = delay + self.t_calibrate # ms iclamp.dur = dur # ms iclamp.seed_usr = seed # ms iclamp.dt_usr = self.dt # ms # store the iclamp self.iclamps.append(iclamp)
[docs] def addOUReversal(self, loc, tau, mean, stdev, g_val, delay, dur, seed=None): seed = np.random.randint(1e16) if seed is None else seed loc = MorphLoc(loc, self) # create the current clamp iclamp = h.OUReversal(self.sections[loc['node']](loc['x'])) iclamp.tau = tau # ms iclamp.mean = mean # mV iclamp.stdev = stdev # mV iclamp.g = g_val # uS iclamp.delay = delay + self.t_calibrate # ms iclamp.dur = dur # ms iclamp.seed_usr = seed # ms iclamp.dt_usr = self.dt # ms # store the iclamp self.iclamps.append(iclamp)
[docs] def addVClamp(self, loc, e_c, dur): """ Adds a voltage clamp at a given location Parameters ---------- loc: dict, tuple or :class:`neat.MorphLoc` The location of the conductance. e_c: float The clamping voltage (mV) dur: float, ms The duration of the voltage clamp """ loc = MorphLoc(loc, self) # add the voltage clamp vclamp = h.SEClamp(self.sections[loc['node']](loc['x'])) = 0.01 vclamp.dur1 = dur vclamp.amp1 = e_c # store the vclamp self.vclamps.append(vclamp)
# def addRecLoc(self, loc): # self.addLoc(loc, 'rec locs')
[docs] def setSpikeTrain(self, syn_index, syn_weight, spike_times): """ Each hoc point process that receive spikes through should by appended to the synapse stack (stored under the list `self.syns`). Default :class:`NeuronSimTree` point processes that are added to `self.syns` are: - `self.addDoubleExpCurrent()` - `self.addExpSyn()` - `self.addDoubleExpSyn()` - `self.addDoubleExpSyn()` - `self.addNMDASynapse()` - `self.addDoubleExpNMDASynapse()` With this function, these synapse can be set to receive a specific spike train. Parameters ---------- syn_index: int index of the point process in the synapse stack syn_weight: float weight of the synapse (maximal value of the conductance window) spike_times: list or `np.array` of floats the spike times """ # add spiketrain spks = np.array(spike_times) + self.t_calibrate spks_vec = h.Vector(spks.tolist()) vecstim = h.VecStim() netcon = h.NetCon(vecstim, self.syns[syn_index], 0, self.dt, syn_weight) # store the objects self.vecs.append(spks_vec) self.vecstims.append(vecstim) self.netcons.append(netcon)
[docs] def run(self, t_max, downsample=1, record_from_syns=False, record_from_iclamps=False, record_from_vclamps=False, record_from_channels=False, record_v_deriv=False, record_concentrations=[], pprint=False): """ Run the NEURON simulation. Records at all locations stored under the name 'rec locs' on `self` (see `MorphTree.storeLocs()`) Parameters ---------- t_max: float Duration of the simulation downsample: int (> 0) Records the state of the model every `downsample` time-steps record_from_syns: bool (default ``False``) Record currents of synapstic point processes (in `self.syns`). Accessible as `np.ndarray` in the output dict under key 'i_syn' record_from_iclamps: bool (default ``False``) Record currents of iclamps (in `self.iclamps`) Accessible as `np.ndarray` in the output dict under key 'i_clamp' record_from_vclamps: bool (default ``False``) Record currents of vclamps (in `self.vclamps`) Accessible as `np.ndarray` in the output dict under key 'i_vclamp' record_from_channels: bool (default ``False``) Record channel state variables from `neat` defined channels in `self`, at locations stored under 'rec locs' Accessible as `np.ndarray` in the output dict under key 'chan' record_v_deriv: bool (default ``False``) Record voltage derivative at locations stored under 'rec locs' Accessible as `np.ndarray` in the output dict under key 'dv_dt' record_from_concentrations: bool (default ``False``) Record ion concentration at locations stored under 'rec locs' Accessible as `np.ndarray` in the output dict with as key the ion's name Returns ------- dict Dictionary with the results of the simulation. Contains time and voltage as `np.ndarray` at locations stored under the name ' rec locs', respectively with keys 't' and 'v_m'. Also contains traces of other recorded variables if the option to record them was set to ``True`` """ assert isinstance(downsample, int) and downsample > 0 # simulation time recorder res = {'t': h.Vector()} res['t'].record(h._ref_t) # voltage recorders res['v_m'] = [] for loc in self.getLocs('rec locs'): res['v_m'].append(h.Vector()) res['v_m'][-1].record(self.sections[loc['node']](loc['x'])._ref_v) # synapse current recorders if record_from_syns: res['i_syn'] = [] for syn in self.syns: res['i_syn'].append(h.Vector()) res['i_syn'][-1].record(syn._ref_i) # current clamp current recorders if record_from_iclamps: res['i_clamp'] = [] for iclamp in self.iclamps: res['i_clamp'].append(h.Vector()) res['i_clamp'][-1].record(iclamp._ref_i) # voltage clamp current recorders if record_from_vclamps: res['i_vclamp'] = [] for vclamp in self.vclamps: res['i_vclamp'].append(h.Vector()) res['i_vclamp'][-1].record(vclamp._ref_i) # channel state variable recordings if record_from_channels: res['chan'] = {} channel_names = self.getChannelsInTree() for channel_name in channel_names: res['chan'][channel_name] = {str(var): [] for var in self.channel_storage[channel_name].statevars} for loc in self.getLocs('rec locs'): for ind, varname in enumerate(self.channel_storage[channel_name].statevars): var = str(varname) # assure xcoordinate is refering to proper neuron section (not endpoint) xx = loc['x'] if xx < 1e-3: xx += 1e-3 elif xx > 1. - 1e-3: xx -= 1e-3 # create the recorder try: rec = h.Vector() exec('rec.record(self.sections[loc[0]](xx).' + mechname[channel_name] + '._ref_' + str(var) +')') res['chan'][channel_name][var].append(rec) except AttributeError: # the channel does not exist here res['chan'][channel_name][var].append([]) if len(record_concentrations) > 0: for c_ion in record_concentrations: res[c_ion] = [] for loc in self.getLocs('rec locs'): res[c_ion].append(h.Vector()) exec('res[c_ion][-1].record(self.sections[loc[\'node\']](loc[\'x\'])._ref_' + c_ion + 'i)') # record voltage derivative if record_v_deriv: res['dv_dt'] = [] for ii, loc in enumerate(self.getLocs('rec locs')): res['dv_dt'].append(h.Vector()) # res['dv_dt'][-1].deriv(res['v_m'][ii], self.dt) # initialize # neuron.celsius=37. h.finitialize(self.v_init) h.dt = self.dt # simulate if pprint: print('>>> Simulating the NEURON model for ' + str(t_max) + ' ms. <<<') start = time.process_time() + self.t_calibrate) stop = time.process_time() if pprint: print('>>> Elapsed time: ' + str(stop-start) + ' seconds. <<<') runtime = stop-start # compute derivative if 'dv_dt' in res: for ii, loc in enumerate(self.getLocs('rec locs')): res['dv_dt'][ii].deriv(res['v_m'][ii], h.dt, 2) res['dv_dt'][ii] = np.array(res['dv_dt'][ii])[self.indstart:][::downsample] res['dv_dt'] = np.array(res['dv_dt']) # cast recordings into numpy arrays res['t'] = np.array(res['t'])[self.indstart:][::downsample] - self.t_calibrate for key in set(res.keys()) - {'t', 'chan', 'dv_dt'}: if key in res and len(res[key]) > 0: res[key] = np.array([np.array(reslist)[self.indstart:][::downsample] \ for reslist in res[key]]) if key in ('i_syn', 'i_clamp', 'i_vclamp'): res[key] *= -1. # cast channel recordings into numpy arrays if 'chan' in res: for channel_name in channel_names: channel = self.channel_storage[channel_name] for ind0, varname in enumerate(channel.statevars): var = str(varname) for ind1 in range(len(self.getLocs('rec locs'))): res['chan'][channel_name][var][ind1] = \ np.array(res['chan'][channel_name][var][ind1])[self.indstart:][::downsample] if len(res['chan'][channel_name][var][ind1]) == 0: res['chan'][channel_name][var][ind1] = np.zeros_like(res['t']) res['chan'][channel_name][var] = \ np.array(res['chan'][channel_name][var]) # compute P_open # sv = np.zeros((len(channel.statevars), len(self.getLocs('rec locs')), len(res['t']))) sv = {} for varname in channel.statevars: var = str(varname) sv[var] = res['chan'][channel_name][var] res['chan'][channel_name]['p_open'] = channel.computePOpen(res['v_m'], **sv) return res
[docs] def calcEEq(self, t_dur=100., set_e_eq=True): """ Compute the equilibrium potentials in the middle (``x=0.5``) of each node. Parameters ---------- t_dur: float (optional, default ``100.`` ms) The duration of the simulation set_e_eq: bool (optional, default ``True``) Store the equilibrium potential as the ``PhysNode.e_eq`` attribute """ self.initModel(dt=self.dt, t_calibrate=self.t_calibrate, v_init=self.v_init, factor_lambda=self.factor_lambda) self.storeLocs([(n.index, 0.5) for n in self], name='rec locs') res = v_eq = res['v_m'][:-1] if set_e_eq: for (node, e) in zip(self, v_eq): node.setEEq(e_eq) return v_eq
def calcImpedanceMatrix(self, locarg, i_amp=0.001, t_dur=100., pplot=False): if isinstance(locarg, list): locs = [MorphLoc(loc, self) for loc in locarg] elif isinstance(locarg, str): locs = self.getLocs(locarg) else: raise IOError('`locarg` should be list of locs or string') z_mat = np.zeros((len(locs), len(locs))) for ii, loc0 in enumerate(locs): for jj, loc1 in enumerate(locs): self.initModel(dt=self.dt, t_calibrate=self.t_calibrate, v_init=self.v_init, factor_lambda=self.factor_lambda) self.addIClamp(loc0, i_amp, 0., t_dur) self.storeLocs([loc0, loc1], 'rec locs', warn=False) # simulate res = # voltage deflections # v_trans = res['v_m'][1][-int(1./self.dt)] - self[loc1['node']].e_eq v_trans = res['v_m'][1][-int(1./self.dt)] - res['v_m'][1][0] # compute impedances z_mat[ii, jj] = v_trans / i_amp if pplot: import matplotlib.pyplot as pl pl.figure() pl.plot(res['t'], res['v_m'][1]) return z_mat def calcImpedanceKernelMatrix(self, locarg, i_amp=0.001, dt_pulse=0.1, t_max=100.): tk = np.arange(0., t_max, self.dt) if isinstance(locarg, list): locs = [MorphLoc(loc, self) for loc in locarg] elif isinstance(locarg, str): locs = self.getLocs(locarg) else: raise IOError('`locarg` should be list of locs or string') zk_mat = np.zeros((len(tk), len(locs), len(locs))) for ii, loc0 in enumerate(locs): for jj, loc1 in enumerate(locs): loc1 = locs[jj] self.initModel(dt=self.dt, t_calibrate=self.t_calibrate, v_init=self.v_init, factor_lambda=self.factor_lambda) self.addIClamp(loc0, i_amp, 0., dt_pulse) self.storeLocs([loc0, loc1], 'rec locs', warn=False) # simulate res = # voltage deflections v_trans = res['v_m'][1][1:] - self[loc1['node']].e_eq # compute impedances zk_mat[:, ii, jj] = v_trans / (i_amp * dt_pulse) return tk, zk_mat
class NeuronCompartmentNode(NeuronSimNode): def __init__(self, index): super().__init__(index) def getChildNodes(self, skip_inds=[]): return super().getChildNodes(skip_inds=skip_inds) def _makeSection(self, pprint=False): compartment = neuron.h.Section(name=str(self.index)) compartment.push() # create the compartment if 'points_3d' in self.content: points = self.content['points_3d'] h.pt3dadd(*points[0], sec=compartment) h.pt3dadd(*points[1], sec=compartment) h.pt3dadd(*points[2], sec=compartment) h.pt3dadd(*points[3], sec=compartment) else: compartment.diam = 2. * self.R # section radius [um] (NEURON takes diam = 2*r) compartment.L = self.L # section length [um] # set number of segments to one compartment.nseg = 1 # set parameters = self.c_m # uF/cm^2 compartment.Ra = self.r_a*1e6 # MOhm*cm --> Ohm*cm # insert membrane currents for key, current in self.currents.items(): if current[0] > 1e-10: compartment.insert(mechname[key]) for seg in compartment: exec('seg.' + mechname[key] + '.g = ' + str(current[0]) + '*1e-6') # uS/cm^2 --> S/cm^2 exec('seg.' + mechname[key] + '.e = ' + str(current[1])) # mV # insert concentration mechanisms for ion, params in self.concmechs.items(): compartment.insert(mechname[ion]) for seg in compartment: for param, value in params.items(): exec('seg.' + mechname[ion] + '.' + param + ' = ' + str(value)) h.pop_section() if pprint: print(self) print(('>>> compartment length = %.2f um'%compartment.L)) print(('>>> compartment diam = %.2f um'%compartment.diam)) print(('>>> compartment nseg = ' + str(compartment.nseg))) return compartment
[docs]class NeuronCompartmentTree(NeuronSimTree): """ Subclass of `NeuronSimTree` where sections are defined so that they are effectively single compartments. Should be created from a `neat.CompartmentTree` using `neat.createReducedCompartmentModel()` """ def __init__(self, t_calibrate=0., dt=0.025, v_init=-75.): super().__init__(file_n=None, types=[1,3,4], t_calibrate=t_calibrate, dt=dt, v_init=v_init) # redefinition of bunch of standard functions to not include skip inds by default def __getitem__(self, index, skip_inds=[]): return super().__getitem__(index, skip_inds=skip_inds) def getNodes(self, recompute_flag=0, skip_inds=[]): return super().getNodes(recompute_flag=recompute_flag, skip_inds=skip_inds) def __iter__(self, node=None, skip_inds=[]): return super().__iter__(node=node, skip_inds=skip_inds) def _findNode(self, node, index, skip_inds=[]): return super()._findNode(node, index, skip_inds=skip_inds) def _gatherNodes(self, node, node_list=[], skip_inds=[]): return super()._gatherNodes(node, node_list=node_list, skip_inds=skip_inds) def _createCorrespondingNode(self, node_index): """ Creates a node with the given index corresponding to the tree class. Parameters ---------- node_index: int index of the new node """ return NeuronCompartmentNode(node_index) def _createNeuronTree(self, pprint): for node in self: # create the NEURON section compartment = node._makeSection(pprint=pprint) # connect with parent section if not self.isRoot(node): compartment.connect(self.sections[node.parent_node.index], 0.5, 0) # store self.sections.update({node.index: compartment}) # create a static shunt shunt = node._makeShunt(compartment) if shunt is not None: self.shunts.append(shunt)
[docs]def createReducedNeuronModel(ctree, fake_c_m=1., fake_r_a=100.*1e-6, method=2): """ Creates a `neat.NeuronCompartmentTree` to simulate reduced compartmentment models from a `neat.CompartmentTree`. Parameters ---------- ctree: `neat.CompartmentTree` The tree containing the parameters of the reduced compartmental model to be simulated Returns ------- `neat.NeuronCompartmentTree` Notes ----- The function `ctree.getEquivalentLocs()` can be used to obtain 'fake' locations corresponding to each compartment, which in turn can be used to insert hoc point process at the compartments using the same functions definitions as for as for a morphological `neat.NeuronSimTree` """ # calculate geometry that will lead to correct constants arg1, arg2 = ctree.computeFakeGeometry(fake_c_m=fake_c_m, fake_r_a=fake_r_a, factor_r_a=1e-6, delta=1e-10, method=method) if method == 1: points = arg1; surfaces = arg2 sim_tree = ctree.__copy__(new_tree=NeuronCompartmentTree()) for ii, comp_node in enumerate(ctree): pts = points[ii] sim_node = sim_tree.__getitem__(comp_node.index, skip_inds=[]) sim_node.setP3D(np.array(pts[0][:3]), (pts[0][3] + pts[-1][3]) / 2., 3) # fill the tree with the currents for ii, sim_node in enumerate(sim_tree): comp_node = ctree[ii] sim_node.currents = {chan: [g / surfaces[comp_node.index], e] \ for chan, (g, e) in comp_node.currents.items()} sim_node.concmechs = copy.deepcopy(comp_node.concmechs) for concmech in sim_node.concmechs.values(): concmech.gamma *= surfaces[comp_node.index] sim_node.c_m = fake_c_m sim_node.r_a = fake_r_a sim_node.content['points_3d'] = points[comp_node.index] elif method == 2: lengths = arg1 ; radii = arg2 surfaces = 2. * np.pi * radii * lengths sim_tree = ctree.__copy__(new_tree=NeuronCompartmentTree()) for ii, comp_node in enumerate(ctree): sim_node = sim_tree.__getitem__(comp_node.index, skip_inds=[]) if sim_tree.isRoot(sim_node): sim_node.setP3D(np.array([0.,0.,0.]), radii[ii]*1e4, 1) else: sim_node.setP3D(np.array([[0]+lengths[ii]*1e4, 0., 0.]), radii[ii]*1e4, 3) # fill the tree with the currents for ii, sim_node in enumerate(sim_tree): comp_node = ctree[ii] sim_node.currents = {chan: [g / surfaces[comp_node.index], e] \ for chan, (g, e) in comp_node.currents.items()} sim_node.concmechs = copy.deepcopy(comp_node.concmechs) for concmech in sim_node.concmechs.values(): concmech.gamma *= surfaces[comp_node.index] sim_node.c_m = fake_c_m sim_node.r_a = fake_r_a sim_node.R = radii[comp_node.index]*1e4 # convert to [um] sim_node.L = lengths[comp_node.index]*1e4 # convert to [um] return sim_tree