
CompartmentTree.computeGMC(z_mat_arg, e_eqs=None, channel_names=['L'])[source]

Fit the models’ membrane and coupling conductances to a given steady state impedance matrix.

  • z_mat_arg (np.ndarray (ndim = 2, dtype = float or complex) or) – list of np.ndarray (ndim = 2, dtype = float or complex) If a single array, represents the steady state impedance matrix, If a list of arrays, represents the steady state impedance matrices for each equilibrium potential in e_eqs

  • e_eqs (np.ndarray (ndim = 1, dtype = float) or float) – The equilibirum potentials in each compartment for each evaluation of z_mat

  • channel_names (list of string (defaults to ['L'])) – Names of the ion channels that have been included in the impedance matrix calculation and for whom the conductances are fit. Default is only leak conductance