Source code for neat.trees.stree

File contains:

    - `neat.SNode`
    - `neat.STree`

Authors: B. Torben-Nielsen (legacy code), W. Wybo

import numpy as np

import warnings
import copy
from collections import Counter
from functools import reduce

[docs]class SNode(object): """ Simple Node for use with a simple Tree (`neat.STree`) Parameters ---------- index: int index of the node Attributes ---------- index: int index of the node parent_node: `neat.SNode` or ``None`` parent of node, ``None`` means node is root child_nodes: list of `neat.SNode` child nodes of ``self``, empty list means node is leaf content: dict arbitrary items can be stored at the node """ def __init__(self, index): self.index = index self._parent_node = None self._child_nodes = [] self._content = {} def getParentNode(self): return self._parent_node def setParentNode(self, parent_node): self._parent_node = parent_node parent_node = property(getParentNode, setParentNode) def getChildNodes(self, **kwargs): return self._child_nodes def setChildNodes(self, cnodes): self._child_nodes = cnodes child_nodes = property(getChildNodes, setChildNodes) def addChild(self, child_node): self._child_nodes.append(child_node) def getContent(self): return self._content def setContent(self, content): if isinstance(content, dict): self._content = content else : raise Exception("SNode.setContent must receive a dict") content = property(getContent, setContent) def makeEmpty(self): ''' Remove content and references to parent and child nodes ''' self._parent_node = None self._content = None self._child_nodes = [] def removeChild(self, child_node): ''' Remove a single child node Parameters ---------- child_node: `neat.SNode` child node to be removed ''' self._child_nodes.remove(child_node) def __getitem__(self, key): return self._content[key] def __setitem__(self, key, value): self._content[key] = value def __str__(self, with_parent=False, with_children=False): node_string = 'SNode ' + str(self.index) if with_parent: node_string += ', Parent: ' + str(self.parent_node) if with_children: node_string += ', Children:' + \ str([str(cnode) for cnode in self.child_nodes]) return node_string def __copy__(self, new_node=None): """ experimental, untested """ if new_node is None: # new_node = self.__class__(self.index) for child in self._child_nodes : ret.addChild(child) try: ret.content = self.content except AttributeError: # no content variable set pass ret.setParentNode(self._parent_node) else: orig_keys = set(self.__dict__.keys()) - {'_parent_node', '_child_nodes'} copy_keys = orig_keys.intersection(set(new_node.__dict__.keys())) for key in copy_keys: new_node.__dict__[key] = copy.deepcopy(self.__dict__[key]) return new_node
[docs]class STree(object): """ A simple tree for use with a simple Node (`neat.SNode`). Generic implementation of a tree structure as a linked list extended with some convenience functions Parameters ---------- root: `neat.SNode`, optional The root of the tree, default is ``None`` which creates an empty tree Attributes ---------- root: `neat.SNode` The root of the tree """ def __init__(self, root=None): """ Initialize an empty tree by default """ if root is not None: self.root = root else: self._root = None
[docs] def __getitem__(self, index, **kwargs): """ Returns the node with given index, if no such node is in the tree, None is returned. Parameters ---------- index: int the index of the node to be found Returns ------- `neat.SNode` or None """ return self._findNode(self.root, index)
def _findNode(self, node, index): """ Sweet breadth-first/stack iteration to replace the recursive call. Traverses the tree until it finds the node you are looking for. Returns SNode when found and None when not found Parameters ---------- node: `neat.SNode` (optional) node where the search is started index: int the index of the node to be found Returns ------- `neat.SNode` """ stack = []; stack.append(node) while len(stack) != 0: for cnode in stack: if cnode.index == index: return cnode else: stack.remove(cnode) stack.extend(cnode.getChildNodes()) return None # Not found!
[docs] def __len__(self, node=None): """ Return the number of nodes in the tree. If an input node is specified, the number of nodes in the subtree of the input node is returned Parameters ---------- node: `neat.SNode` (optional) The starting node. Defaults to root Returns ------- int """ self._node_count = 0 for node in self.__iter__(node=node): self._node_count += 1 return self._node_count
[docs] def __iter__(self, node=None, **kwargs): """ Iterate over the nodes in the subtree of the given node. Beware, if the given node is not in the tree, it will simply iterate over the subtree of the given node. Parameters ---------- node: `neat.SNode` (optional) The starting node. Defaults to the root """ if node is None: node = self.root if node is not None: yield node if node is not None: for cnode in node.getChildNodes(): for inode in self.__iter__(cnode): yield inode
[docs] def __str__(self, node=None): """ Generate a string of the subtree of the given node. Beware, if the given node is not in the tree, it will simply iterate over the subtree of the given node. Parameters ---------- node: `neat.SNode` (optional) The starting node. Defaults to the root """ if node is None: node = self.root tree_string = '>>> Tree' for iternode in self.__iter__(node): tree_string += '\n ' + iternode.__str__(with_parent=True) return tree_string
[docs] def checkOrdered(self): """ Check if the indices of the tree are number in the same order as they appear in the iterator """ return list(range(len(self))) == [node.index for node in self]
[docs] def getNodes(self, recompute_flag=1): """ Build a list of all the nodes in the tree Parameters ---------- recompute_flag: bool whether or not to re-evaluate the node list Returns ------- list of :class:`Snode` """ if not hasattr(self, '_nodes') or recompute_flag: self._nodes = [] self._gatherNodes(self.root, self._nodes) return self._nodes
def setNodes(self, illegal): raise AttributeError("`nodes` is a read-only attribute") nodes = property(getNodes, setNodes)
[docs] def gatherNodes(self, node): """ Build a list of all the nodes in the subtree of the provided node Parameters ---------- node: :class:`Snode` starting point node Returns ------- list of :class:`Snode` """ nodes = [] self._gatherNodes(node, nodes) return nodes
def _gatherNodes(self, node, node_list=[]): """ Append node to list and recurse to its child nodes Parameters ---------- node: `neat.SNode` node_list: list of `neat.SNode` """ node_list.append(node) for cnode in node.child_nodes: self._gatherNodes(cnode, node_list=node_list)
[docs] def getLeafs(self, recompute_flag=1): """ Get all leaf nodes in the tree. Parameters ---------- recompute_flag: bool Whether to force recomputing the leaf list. Defaults to 1. """ if not hasattr(self, '_leafs') or recompute_flag: self._leafs = [node for node in self if self.isLeaf(node)] return self._leafs
def setLeafs(self, illegal): raise AttributeError("`leafs` is a read-only attribute") leafs = property(getLeafs, setLeafs) def setRoot(self, node): """ Set the root node of the tree Parameters ---------- node: `neat.SNode` node to be set as root of the tree """ node.parent_node = None self._root = node def getRoot(self): return self._root root = property(getRoot, setRoot)
[docs] def isRoot(self, node): """ Check if input node is root of the tree. Parameters ---------- node: `neat.SNode` """ if node.getParentNode() is not None: return False else: return True
[docs] def isLeaf(self, node): """ Check if input node is a leaf of the tree Parameters ---------- node: `neat.SNode` """ if len(node.getChildNodes()) == 0: return True else: return False
def _createCorrespondingNode(self, node_index): """ Creates a node with the given index corresponding to the tree class. Parameters ---------- node_index: int index of the new node """ return SNode(node_index)
[docs] def addNodeWithParentFromIndex(self, node_index, pnode, *args, **kwargs): """ Create a node with the given index and add it to the tree under a specific parent node. Parameters ---------- node_index: int index of the new node pnode: `neat.SNode` parent node of the newly added node Raises ------ ValueError if ``node_index`` is already in the tree """ if self[node_index] == None: node = self._createCorrespondingNode(node_index, *args, **kwargs) self.addNodeWithParent(node, pnode) else: raise ValueError('Index %d is already exists in the tree.')
[docs] def addNodeWithParent(self, node, pnode): """ Add a node to the tree under a specific parent node Parameters ---------- node: `neat.SNode` node to be added pnode: `neat.SNode` parent node of the newly added node """ if pnode is not None: node.setParentNode(pnode) pnode.addChild(node) else: warnings.warn('`pnode` was `None`, did nothing.')
[docs] def softRemoveNode(self, node): """ Remove a node and its subtree from the tree by deleting the reference to it in its parent. Internally, the node and its linked subtree are not changed Parameters ---------- node: `neat.SNode` node to be removed """ node.getParentNode().removeChild(node)
[docs] def removeNode(self, node): """ Remove a node as well as its subtree from the tree Parameters ---------- node: `neat.SNode` node to be removed """ node.getParentNode().removeChild(node) self._deepRemove(node)
def _deepRemove(self, node): cnodes = node.getChildNodes() node.makeEmpty() for cnode in cnodes: self._deepRemove(cnode)
[docs] def removeSingleNode(self, node): """ Remove a single node from the tree. The nodes' children become the children of the nodes' parent. Parameters ---------- node: `neat.SNode` node to be removed """ if node == self.root: raise ValueError('Removing root is forbidden') cnodes = node.getChildNodes() pnode = node.getParentNode() pnode.removeChild(node) for cnode in cnodes: cnode.setParentNode(pnode) pnode.addChild(cnode)
[docs] def insertNode(self, node, pnode, pcnodes=[]): """ Insert a node in the tree as a child of a specified parent. The original children of the parent that will become children of the node are specified in the ``pcnodes`` list Parameters ---------- node: `neat.SNode` the node that is to be inserted pnode: `neat.SNode` the node that will become parent of the node that is to be inserted pcnodes: list of `neat.SNode` the current children of the pnode that will become children of the node """ if pnode != None: cnodes = pnode.getChildNodes() for pcnode in pcnodes: if pcnode in cnodes: ind = cnodes.index(pcnode) del cnodes[ind] node.addChild(pcnode) pcnode.setParentNode(node) else: warnings.warn(str(pcnode) + ' is not a child of ' \ + str(pnode) + ', ignoring it') node.setParentNode(pnode) pnode.addChild(node) if pnode == None: cnode = self.root cnode.setParentNode(node) node.setParentNode(None) node.addChild(cnode) self.root = node
[docs] def resetIndices(self, n=0): """ Resets the indices in the order they appear in a depth-first iteration """ for ind, node in enumerate(self): node.index = ind+n
[docs] def getSubTree(self, node, new_tree=None): """ Get the subtree of the specified node. The root of the subtree is a new node with the same children as the original node, but None instead of a parent. Parameters ---------- node: `neat.SNode` root of the sub tree Returns ------- `neat.STree` Subtree of with ``node`` as root """ if new_tree is None: new_tree = STree() new_node = new_tree._createCorrespondingNode(node.index) node.__copy__(new_node=new_node) new_node.setParentNode(None) new_tree.setRoot(new_node) self._recurseCopy(node, new_tree) return new_tree
[docs] def depthOfNode(self, node): """ compute the depth of the node (number of edges between node and root) Parameters ---------- node: `neat.SNode` Returns ------- int depth of the node """ return len(self.pathToRoot(node)) - 1
[docs] def degreeOfNode(self, node): """ Compute the degree (number of leafs in its subtree) of a node. Parameters ---------- node: `neat.SNode` """ return len([node for node in self.__iter__(node) if self.isLeaf(node)])
[docs] def orderOfNode(self, node): """ Compute the order (number of bifurcations from the root) of a node. Parameters ---------- node: `neat.SNode` """ ptr = self.pathToRoot(node) order = 0 for node in ptr: if len(node.child_nodes) > 1: order += 1 # order is on [0,max_order] thus subtract 1 from this calculation return order - 1
[docs] def pathToRoot(self, node): """ Return the path from a given node to the root Parameters: node: `neat.SNode` Returns ------- list of `neat.SNode` List of nodes from ``node`` to root. First node is the input node and last node is the root """ nodes = [] self._goUpFrom(node, nodes) return nodes
def _goUpFrom(self, node, nodes): nodes.append(node) pnode = node.getParentNode() if pnode != None : self._goUpFrom(pnode, nodes)
[docs] def pathBetweenNodes(self, from_node, to_node): """ Inclusive path from ``from_node`` to ``to_node``. Parameters ---------- from_node: `neat.SNode` to_node: `neat.SNode` Returns ------- list of `neat.SNode` List of nodes representing the direct path between ``from_node`` and ``to_node``, which are respectively the first and last nodes in the list. """ path1 = self.pathToRoot(from_node)[::-1] path2 = self.pathToRoot(to_node)[::-1] path = path1 if len(path1) < len(path2) else path2 ind = next((ii for ii in range(len(path)) if path1[ii] != path2[ii]), len(path)) return path1[ind:][::-1] + path2[ind-1:]
[docs] def pathBetweenNodesDepthFirst(self, from_node, to_node): """ Inclusive path from ``from_node`` to ``to_node``, ginven in a depth- first ordering. Parameters ---------- from_node: `neat.SNode` to_node: `neat.SNode` Returns ------- list of `neat.SNode` List of nodes representing the direct path between ``from_node`` and ``to_node``, which are respectively the first and last nodes in the list. """ path1 = self.pathToRoot(from_node)[::-1] path2 = self.pathToRoot(to_node)[::-1] path = path1 if len(path1) < len(path2) else path2 ind = next((ii for ii in range(len(path)) if path1[ii] != path2[ii]), len(path)) return path1[ind-1:] + path2[ind:]
[docs] def getNodesInSubtree(self, ref_node, subtree_root=None): """ Returns the nodes in the subtree that contains the given reference nodes and has the given subtree root as root. If the subtree root is not provided, the subtree of the first child node of the root on the path to the reference node is given (plus the root) Parameters ---------- ref_node: `neat.SNode` the reference node that is in the subtree subtree_root: `neat.SNode` what is to be the root of the subtree. If this node is not on the path from reference node to root, a ValueError is raised Returns ------- list of `neat.SNode` List of all nodes in the subtree. It's root is in the first position """ if subtree_root == None: subtree_root = self.root ref_path = self.pathBetweenNodes(ref_node, subtree_root) if subtree_root in ref_path: if len(ref_path) > 1: subtree_nodes = [subtree_root] \ + self.gatherNodes(ref_path[-2]) else: subtree_nodes = [ref_node] # both input nodes are the same else: raise ValueError('|subtree_root| not in path from |ref_node| \ root') return subtree_nodes
[docs] def sisterLeafs(self, node): """ Find the leafs that are in the subtree of the nearest bifurcation node up from the input node. Parameters ---------- node: `neat.SNode` Starting node for search Returns ------- node: `neat.SNode` the bifurcation node sister_leafs: list of `neat.SNode` The first element is the input node. The others are the leafs of the subtree emanating from the bifurcation node that are not in the subtree from the input node. corresponding_children: list of `neat.SNode` The children of the bifurcation node. If the number of leafs ``sister_leafs`` is the same as the number of ``corresponding_children``, the subtree of each element of ``corresponding_children`` has exactly one leaf, the corresponding element in ``sister_leafs`` """ sleafs = [node]; cchildren = [] snode = self._goUpUntil(node, None, sl=sleafs, cc=cchildren) return snode, sleafs, cchildren
def _goUpUntil(self, node, c_node, sl=[], cc=[]): c_nodes = node.getChildNodes() if (c_node != None and len(c_nodes) > 1) or self.isRoot(node): cc.append(c_node) for c_node_ in set(c_nodes) - {c_node}: self._goDownUntil(c_node_, sl=sl) cc.append(c_node_) else: p_node = node.getParentNode() node = self._goUpUntil(p_node, node, sl=sl, cc=cc) return node def _goDownUntil(self, node, sl=[]): c_nodes = node.getChildNodes() if len(c_nodes) == 0: sl.append(node) else: for c_node in c_nodes: self._goDownUntil(c_node, sl=sl)
[docs] def upBifurcationNode(self, node, cnode=None): """ Find the nearest bifurcation node up (towards root) from the input node. Parameters ---------- node: `neat.SNode` Starting node for search cnode: `neat.SNode` For recursion, don't change default Returns ------- node: `neat.SNode` the bifurcation node cnode: `neat.SNode` The bifurcation node's child on the path to the input node. """ if cnode == None or len(node.getChildNodes()) <= 1: pnode = node.getParentNode() if pnode != None: node, cnode = self.upBifurcationNode(pnode, cnode=node) return node, cnode
[docs] def downBifurcationNode(self, node): """ Find the nearest bifurcation node down (towards leafs) from the input node. Parameters ---------- node: `neat.SNode` Starting node for search Returns ------- node: `neat.SNode` the bifurcation node """ if len(node.child_nodes) > 1: return node elif len(node.child_nodes) == 0: return None else: self.downBifurcationNode(node.child_nodes[0])
[docs] def getBifurcationNodes(self, nodes): """ Get the bifurcation nodes in bewteen the provided input nodes Parameters ---------- nodes: list of `neat.SNode` the input nodes Returns ------- list of `neat.SNode` the bifurcation nodes """ # unique nodes nodes = reduce(lambda l, x: l.append(x) or l if x not in l else l, nodes, []) # tag all nodes for node in self: node['tag'] = 0 # find the 'leafs' within the list of nodes (i.e. most centripetal nodes) pnodes = [] for node in nodes: pnodes.extend([n for n in self.pathToRoot(node)]) pcount = Counter(pnodes) nodes = [node for node in nodes if pcount[node] == 1] # for each node, find nearest bifurcation towards root pnodes = [] for node in nodes: pnodes.extend([n for n in self.pathToRoot(node)]) for pathnode in pnodes: pathnode['tag'] += 1 # find the bifurcation nodes bifur_nodes = [self.root] for node in self: # !!! only works for bifurcations with two children # TODO: extend for all bifurcations if len(node.child_nodes) > 1 and \ not np.any([cn['tag'] == 0 for cn in node.child_nodes]): bifur_nodes.append(node) # remove the tags for node in self: del node.content['tag'] # add root if necessary if self.root not in bifur_nodes: bifur_nodes = [self.root] + bifur_nodes return bifur_nodes
[docs] def getNearestNeighbours(self, node, nodes): """ Find the nearest neighbours of ``node`` in ``nodes``. If ``nodes`` contains ``node``, it is excluded from the search. When a node in the up-direction is a bifurcation node and in ``nodes``, nodes in its other subtree are excluded from the search !!! Untested Parameters ---------- node: `neat.SNode` node for which the nearest neighbours are sought nodes: list of `neat.SNode` list in which nearest neighbours of ``node`` are sought """ nns = [] self._searchNNUp(node, nodes, nns) self._searchNNDown(node, nodes, nns) return nns
def _searchNNUp(self, node, nodes, nns): p_node = node.parent_node if p_node is not None: # up direction if p_node in nodes: nns.append(p_node) else: self._searchNNUp(p_node, nodes, nns) # down direction for c_node in set(p_node.child_nodes) - {node}: self._searchNNDown(c_node, nodes, nns) def _searchNNDown(self, node, nodes, nns): for c_node in node.child_nodes: if c_node in nodes: nns.append(c_node) else: self._searchNNDown(c_node, nodes, nns)
[docs] def __copy__(self, new_tree=None): """ Fill the ``new_tree`` with it's corresponding nodes in the same structure as ``self``, and copies all node variables that both tree classes have in common Parameters ---------- new_tree: `neat.STree` or derived class (default is ``None``) the tree class in which the ``self`` is copied. If ``None``, returns a copy of ``self``. Returns ------- The new tree instance """ if new_tree is None: new_tree = self.__class__() new_node = new_tree._createCorrespondingNode(self.root.index) self.root.__copy__(new_node=new_node) new_tree.setRoot(new_node) self._recurseCopy(self.root, new_tree) # copy all attributes not related to tree structure orig_keys = set(self.__dict__.keys()) copy_keys = orig_keys.intersection(set(new_tree.__dict__.keys())) for key in copy_keys: if key not in ['root', '_computational_root', '_original_root']: new_tree.__dict__[key] = copy.deepcopy(self.__dict__[key]) return new_tree
def _recurseCopy(self, pnode, new_tree): for node in pnode.getChildNodes(skip_inds=[]): new_node = new_tree._createCorrespondingNode(node.index) new_node = node.__copy__(new_node=new_node) new_tree.addNodeWithParent(new_node, new_tree.__getitem__(pnode.index, skip_inds=[])) self._recurseCopy(node, new_tree)