Source code for neat.trees.morphtree

File contains:

    - `neat.MorphLoc`
    - `neat.MorphNode`
    - `neat.MorphTree`

Authors: B. Torben-Nielsen (legacy code) and W. Wybo

import numpy as np

import matplotlib.patheffects as patheffects
import matplotlib.patches as patches
import as cm
import matplotlib.pyplot as pl
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable

import warnings
import copy
from functools import reduce

from .stree import SNode, STree
from .compartmenttree import CompartmentNode, CompartmentTree

def originalTreetypeDecorator(fun):
    Decorator that provides the safety that the treetype is set to
    'original' inside the functions it decorates
    # wrapper to access self
    def wrapped(self, *args, **kwargs):
        current_treetype = self.treetype
        self.treetype = 'original'
        res = fun(self, *args, **kwargs)
        self.treetype = current_treetype
        return res
    wrapped.__doc__ = fun.__doc__
    return wrapped

def computationalTreetypeDecorator(fun):
    Decorator that provides the safety that the treetype is set to
    'computational' inside the functions it decorates. This decorator also
    checks if a computational tree has been defined.

            If this function is called and no computational tree has been
    # wrapper to access self
    def wrapped(self, *args, **kwargs):
        if self._computational_root is None:
            raise AttributeError('No computational tree has been defined, ' + \
                                  'and this function requires one. Use ' + \
                                  '`MorphTree.setCompTree()` or its ' + \
                                  'overwritten version in one of the derived' + \
        current_treetype = self.treetype
        self.treetype = 'computational'
        res = fun(self, *args, **kwargs)
        self.treetype = current_treetype
        return res
    wrapped.__doc__ = fun.__doc__
    return wrapped

[docs]class MorphLoc(object): """ Stores a location on the morphology. The location is initialized starting from a node and x-value on the real morphology. The location is also be stored in the coordinates of the computational morphology. To toggle between coordinates, the class stores a reference to the morphology tree on which the location is defined, and returns either the original coordinate or the coordinate on the computational tree, depending on which tree is active. Initialized based on either a tuple or a dict where one entry specifies the node index and the other entry the x-coordinate specifying the location between parent node (x=0) or the node indicated by the index (x=1), or on a `neat.MorphLoc`. Parameters ---------- loc: tuple or dict or `neat.MorphLoc` if tuple: (node index, x-value) if dict: {'node': node index, 'x': x-value} reftree: `neat.MorphTree` set_as_comploc: bool if True, assumes the paremeters provided in `loc` are coordinates on the computational tree. Doing this while no computational tree has been initialized in `reftree` will result in an error. Defaults to False Raises ------ ValueError If x-coordinate of location is not in ``[0,1]`` """ def __init__(self, loc, reftree, set_as_comploc=False): self.reftree = reftree if isinstance(loc, tuple): x = float(loc[1]) if x > 1. or x < 0.: raise ValueError('x-value should be in [0,1]') if set_as_comploc: self.comp_loc = {'node': int(loc[0]), 'x': x} self._setOriginalLoc() else: self.loc = {'node': int(loc[0]), 'x': x} elif isinstance(loc, dict): x = float(loc['x']) if x > 1. or x < 0.: raise ValueError('x-value should be in [0,1]') if set_as_comploc: self.comp_loc = loc self._setOriginalLoc() else: self.loc = loc elif isinstance(loc, MorphLoc): # self.__dict__.update({key: copy.deepcopy(val) # for key, val in loc.__dict__.iteritems() # if key != 'reftree'}) self.loc = loc.loc self.reftree = reftree else: raise TypeError('Not a valid location type, should be tuple or dict') def __getitem__(self, key): if isinstance(key, int) and key in (0,1): key = 'node' if key == 0 else 'x' if isinstance(key, str): if self.reftree.treetype == 'computational': try: return self.comp_loc[key] except AttributeError: self._setComputationalLoc() return self.comp_loc[key] else: return self.loc[key] def __eq__(self, other_loc): if type(other_loc) == dict: result = (other_loc['node'] == self.loc['node']) if self.loc['node'] != 1: result *= np.allclose(other_loc['x'], self.loc['x']) return result elif type(other_loc) == tuple: result = (other_loc[0] == self.loc['node']) if self.loc['node'] != 1: result *= np.allclose(other_loc[1], self.loc['x']) return result elif isinstance(other_loc, MorphLoc): result = (other_loc.loc['node'] == self.loc['node']) if self.loc['node'] != 1: result *= np.allclose(other_loc.loc['x'], self.loc['x']) return result else: return NotImplemented def keys(self): return ['node', 'x'] def __iter__(self): yield self['node'] yield self['x'] def __neq__(self, other_loc): result = self.__eq__(other_loc) if result is NotImplemented: return result else: return not result def __copy__(self): """ Customization of the copy function so that `loc` and `comp_loc` attributes are deep copied and `reftree` attribute still refers to the original tree """ new_loc = type(self)(copy.deepcopy(self.loc), self.reftree) if hasattr(self, 'comp_loc'): new_loc.__dict__.update({'comp_loc': copy.deepcopy(self.comp_loc)}) return new_loc def __str__(self): return '{\'node\': %d, \'x\': %.2f }'%(self.loc['node'], self.loc['x']) def __repr__(self): return str(self) def _setComputationalLoc(self): if self.loc['node'] != 1: current_treetype = self.reftree.treetype self.reftree.treetype = 'original' node = self.reftree[self.loc['node']] # find the computational nodes that are resp. up and down from the node node_start = self.reftree._findCompnodeUp(node.parent_node) node_stop = self.reftree._findCompnodeDown(node) # length between loc and parent computational node to compute segment # length L = self.reftree.pathLength({'node': node_start.index, 'x': 1.}, self.loc) # get the computational nodes' length self.reftree.treetype = 'computational' L_cn = self.reftree[node_stop.index].L self.reftree.treetype = 'original' # set the computational loc self.comp_loc = {'node': node_stop.index, 'x': L/L_cn} # reset treetype to its former value self.reftree.treetype = current_treetype else: self.comp_loc = copy.deepcopy(self.loc) def _setOriginalLoc(self): if self.comp_loc['node'] != 1: current_treetype = self.reftree.treetype self.reftree.treetype = 'computational' compnode = self.reftree[self.comp_loc['node']] self.reftree.treetype = 'original' node = self.reftree[self.comp_loc['node']] # find the computational node that is down from the original node pcnode = self.reftree._findCompnodeUp(node.parent_node) # find the node index and x-coordinate of the original location path = self.reftree.pathBetweenNodes(pcnode, node) L0 = 0. ; found = False for pathnode in path[1:]: L1 = L0 + pathnode.L Lloc = self.comp_loc['x']*compnode.L if Lloc == 0.: Lloc += 1e-7 if Lloc > L0 and Lloc <= L1: self.loc = {'node': pathnode.index, 'x': (Lloc-L0-1e-8) / pathnode.L} L0 = L1 if self.loc['x'] > 1. or self.loc['x'] < 0.: raise ValueError('x-value should be in [0,1]') # reset treetype to its former value self.reftree.treetype = current_treetype else: self.loc = copy.deepcopy(self.comp_loc)
[docs]class MorphNode(SNode): """ Node associated with `neat.MorphTree`. Stores the geometrical information associated with a point on the tree morphology Attributes ---------- xyz: numpy.array of floats The xyz-coordinates associated with the node (um) R: float The radius of the node (um) swc_type: int The type of node, according to the .swc file format convention: ``1`` is dendrites, ``2`` is axon, ``3`` is basal dendrite and ``4`` is apical dendrite. L: float The length of the node (um) """ def __init__(self, index, p3d=None): super().__init__(index) if p3d != None: self.setP3D(*p3d) else: # bogus values, to overwrite self.setP3D(np.array([0.,0.,0.]), 1., 1) self.L = 1. self.R = 1.
[docs] def setP3D(self, xyz, R, swc_type): """ Set the 3d parameters of the node Parameters ---------- xyz: `np.array` 3D location (um) R: float Radius of the segment (um) swc_type: int Type asscoiated with the segment according to SWC standards """ # morphology parameters = xyz self.R = R self.swc_type = swc_type # auxiliary variable self.used_in_comp_tree = False
def setLength(self, L): """ Set the length of the segment represented by the node Parameters ---------- L: float the length of the segment (um) """ self.L = L def setRadius(self, R): """ Set the radius of the segment represented by the node Parameters ---------- L: float the radius of the segment (um) """ self.R = R def getChildNodes(self, skip_inds=(2,3)): """ Get the `child_nodes` of this node. Indices ``2`` and ``3`` are skipped by default (3-point soma convention) Parameters ---------- skip_inds: list or tuple of ints Node indices of child nodes that are not added to the returned list Returns ------- list of `neat.MorphNode` The child nodes """ return [cnode for cnode in self._child_nodes \ if cnode.index not in skip_inds] def setChildNodes(self, cnodes): return super().setChildNodes(cnodes) child_nodes = property(getChildNodes, setChildNodes) def __str__(self, **kwarg): return super().__str__(**kwarg)
[docs]class MorphTree(STree): """ Subclass of simple tree that implements neuronal morphologies. Reads in trees from '.swc' files ( Neural morphologies are assumed to follow the three-point soma conventions. Internally however, the soma is represented as a sphere. Hence nodes with indices 2 and 3 do not represent anything and are skipped in iterations and getters. Can also store a simplified version of the original tree, where only nodes are retained that should hold computational parameters - the root, the bifurcation nodes and the leafs at least, although the user can also specify additional nodes. One tree is set as primary by changing the `treetype` attribute (select 'original' for the original morphology and 'computational' for the computational morphology). Lookup operations will often use the primary tree. Using nodes from the other tree for lookup operations is unsafe and should be avoided, it is better to set the proper tree to primary first. For computational efficiency, it is possible to store sets of locations on the morphology, under user-specified names. These sets are stored as lists of `neat.MorphLoc`, and associated arrays are stored that contain the corresponding node indices of the locations, their x-coordinates, their distances to the soma and their distances to the nearest bifurcation in the 'up'-direction Parameters ---------- file_n: str (optional) the file name of the morphology file. Assumed to follow the '.swc' format. Default is ``None``, which initialized an empty tree types: list of int (optional) The list of node types to be included. As per the '.swc' convention, ``1`` is soma, ``2`` is axon, ``3`` is basal dendrite and ``4`` apical dendrite. Default is ``[1,3,4]``. Attributes ---------- root: `neat.MorphNode` instance The root of the tree. locs: dict {str: list of `neat.MorphLoc`} Stored sets of locations, key is the user-specified the name of the set of locations. Initialized as empty dict. nids: dict {str: np.array of int} Node indices of locations Initialized as empty dict. xs: dict {str: np.array of float} x-coordinates of locations Initialized as empty dict. d2s: dict {str: np.array of float} distances to soma of locations Initialized as empty dict. d2b: dict {str: np.array of float} distances to nearest bifurcation in 'up' direction of locations. Initialized as empty dict. """ def __init__(self, file_n=None, types=[1,3,4]): self._treetype = 'original' # alternative 'computational' if file_n != None: self.readSWCTreeFromFile(file_n, types=types) # self._original_root = self.root else: self._original_root = None self._computational_root = None # to store sets of locations on the morphology self.locs = {} self._nids_orig = {}; self._nids_comp = {} self._xs_orig = {}; self._xs_comp = {} self.d2s = {} self.d2b = {} self.leafinds = {}
[docs] def __getitem__(self, index, skip_inds=(2,3)): """ Returns the node with given index, if no such node is in the tree, None is returned. Parameters ---------- index: int the index of the node to be found Returns: `neat.MorphNode` or None """ return self._findNode(self.root, index, skip_inds=skip_inds)
def _findNode(self, node, index, skip_inds=(2,3)): """ Sweet breadth-first/stack iteration to replace the recursive call. Traverses the tree until it finds the node you are looking for. Returns SNode when found and None when not found Parameters ---------- node: :class:`SNode` (optional) node where the search is started index: int the index of the node to be found Returns ------- :class:`SNode` """ stack = []; stack.append(node) while len(stack) != 0: for cnode in stack: if cnode.index == index: return cnode else: stack.remove(cnode) stack.extend(cnode.getChildNodes(skip_inds=skip_inds)) return None # Not found!
[docs] def __iter__(self, node=None, skip_inds=(2,3)): """ Overloaded iterator from parent class that avoids iterating over the nodes with index 2 and 3 Parameters ---------- node: `neat.MorphNode` The starting node. Defaults to the root skip_inds: tuple of ints Indices of the nodes that are skipped by the iterator. Defaults to ``(2,3)``, the nodes that contain extra geometrical information on the soma. Yields ------ `neat.MorphNode` Nodes in the tree """ if node is None: node = self.root if node is not None: if node.index not in skip_inds: yield node for cnode in node.getChildNodes(skip_inds=skip_inds): for inode in self.__iter__(cnode, skip_inds=skip_inds): if node.index not in skip_inds: yield inode
def getRoot(self): """ Returns the root of the original or the computational tree, depending on which `treetype` is active. """ if self.treetype == 'original': return self._original_root else: return self._computational_root def setRoot(self, node): if self.treetype == 'original': node.parent_node = None self._original_root = node else: node.parent_node = None self._computational_root = node root = property(getRoot, setRoot)
[docs] def getNodes(self, recompute_flag=0, skip_inds=(2,3)): """ Overloads the parent function to allow skipping nodes with certain indices and to return the nodes associated with the corresponding `treetype`. Parameters ---------- recompute_flag: bool whether or not to re-evaluate the node list. Defaults to False. skip_inds: tuple of ints Indices of the nodes that are skipped by the iterator. Defaults to ``(2,3)``, the nodes that contain extra geometrical information on the soma. Returns ------- list of `neat.MorphNode` """ if self.treetype == 'original': if not hasattr(self, '_nodes_orig') or recompute_flag: self._nodes_orig = [] self._gatherNodes(self.root, self._nodes_orig, skip_inds=skip_inds) return self._nodes_orig else: if not hasattr(self, '_nodes_comp') or recompute_flag: self._nodes_comp = [] self._gatherNodes(self.root, self._nodes_comp, skip_inds=skip_inds) return self._nodes_comp
def setNodes(self, illegal): raise AttributeError("`nodes` is a read-only attribute") nodes = property(getNodes, setNodes) def _gatherNodes(self, node, node_list=[], skip_inds=(2,3)): """ Overloaded gathering function that avoids appending nodes with index 2 or 3 to the list. Parameters ---------- node: `neat.MorphNode` node_list: list of `neat.MorphNode` """ if node.index not in skip_inds: node_list.append(node) for cnode in node.getChildNodes(skip_inds=skip_inds): self._gatherNodes(cnode, node_list=node_list, skip_inds=skip_inds)
[docs] def getLeafs(self, recompute_flag=0): """ Overloads the `getLeafs` of the parent class to return the leafs in the current `treetype`. Parameters ---------- recompute_flag: bool Whether to force recomputing the leaf list. Defaults to 0. """ if self.treetype == 'original': if not hasattr(self, '_leafs_orig') or recompute_flag: self._leafs_orig = [node for node in self if self.isLeaf(node)] return self._leafs_orig else: if not hasattr(self, '_leafs_comp') or recompute_flag: self._leafs_comp = [node for node in self if self.isLeaf(node)] return self._leafs_comp
def setLeafs(self, illegal): raise AttributeError("`leafs` is a read-only attribute") leafs = property(getLeafs, setLeafs)
[docs] def getNodesInBasalSubtree(self): """ Return the nodes associated with the basal subtree Returns ------- list of `neat.MorphNode` List of all nodes in the basal subtree """ return [node for node in self if node.swc_type in [3]]
[docs] def getNodesInApicalSubtree(self): """ Return the nodes associated with the apical subtree Returns ------- list of `neat.MorphNode` List of all nodes in the apical subtree """ return [node for node in self if node.swc_type in [4]]
[docs] def getNodesInAxonalSubtree(self): """ Return the nodes associated with the apical subtree Returns ------- list of `neat.MorphNode` List of all nodes in the apical subtree """ return [node for node in self if node.swc_type in [2]]
[docs] def setTreetype(self, treetype): """ Set the active tree Parameters ---------- treetype: 'original' or 'computational' the treetype thas is set to active """ if treetype == 'original': self._treetype = treetype self.root = self._original_root elif treetype == 'computational': if self._computational_root != None: self._treetype = treetype self.root = self._computational_root else: raise ValueError('no computational tree has been defined, \ `treetype` can only be \'original\'') else: raise ValueError('`treetype` can be \'original\' or \'computational\'')
def getTreetype(self): return self._treetype treetype = property(getTreetype, setTreetype) def _createCorrespondingNode(self, node_index, p3d=None): """ Creates a node with the given index corresponding to the tree class. Parameters ---------- node_index: int index of the new node """ return MorphNode(node_index, p3d=p3d)
[docs] def readSWCTreeFromFile(self, file_n, types=[1,3,4]): """ Non-specific for a "tree data structure" Read and load a morphology from an SWC file and parse it into an `neat.MorphTree` object. On the website, 5 types of somadescriptions are considered ( The "3-point soma" is the standard and most files are converted to this format during a curation step. `neat` follows this default specification and the *internal structure of `neat` implements the 3-point soma*. Additionally multi-cylinder descriptions with more than three nodes are also supported, but are converted to the standard three point description. Additionally, the root node of the tree must have ``index == 1``, ``swc_type == 1`` and occur first in the SWC file. Parameters ----------- file_n: str name of the file to open types: list of ints segment types to be loaded Examples -------- The three point description is .. code-block:: python 1 1 x y z r -1 1 1 x y-r z r 1 1 1 x y+r z r 1 with `x,y,z` the coordinates of the soma center and `r` the soma radius This is a valid three point desciption .. code-block:: python # start of file 1 1 45.3625 18.6775 -50.25 10.1267403895 -1 2 1 45.3625 8.55075961052 -50.25 10.1267403895 1 3 1 45.3625 28.8042403895 -50.25 10.1267403895 1 # dendrite nodes 4 3 37.76 12.99 -46.08 0.29 1 5 3 26.7068019951 8.26344199599 -36.9426896493 0.795614809475 4 # ... This is a valid multi-cylinder descirption .. code-block:: python # start of file 1 1 1066.38 399.67 157.0 4.9215 -1 2 1 1071.3 399.67 157.0 4.9215 1 3 1 1076.22 399.67 157.0 4.9215 2 4 1 1066.5 402.83 157.0 11.494 2 5 1 1062.4 405.5 157.0 15.308 4 6 1 1056.6 410.25 158.0 20.536 5 7 1 1056.6 410.25 158.0 20.536 6 8 1 1070.0 427.75 161.0 2.305 7 # dendrite nodes 9 3 1070.0 427.75 161.0 0.886 8 # ... Raises ------ ValueError If the SWC file is not consistent with the aforementioned conventions """ # check soma-representation: 3-point soma or a non-standard representation soma_type = self.determineSomaType(file_n) file = open(file_n,'r') all_nodes = dict() for line in file : if not line.startswith('#') : split = line.split() index = int(split[0].rstrip()) swc_type = int(split[1].rstrip()) x = float(split[2].rstrip()) y = float(split[3].rstrip()) z = float(split[4].rstrip()) radius = float(split[5].rstrip()) parent_index = int(split[6].rstrip()) # create the nodes if swc_type in types: p3d = (np.array([x,y,z]), radius, swc_type) node = self._createCorrespondingNode(index, p3d) all_nodes[index] = (swc_type, node, parent_index) # check if node with index 1 is soma node (swc_type == 1) if all_nodes[1][0] != 1: raise ValueError('Node with index 1 should be soma-type, i.e. swc_type == 1') # standard three point soma representation if soma_type == 1: for index, (swc_type, node, parent_index) in list(all_nodes.items()) : if index == 1: self.setRoot(node) elif index in (2,3): # the 3-point soma representation # ( somanode = all_nodes[1][1] self.addNodeWithParent(node, somanode) else: parent_node = all_nodes[parent_index][1] self.addNodeWithParent(node, parent_node) # check if soma follows three point convention radius_arr = np.array([all_nodes[1][1].R, all_nodes[2][1].R, all_nodes[3][1].R, np.linalg.norm(all_nodes[2][1].xyz - all_nodes[1][1].xyz), np.linalg.norm(all_nodes[3][1].xyz - all_nodes[1][1].xyz)]) if not np.allclose(np.abs(radius_arr - radius_arr[0]), np.zeros_like(radius_arr), atol=2e-2): raise ValueError('Soma radii not consistent with three-point convention') # IF multiple cylinder soma representation elif soma_type == 2: self.setRoot(all_nodes[1][1]) # get all soma info soma_cylinders = [] connected_to_root = [] for index, (swc_type, node, parent_index) in list(all_nodes.items()) : if swc_type == 1 and not index == 1: soma_cylinders.append((node, parent_index)) if index > 1 : connected_to_root.append(index) # make soma s_node_2, s_node_3 = \ self._makeSomaFromCylinders(soma_cylinders, all_nodes) # add soma self.root.R = s_node_2.R self.addNodeWithParent(s_node_2, self.root) self.addNodeWithParent(s_node_3, self.root) # add the other points for index, (swc_type, node, parent_index) in list(all_nodes.items()) : if swc_type == 1: pass else: parent_node = all_nodes[parent_index][1] if parent_node.index in connected_to_root: self.addNodeWithParent(node, self.root) else: self.addNodeWithParent(node, parent_node) # set the lengths of the nodes for node in self: if node.parent_node != None: L = np.sqrt(np.sum(( -**2)) else: L = 0. node.setLength(L) return self
def _makeSomaFromCylinders(self, soma_cylinders, all_nodes): """ Construct 3-point soma Step 1: calculate surface of all cylinders Step 2: make 3-point representation with the same surface """ total_surf = 0 xyz_sum = for (node, parent_index) in soma_cylinders: parent = all_nodes[parent_index][1] nxyz = pxyz = H = np.sqrt(np.sum( (nxyz - pxyz)**2 )) surf = 2 * np.pi * parent.R * H total_surf += surf xyz_sum += # define apropriate radius radius = np.sqrt(total_surf / (4.*np.pi)) rp = xyz_sum / (len(soma_cylinders)+1.) rp2 = np.array([rp[0], rp[1] - radius, rp[2]]) rp3 = np.array([rp[0], rp[1] + radius, rp[2]]) = rp # create the soma nodes s_node_2 = self._createCorrespondingNode(2, (rp2, radius, 1)) s_node_3 = self._createCorrespondingNode(3, (rp3, radius, 1)) return s_node_2, s_node_3
[docs] def determineSomaType(self, file_n): """ Determine the soma type used in the SWC file. This method searches the whole file for soma entries. Only tbe standard three-point soma type and a multi-cylinder description are supported. Furthermore, the root node of the tree must have ``index == 1``, ``swc_type == 1`` and occur first in the SWC file. Parameters ---------- file_n: string Name of the file containing the SWC description Returns ------- soma_type: int Integer indicating one of the su[pported SWC soma formats. 1: Default three-point soma, 2: multiple cylinder description Raises ------ ValueError If soma type is not supported (less than three nodes have soma) """ file = open(file_n, 'r') somas = 0 for line in file: if not line.startswith('#') : split = line.split() index = int(split[0].rstrip()) s_type = int(split[1].rstrip()) if s_type == 1 : somas = somas +1 file.close() if somas == 3: return 1 elif somas < 3: raise ValueError('Soma description not supported, use 3-point or multi-cylinder description') else: return 2
[docs] def _evaluateCompCriteria(self, node, eps=1e-8, rbool=False): """ Return ``True`` if relative difference between node radius and parent node raidus is larger than margin ``eps``, or if the node is the root or bifurcation node. Parameters ---------- node: `neat.MorphNode` node that is compared to parent node eps: float (optional, default ``1e-8``) the margin return ------ bool """ if not rbool: rbool = node.parent_node == None if not rbool: rbool = len(node.getChildNodes()) != 1 if not rbool: cnode = node.child_nodes[0] rbool = np.abs(node.R - cnode.R) > eps * np.max([node.R, cnode.R]) return rbool
[docs] def setCompTree(self, compnodes=None, set_as_primary_tree=False, eps=1e-8): """ Sets the nodes that contain computational parameters. This are a priori either bifurcations, leafs, the root or nodes where the neurons' relevant parameters change. Parameters ---------- compnodes: list of ::class::`MorphNode` list of nodes that should be retained in the computational tree. Note that specifying bifurcations, leafs or the root is superfluous, since they are part of the computational tree by default. set_as_primary_tree: bool (default ``False``) if True, sets the computational tree as the primary tree eps: float (default ``1e-8``) relative margin for parameter change """ self.removeCompTree() if compnodes is None: compnodes = [] compnodes += [node for node in self if self._evaluateCompCriteria(node, eps=eps)] compnode_indices = [node.index for node in compnodes] nodes = copy.deepcopy(self.nodes) for node in nodes: if node.index not in compnode_indices: self.removeSingleNode(node) elif node.parent_node != None: orig_node = self[node.index] orig_bnode = node.parent_node L, R = self.pathLength({'node': orig_bnode.index, 'x': 1.}, {'node': orig_node.index, 'x': 1.}, compute_radius=1) node.setLength(L) node.setRadius(R) node.used_in_comp_tree = True orig_node.used_in_comp_tree = True else: orig_node = self[node.index] node.used_in_comp_tree = True orig_node.used_in_comp_tree = True self._computational_root = \ next(node for node in nodes if node.index == 1) self._leafs_comp = [node for node in nodes if self.isLeaf(node)] self._nodes_comp = [] self._gatherNodes(self._computational_root, self._nodes_comp) if set_as_primary_tree: self.treetype = 'computational' # create conversion of all coordinate arrays for name in self.locs: self._storeCompLocs(name)
def _findCompnodeUp(self, node): """ !!! Computational tree has to be initialized, otherwise may results in error !!! If the input node is a node of the original tree, finds the first node on the path to the root that has an equivalent in the computational tree. If the input node has such an equivalent, it is returned itself. If the input node is in the computational tree, returns the node itself. Parameters ---------- node: `neat.MorphNode` instance the input node Returns ------- `neat.MorphNode` instance """ if not node.used_in_comp_tree: node = self._findCompnodeUp(node.parent_node) return node def _findCompnodeDown(self, node): """ !!! Computational tree has to be initialized, otherwise may results in error !!! If the input node is a node of the original tree, finds the first node away from the root that has an equivalent in the computational tree. If the input node has such an equivalent, it is returned itself. If the input node is in the computational tree, returns the node itself. Parameters ---------- node: `neat.MorphNode` instance the input node Returns ------- `neat.MorphNode` instance """ if not node.used_in_comp_tree: node = self._findCompnodeDown(node.child_nodes[0]) return node
[docs] def removeCompTree(self): """ Removes the computational tree """ self._computational_root = None try: delattr(self, "_nodes_comp") except AttributeError as err: pass try: delattr(self, "_leafs_comp") except AttributeError as err: pass self.treetype = 'original' for node in self: node.used_in_comp_tree = False
[docs] def _convertLocArgToLocs(self, locarg): """ Converts locations argument to list of `neat.MorphLoc`. Parameters ---------- locarg: list of dictionaries, tuples or `neat.MorphLoc`, or string * If list, entries should be valid arguments to initialize a `neat.MorphLoc` * If string, should be the name of a list of locations stored in `self` Returns ------- list of `neat.MorphLoc` List of locations, each referencing the current tree """ if isinstance(locarg, list): locs = [MorphLoc(loc, self) for loc in locarg] elif isinstance(locarg, str): self._tryName(locarg) locs = self.getLocs(locarg) else: raise IOError('`locarg` should be list of locs or string') return locs
[docs] def _convertNodeArgToNodes(self, node_arg): """ Converts a node argument to a list of nodes. Behaviour depends on the type of argument. Parameters ---------- node_arg: ``None``, `neat.MorphNode`, {'apical', 'basal', 'axonal'} or iterable collection of instances of `neat.MorphNode` * `None`: returns all nodes * `neat.MorphNode`: returns list of nodes in the subtree of the given node * {'apical', 'basal', 'axonal'}: returns list of nodes in the apical, basal or axonal subtree * iterable collection of `neat.MorphNode`: returns the same list of nodes If an iterable collection of original nodes is given, and the treetype is computational, a reduced list is returned where only the corresponding computational nodes are included. If an iterable collection of computational nodes is given, and the treetype is original, a list of corresponding original nodes is given, but the in between nodes are not added. Returns ------- list of `neat.MorphNode` """ # convert the input argument to a list of nodes if node_arg == None: nodes = self.nodes elif isinstance(node_arg, MorphNode): if self.treetype == 'computational': # assure that a list of computational nodes is returned node_arg = self._findCompnodeDown(node_arg) node_arg = self[node_arg.index] else: # assure that a list of original nodes is returned node_arg = self[node_arg.index] nodes = self.gatherNodes(node_arg) elif node_arg == 'apical': nodes = self.getNodesInApicalSubtree() elif node_arg == 'basal': nodes = self.getNodesInBasalSubtree() elif node_arg == 'axonal': nodes = self.getNodesInAxonalSubtree() else: try: nodes = [] for node in node_arg: assert isinstance(node, MorphNode) if self.treetype == 'computational': # assure that a list of computational nodes is returned node_ = self._findCompnodeDown(node) compnode = self[node_.index] if compnode not in nodes: nodes.append(compnode) else: # assure that a list of original nodes is returned nodes.append(self[node.index]) except (AssertionError, TypeError): raise ValueError('input should be (i) `None`, (ii) an instance of ' '`neat.MorphNode`, (iii) one of the following 3 strings ' '\'apical\', \'basal\' or \'axonal\' or (iv) an iterable ' 'collection of instances of :class:MorphNode') return nodes
[docs] def pathLength(self, loc1, loc2, compute_radius=0): """ Find the length of the direct path between loc1 and loc2 Parameters ---------- loc1: dict, tuple or `neat.MorphLoc` one location loc2: dict, tuple or `neat.MorphLoc` other location compute_radius: bool if True, also computes the average weighted radius of the path Returns ------- L, R (optional) L: float length of path, in micron R: float weighted average radius of path, in micron """ # define location objects if type(loc1) == dict or type(loc1) == tuple: loc1 = MorphLoc(loc1, self) if type(loc2) == dict or type(loc2) == tuple: loc2 = MorphLoc(loc2, self) # start path length calculation if loc1['node'] == loc2['node']: node = self[loc1['node']] if node.index == 1: L = 0. # soma is spherical and has no lenght else: L = node.L * np.abs(loc1['x'] - loc2['x']) if compute_radius: R = node.R else: node1 = self[loc1['node']] node2 = self[loc2['node']] path1 = self.pathToRoot(node1)[::-1] path2 = self.pathToRoot(node2)[::-1] path = path1 if len(path1) < len(path2) else path2 ind = next((ii for ii in range(len(path)) if path1[ii] != path2[ii]), len(path)) if path1[ind-1] == node1: L = node1.L * (1. - loc1['x']) L += sum(node.L for node in path2[ind:-1]) L += node2.L * loc2['x'] if compute_radius: R = node1.R * node1.L * (1. - loc1['x']) R += sum(node.R * node.L for node in path2[ind:-1]) R += node2.R * node2.L * loc2['x'] R /= L elif path2[ind-1] == node2: L = node1.L * loc1['x'] L += sum(node.L for node in path1[ind:-1]) L += node2.L * (1. - loc2['x']) if compute_radius: R = node1.R * node1.L * loc1['x'] R += sum(node.R * node.L for node in path2[ind:-1]) R += node2.R * node2.L * (1. - loc2['x']) R /= L else: L = node1.L * loc1['x'] L += sum(node.L for node in path1[ind:-1]) L += sum(node.L for node in path2[ind:-1]) L += node2.L * loc2['x'] if compute_radius: R = node1.R * node1.L * loc1['x'] R += sum(node.R * node.L for node in path1[ind:-1]) R += sum(node.R * node.L for node in path2[ind:-1]) R += node2.R * node2.L * loc2['x'] R /= L if compute_radius: return L, R else: return L
[docs] @originalTreetypeDecorator def storeLocs(self, locs, name, warn=True): """ Store locations under a specified name Parameters ---------- locs: list of dicts, tuples or `neat.MorphLoc` the locations to be stored name: string name under which these locations are stored warn: bool (default ``True``) raise a `UserWarning` if two or more locations in `locs` refer to the soma. Choose ``False`` if this is desired to remove the warning. """ # copy list and store in MorphLoc if necessary locs_ = [] n1 = 0 for loc in locs: locs_.append(MorphLoc(loc, self)) if locs_[-1]['node'] == 1: n1 += 1 if n1 > 1 and warn: warnings.warn('There are multiple locations on the soma in this set ' + \ 'locations, this can cause issues in certain functions', UserWarning) self.removeLocs(name) self.locs[name] = locs_ self._nids_orig[name] = np.array([loc['node'] for loc in locs_]) self._xs_orig[name] = np.array([loc['x'] for loc in locs_]) if self._computational_root != None: self._storeCompLocs(name)
@computationalTreetypeDecorator def _storeCompLocs(self, name): self._nids_comp[name] = np.array([loc['node'] for loc in self.locs[name]]) self._xs_comp[name] = np.array([loc['x'] for loc in self.locs[name]])
[docs] @originalTreetypeDecorator def addLoc(self, loc, name): """ Add location to set of locations of given name Parameters ---------- loc: dict, tuple or `neat.MorphLoc` the location to be added name: str the name of the set of locations to which the location is added """ loc = MorphLoc(loc, self) self.locs[name].append(loc) self._nids_orig[name] = np.concatenate((self._nids_orig[name], [loc['node']])) self._xs_orig[name] = np.concatenate((self._xs_orig[name], [loc['x']])) if self._computational_root != None: self._addCompLoc(loc, name)
@computationalTreetypeDecorator def _addCompLoc(self, loc, name): self._nids_comp[name] = np.concatenate((self._nids_comp[name], [loc['node']])) self._xs_comp[name] = np.concatenate((self._xs_comp[name], [loc['x']]))
[docs] def clearLocs(self): """ Remove all set of locs stored in the tree """ self.locs = {} self._nids_orig = {}; self._nids_comp = {} self._xs_orig = {}; self._xs_comp = {} self.d2s = {} self.d2b = {} self.leafinds = {}
[docs] def removeLocs(self, name): """ Remove a set of locations of a given name Parameters ---------- name: string name under which the desired list of locations is stored """ try: del self.locs[name] del self._nids_orig[name] del self._nids_comp[name] del self._xs_orig[name] del self._xs_comp[name] except KeyError: pass # warnings.warn('Locations of name %s were not defined'%name) try: del self.d2s[name] except KeyError: pass try: del self.d2b[name] except KeyError: pass try: del self.leafinds[name] except KeyError: pass
[docs] def _tryName(self, name): """ Tests if the name is in use. Raises a KeyError when it is not in use and prints a list of possible names Parameters ---------- name: string name of the desired list of locations Raises ------ KeyError If 'name' does not refer to a set of locations in use """ try: self.locs[name] except KeyError as err: err.args = ('\'' + err.args[0] \ + '\' name not in use. Possible names are ' \ + str(list(self.locs.keys())),) raise
[docs] def getLocs(self, name): """ Returns a set of locations of a specified name Parameters ---------- name: string name under which the desired list of locations is stored Returns ------- list of `neat.MorphLoc` """ self._tryName(name) return self.locs[name]
[docs] def getNodeIndices(self, name): """ Returns an array of node indices of locations of a specified name Parameters ---------- name: string name under which the desired list of locations is stored Returns ------- numpy.array of ints """ self._tryName(name) return self.nids[name]
def getNids(self): if self.treetype == 'original': return self._nids_orig else: return self._nids_comp def setNids(self, nids): if self.treetype == 'original': self._nids_orig = nids else: self._nids_comp = nids nids = property(getNids, setNids)
[docs] def getXCoords(self, name): """ Returns an array of x-values of locations of a specified name Parameters ---------- name: string name under which the desired list of locations is stored """ self._tryName(name) return self.xs[name]
def getXs(self): if self.treetype == 'original': return self._xs_orig else: return self._xs_comp def setXs(self, xs): if self.treetype == 'original': self._xs_orig = xs else: self._xs_comp = xs xs = property(getXs, setXs)
[docs] def getLocindsOnNode(self, name, node): """ Returns a list of the indices of locations in the list of a given name that are on a the input node, ordered for increasing x Parameters ---------- name: string which list of locations to consider node: `neat.MorphNode` the node to consider. Should be part of the original tree Returns ------- list of ints indices of locations on the path """ self._tryName(name) nids = self.nids[name] xs = self.xs[name] # get the locinds on the node inds = np.where(nids == node.index)[0] sortinds = np.argsort(xs[inds]) return inds[sortinds].tolist()
[docs] def getLocindsOnNodes(self, name, node_arg): """ Returns a list of the indices of locations in the list of a given name that are on one of the nodes specified in the node list. Within each node, locations are ordered for increasing x Parameters ---------- name: string which list of locations to consider node_arg: see documentation of `MorphTree._convertNodeArgToNodes` Returns ------- list of ints indices of locations on the path """ # find locinds on all nodes locinds = [] for node in self._convertNodeArgToNodes(node_arg): locinds.extend(self.getLocindsOnNode(name, node)) return locinds
[docs] def getLocindsOnPath(self, name, node0, node1, xstart=0., xstop=1.): """ Returns a list of the indices of locations in the list of a given name that are on the given path. The path is taken to start at the input x-start coordinate of the first node in the list and to stop at the given x-stop coordinate of the last node in the list Parameters ---------- name: string which list of locations to consider node0: :class:`SNode` start node of path node1: :class:`SNode` stop node of path xstart: float (in ``[0,1]``) starting coordinate on `node0` xstop: float (in ``[0,1]``) stopping coordinate on `node1` Returns ------- list of ints Indices of locations on the path. If path is empty, an empty array is returned. """ self._tryName(name) locs = self.locs[name] xs = self.xs[name] # find the path path = self.pathBetweenNodes(node0, node1) # find the location indices locinds = [] if len(path) > 1: # first node in path node = path[0] ninds = np.array(self.getLocindsOnNode(name, node)).astype(int) if node.parent_node == None: locinds.extend(ninds) else: if node.parent_node == path[1]: # goes runs towards root inds = np.where(xs[ninds] <= xstart)[0] sortinds = np.argsort(xs[ninds][inds])[::-1] else: # path goes away from root inds = np.where(xs[ninds] >= xstart)[0] sortinds = np.argsort(xs[ninds][inds]) locinds.extend(ninds[inds][sortinds]) # middle nodes in path for ii, node in enumerate(path[1:-1]): ninds = np.array(self.getLocindsOnNode(name, node)).astype(int) if node.parent_node == None: locinds.extend(ninds) elif path[ii+2] == node.parent_node: # path goes towards root sortinds = np.argsort(xs[ninds]) locinds.extend(ninds[sortinds[::-1]]) elif path[ii] == node.parent_node: # path goes away from root sortinds = np.argsort(xs[ninds]) locinds.extend(ninds[sortinds]) else: # turning point (path only goes on this node at x=1) inds = np.where((1. - xs[ninds]) < 1e-4)[0] if len(inds) > 0: locinds.extend(ninds[inds]) # last node in path node = path[-1] ninds = np.array(self.getLocindsOnNode(name, node)).astype(int) if node.parent_node == None: locinds.extend(ninds) else: if node.parent_node == path[-2]: # path goes away from root inds = np.where(xs[ninds] <= xstop)[0] sortinds = np.argsort(xs[ninds][inds]) else: # path goes towards root inds = np.where(xs[ninds] >= xstop)[0] sortinds = np.argsort(xs[ninds][inds])[::-1] locinds.extend(ninds[inds][sortinds]) elif len(path) == 1: node = path[0] ninds = np.array(self.getLocindsOnNode(name, node)).astype(int) if node.parent_node == None: locinds.extend(ninds) else: if xstart < xstop: inds = np.where(np.logical_and(xs[ninds]>=xstart, xs[ninds]<=xstop))[0] sortinds = np.argsort(xs[ninds][inds]) else: inds = np.where(np.logical_and(xs[ninds]>=xstop, xs[ninds]<=xstart))[0] sortinds = np.argsort(xs[ninds][inds])[::-1] locinds.extend(ninds[inds][sortinds]) return locinds
[docs] def getNearestLocinds(self, locs, name, direction=0, check_siblings=True, pprint=False): """ For each location in the input location list, find the index of the closest location in a set of locations stored under a given name. The search can go in the either go in the up or down direction or in both directions. Parameters ---------- locs: list of dicts, tuples or `neat.MorphLoc` the locations for which the nearest location index has to be found name: string name under which the reference list is stored direction: int flag to indicate whether to search in both directions (0), only in the up direction (1) or in the down direction (2). Returns ------- loc_indices: list of ints indices of the locations closest to the given locs """ self._tryName(name) # create the locs in a desirable format locs_ = [] for loc in locs: locs_.append(MorphLoc(loc, self)) locs = locs_ # look for the location indices loc_indices = [] for loc in locs: loc_ind1 = None; loc_ind2 = None # find the location indices if necessary if direction == 0 or direction == 1: loc_ind1 = self._findLocsDown(loc, name, check_siblings=check_siblings) if direction == 0 or direction == 2: loc_ind2 = self._findLocsUp(loc, name) # save the index of the closest location, if it exists and # if it is asked for if loc_ind1 == None and (direction == 0 or direction == 2): loc_indices.append(loc_ind2) elif loc_ind2 == None and (direction == 0 or direction == 1): loc_indices.append(loc_ind1) else: L1 = self.pathLength(loc, self.locs[name][loc_ind1]) L2 = self.pathLength(loc, self.locs[name][loc_ind2]) if L1 >= L2: loc_indices.append(loc_ind2) else: loc_indices.append(loc_ind1) return loc_indices
def _findLocsUp(self, loc, name): look_further = False # look if there are locs on the same node n_inds = np.where(loc['node'] == self.nids[name])[0] if len(n_inds) > 0: if loc['node'] == 1: loc_ind = n_inds[0] else: x_inds = np.where(loc['x'] <= self.xs[name][n_inds])[0] if len(x_inds) != 0: ind = np.argmin(self.xs[name][n_inds][x_inds]) loc_ind = n_inds[x_inds[ind]] else: look_further = True else: look_further = True # if no locs on the same node, then proceed to child nodes # else, return the smallest location larger than loc if look_further: node = self[loc['node']] cnodes = node.getChildNodes() loc_inds = [] for cnode in cnodes: cloc_ind = self._findLocsUp({'node': cnode.index, 'x': 0.}, name) if cloc_ind != None: loc_inds.append(cloc_ind) # get the one that is closest, if they exist pl_aux = 1e4 ind_loc = 0 for i, l_i in enumerate(loc_inds): pl = self.pathLength({'node': loc['node'], 'x': 1.}, self.locs[name][l_i]) if pl < pl_aux: pl_aux = pl ind_loc = i if pl_aux > 0. and len(loc_inds) > 0: loc_ind = loc_inds[ind_loc] elif pl_aux == 0. and node.index == 1: loc_ind = loc_inds[ind_loc] else: loc_ind = None return loc_ind def _findLocsDown(self, loc, name, check_siblings=True): look_further = False # look if there are locs on the same node n_inds = np.where(loc['node'] == self.nids[name] )[0] if len(n_inds) > 0: if loc['node'] == 1: loc_ind = n_inds[0] else: x_inds = np.where(loc['x'] >= self.xs[name][n_inds])[0] if len(x_inds) != 0: ind = np.argmax(self.xs[name][n_inds][x_inds]) loc_ind = n_inds[x_inds[ind]] else: look_further = True else: look_further = True if look_further: # if no locs on the same node, then proceed to resp. parent and child nodes node = self[loc['node']] pnode = node.getParentNode() loc_inds = [] # check parent node if pnode != None: ploc_ind = self._findLocsDown({'node': pnode.index, 'x': 1.}, name, check_siblings=check_siblings) if ploc_ind != None: loc_inds.append(ploc_ind) # check other child nodes of parent node if pnode != None and check_siblings: ocnodes = copy.copy(pnode.getChildNodes()) ocnodes.remove(node) else: ocnodes = [] for cnode in ocnodes: cloc_ind = self._findLocsUp({'node': cnode.index, 'x': 0.}, name) if cloc_ind != None: loc_inds.append(cloc_ind) # get the one that is closest, if they exist pl_aux = 1e4 ind_loc = 0 for i, l_i in enumerate(loc_inds): pl = self.pathLength({'node': loc['node'], 'x': 1.}, self.locs[name][l_i]) if pl < pl_aux: pl_aux = pl ind_loc = i if pl_aux > 0. and len(loc_inds) > 0: loc_ind = loc_inds[ind_loc] else: loc_ind = None return loc_ind
[docs] def getNearestNeighbourLocinds(self, loc, locarg): """ Search nearest neighbours to `loc` in `locarg`. Parameters ---------- loc: tuple, dict or `neat.MorphLoc` The locations for which nearest neighbours have to be found locarg: str or list of locs See documentation of `MorphTree._parseLocArg`, the set of locations within which to look for nearest neighbours Returns ------- list of ints Indices of nearest neighbours of `loc` in `locarg` """ # preprocess locarg loc = MorphLoc(loc, self) if isinstance(locarg, str): name = locarg locs = self._parseLocArg(locarg) else: name = 'nn aux' locs = locarg self.storeLocs(locs, name=name) nns = [] # search for nearest neighbours node = self[loc['node']] locinds_aux = np.where(node.index == self.nids[name])[0] if len(locinds_aux) > 0: dx = self.xs[name][locinds_aux] - loc['x'] # locs on node in down direction inds_down = np.where(dx >= 0)[0] if len(inds_down) > 0: ind_aux = np.argmin(dx[inds_down]) nns.append(locinds_aux[inds_down][ind_aux]) else: for c_node in node.child_nodes: self._searchNNDown(c_node, nns, name) # locs on node in up direction inds_up = np.where(dx <= 0)[0] if len(inds_up) > 0: ind_aux = np.argmax(dx[inds_up]) nns.append(locinds_aux[inds_up][ind_aux]) else: self._searchNNUp(node, nns, name) else: for c_node in node.child_nodes: self._searchNNDown(c_node, nns, name) self._searchNNUp(node, nns, name) if name == 'nn aux': self.removeLocs(name) return list(set(nns))
def _searchNNUp(self, node, nns, name): p_node = node.parent_node if p_node is not None: # up direction locinds_aux = np.where(p_node.index == self.nids[name])[0] xval = 0. if len(locinds_aux) > 0: ind_aux = np.argmax(self.xs[name][locinds_aux]) locind = locinds_aux[ind_aux] nns.append(locind) xval = self.xs[name][locind] else: self._searchNNUp(p_node, nns, name) # down direction if xval < 1.-1e-5: for c_node in set(p_node.child_nodes) - {node}: self._searchNNDown(c_node, nns, name) def _searchNNDown(self, node, nns, name): locinds_aux = np.where(node.index == self.nids[name])[0] if len(locinds_aux) > 0: ind_aux = np.argmin(self.xs[name][locinds_aux]) locind = locinds_aux[ind_aux] nns.append(locind) else: for c_node in node.child_nodes: self._searchNNDown(c_node, nns, name)
[docs] def getLeafLocinds(self, name, recompute=False): """ Find the indices in the desire location list that are 'leafs', i.e. locations for which no other location exist that is farther from the root Parameters ---------- name: string name of the desired set of locations recompute: bool (optional, default ``False``) whether or not to force recomputing the distances Returns ------- list of inds the indices of the 'leaf' locations """ try: if recompute: raise KeyError self.leafinds[name] except KeyError: self._tryName(name) self.leafinds[name] = [] locs = self.locs[name] for ind, loc in enumerate(locs): if not self._hasLocUp(loc, name): self.leafinds[name].append(ind) return self.leafinds[name]
def _hasLocUp(self, loc, name): look_further = False # look if there are locs on the same node if loc['node'] != 1: n_inds = np.where(loc['node'] == self.nids[name] )[0] if len(n_inds) > 0: x_inds = np.where(loc['x'] < self.xs[name][n_inds])[0] if len(x_inds) > 0: returnbool = True else: look_further = True else: look_further = True else: look_further = True # if no locs on the same node, then proceed to child nodes if look_further: node = self[loc['node']] cnodes = node.child_nodes returnbool = False for cnode in cnodes: if self._hasLocUp({'node': cnode.index, 'x': 0.}, name): returnbool = True return returnbool
[docs] def distancesToSoma(self, locarg, recompute=False): """ Compute the distance of each location in a given set to the soma Parameters ---------- locarg: list of locations or string if list of locations, specifies the locations, if str, specifies the name under which the set of location is stored that should be used to create the new tree Returns ------- np.array of float the distances to the soma of the corresponding locations recompute: bool (optional) whether or not to force recomputing the distances """ # process input argument if isinstance(locarg, list): locs = [MorphLoc(loc, self) for loc in locarg] recompute = True save = False elif isinstance(locarg, str): name = locarg self._tryName(name) locs = self.getLocs(name) recompute = not (name in self.d2s) or recompute save = True else: raise IOError('`locarg` should be list of locs or string') if recompute: d2s = np.array([self.pathLength({'node': 1, 'x': 0.}, loc) \ for loc in locs]) else: d2s = self.d2s[name] if save: self.d2s[name] = d2s return d2s
[docs] def distancesToBifurcation(self, name, recompute=False): """ Compute the distance of each location to the nearest bifurcation in the 'up' direction (towards root) Parameters ---------- name: str name of the set of locations recompute: bool (optional, default ``False``) whether or not to force recomputing the distances Returns ------- np.array of floats the distances to the nearest bifurcation of the corresponding locations """ try: if recompute: raise KeyError return self.d2b[name] except KeyError: self._tryName(name) self.d2b[name] = [] locs = self.locs[name] for i, loc in enumerate(locs): if loc['node'] != 1: if loc['node'] != locs[i-1]['node']: node = self[loc['node']] bnode, _ = self.upBifurcationNode(node) self.d2b[name].append(self.pathLength( \ {'node': bnode.index, 'x': 1.}, loc)) else: self.d2b[name].append(0.) return self.d2b[name]
[docs] def distributeLocsOnNodes(self, d2s, node_arg=None, name='dont save'): """ Distributes locs on a given set of nodes at specified distances from the soma. If the specified distances are on the specified nodes, the list of locations will be empty. The locations are stored if the name is set to be something other than 'dont save'. On each node, locations are ordered from low to high x-values. Parameters ---------- d2s: numpy.array of floats the distances from the soma at which to put the locations (micron) node_arg: see documentation of `MorphTree._convertNodeArgToNodes` name: string the name under which the locations are stored. Defaults to 'dont save' which means the locations are not stored Returns ------- list of `neat.MorphLoc` the list of locations """ # distribute the locations locs = [] for node in self._convertNodeArgToNodes(node_arg): if node.parent_node != None: L0 = self.pathLength({'node': 1, 'x': 0.5}, {'node': node.index, 'x': 0.}) L1 = self.pathLength({'node': 1, 'x': 0.5}, {'node': node.index, 'x': 1.}) inds = np.where(np.logical_and(L0 < d2s, d2s <= L1))[0] Ls = np.sort(d2s[inds]) locs.extend([MorphLoc((node.index, (L-L0)/(L1-L0)), self) \ for L in Ls if L > 1e-12]) elif np.any(np.abs(d2s) <= 1e-12): # node is soma, append a location on the soma locs.append(MorphLoc((node.index, 0.5), self)) if name != 'dont save': self.storeLocs(locs, name=name) return locs
[docs] @computationalTreetypeDecorator def distributeLocsUniform(self, dx, node_arg=None, add_bifurcations=False, name='dont save'): """ Distributes locations as uniform as possible, i.e. for a given distance between locations `dx`, locations are distributed equidistantly on each given node in the computational tree and their amount is computed so that the distance in between them is as close to `dx` as possible. Depth-first ordering. Parameters ---------- dx: float (> 0) target distance in micron between the locations node_arg: see documentation of `MorphTree._convertNodeArgToNodes` add_bifurcations: bool whether to ensure that all bifurcation nodes are added name: string the name under which the locations are stored. Defaults to 'dont save' which means the locations are not stored Returns ------- list of `neat.MorphLoc` the list of locations """ assert dx > 0 # distribute the locations locs = [] ii = 0 for node in self._convertNodeArgToNodes(node_arg): ii += 1 if node.parent_node == None: locs.append(MorphLoc((node.index, 0.5), self, set_as_comploc=True)) else: Nloc = np.round(node.L / dx) if Nloc == 0 and len(node.child_nodes) > 1 and add_bifurcations: Nloc = 1 xvals = np.arange(1, Nloc+1) / float(Nloc) locs.extend([MorphLoc((node.index, xv), self, set_as_comploc=True) for xv in xvals]) if name != 'dont save': self.storeLocs(locs, name=name) return locs
[docs] def distributeLocsRandom(self, num, dx=0.001, node_arg=None, add_soma=True, name='dont save', seed=None): """ Returns a list of input locations randomly distributed on the tree Parameters ---------- num: int number of inputs dx: float (optional) minimal or given distance between input locations (micron) node_arg (optional): see documentation of `MorphTree._convertNodeArgToNodes` add_soma: bool (optional) whether or not to include the possibility of adding locations on the soma name: string (optional) the name under which the locations are stored. Defaults to 'dont save' which means the locations are not stored seed: int (optiona) Seed for numpy random number generator Returns ------- list of `neat.MorphLoc` the locations """ np.random.seed(seed) # use the requested subset of nodes nodes = [node for node in self._convertNodeArgToNodes(node_arg) if node.index != 1] # initialize the loclist with or without soma if add_soma: locs = [MorphLoc({'node': 1, 'x': 0.}, self)] self.root.content['tag'] = 1 else: locs = [] # add the nodes for ii in range(num): nodes_left = [node.index for node in nodes if 'tag' not in node.content] if len(nodes_left) < 1: break index = np.random.choice(nodes_left) x = np.random.random() locs.append(MorphLoc((index, x), self)) node = self[index] self._tagNodesDown(node, node, dx=dx) self._tagNodesUp(node, node, dx=dx) self._removeTags() # store the locations if name != 'dont save': self.storeLocs(locs, name=name) return locs
def _tagNodesDown(self, start_node, node, dx=0.001): if 'tag' not in node.content: if node.index == start_node.index: length = 0. else: length = self.pathLength({'node': start_node.index, 'x': 1.}, {'node': node.index, 'x': 0.}) if length < dx: node.content['tag'] = 1 for cnode in node.child_nodes: self._tagNodesDown(start_node, cnode, dx=dx) def _tagNodesUp(self, start_node, node, cnode=None, dx=0.001): if node.index == start_node.index: length = 0. else: length = self.pathLength({'node': start_node.index, 'x': 1.}, {'node': node.index, 'x': 1.}) if length < dx: node.content['tag'] = 1 cnodes = node.child_nodes if len(cnodes) > 1: if cnode != None: cnodes = list(set(cnodes) - set([cnode])) for cn in cnodes: self._tagNodesDown(start_node, cn, dx=dx) pnode = node.getParentNode() if pnode != None: self._tagNodesUp(start_node, pnode, node, dx=dx) def _removeTags(self): for node in self: if 'tag' in node.content: del node.content['tag'] def _parseLocArg(self, loc_arg): if isinstance(loc_arg, list): locs = [MorphLoc(loc, self) for loc in loc_arg] elif isinstance(loc_arg, str): self._tryName(loc_arg) locs = self.getLocs(loc_arg) else: raise IOError('invalid type for `loc_arg`, should be list or string') return locs
[docs] def extendWithBifurcationLocs(self, loc_arg, name='dont save'): """ Extends input loc_arg with the intermediate bifurcations. They are appended to the end of the list Parameters ---------- loc_arg: list of `neat.MorphLoc` or string the locations name: string (optional) The name under which the list of bifurcation locs will be stored. Defaults to 'dont save' which means they are not stored. Returns ------- list of `neat.MorphLoc` the bifurcation locs """ locs = self._parseLocArg(loc_arg) # get the bifurcation locs nodes = [self[loc['node']] for loc in locs] bnodes = self.getBifurcationNodes(nodes) blocs = [MorphLoc((bnode.index, 1.), self) for bnode in bnodes] # retain unique locs all_locs = self.uniqueLocs(locs + blocs) # store the locations if name != 'dont save': self.storeLocs(all_locs, name=name) return all_locs
[docs] def uniqueLocs(self, loc_arg, name='dont save'): """ Gets the unique locations in the provided locs Parameters ---------- loc_arg: list of `neat.MorphLoc` or string the locations name: string (optional) The name under which the list of bifurcation locs will be stored. Defaults to 'dont save' which means they are not stored. Returns ------- list of `neat.MorphLoc` the bifurcation locs """ locs = self._parseLocArg(loc_arg) locs_ = reduce(lambda l, x: l.append(x) or l if x not in l else l, locs, []) if name != 'dont save': self.storeLocs(locs_, name=name) return locs_
[docs] def makeXAxis(self, dx=10., node_arg=None, loc_arg=None): """ Create a set of locs suitable for serving as the x-axis for 1D plotting. The neurons is put on a 1D axis with a depth-first ordering. Parameters ---------- dx: float target separation between the plot points (micron) node_arg: see documentation of `MorphTree._convertNodeArgToNodes` The nodes on which the locations for the x-axis are distributed. When this is given as a list of nodes, assumes a depth first ordering. loc_arg: list of locs or string if list of locs, these locs will be used as x-axis, if string, name of set of locs on the morphology that will be used as x-axis """ if loc_arg is None: # if comptree has not been set, create a basic one for plotting if self._computational_root == None: self.setCompTree() # distribute the x-axis locations self.distributeLocsUniform(dx, node_arg=node_arg, name='xaxis') # get the root node nodes = self._convertNodeArgToNodes(node_arg) # check that first node is root for node in nodes: if nodes[0] in node.child_nodes: raise ValueError('Input `node_arg` is not a depth-first ordered' ' list of nodes.') # set the node colors for both trees if self.treetype == 'original': rootnode_orig = nodes[0] tempnode = self._findCompnodeDown(nodes[0]) self.setNodeColors(rootnode_orig) self.treetype = 'computational' rootnode_comp = self[tempnode.index] self.setNodeColors(rootnode_comp) self.treetype = 'original' else: rootnode_comp = nodes[0] self.setNodeColors(rootnode_comp) self.treetype = 'original' rootnode_orig = self[rootnode.comp.index] self.setNodeColors(rootnode_orig) self.treetype = 'computational' else: if isinstance(loc_arg, list): self.storeLocs(loc_arg, name='xaxis') elif isinstance(loc_arg, str): self.storeLocs(self.getLocs(loc_arg), name='xaxis') else: raise IOError('`loc_org` should be string or list of locs') # compute the x-axis 1D array pinds = self.getLeafLocinds('xaxis') d2s = self.distancesToSoma('xaxis') xaxis = d2s[0:pinds[0]+1].tolist() d_add = d2s[pinds[0]] for ii in range(0,len(pinds)-1): xaxis.extend((d_add + d2s[pinds[ii]+1:pinds[ii+1]+1] \ - d2s[pinds[ii]+1]).tolist()) d_add += d2s[pinds[ii+1]] - d2s[pinds[ii]+1] self.xaxis = np.array(xaxis)
[docs] def setNodeColors(self, startnode=None): """ Set the color code for the nodes for 1D plotting Parameters ---------- node: int or `neat.MorphNode` index of the node or node whose subtree will be colored. Defaults to the root """ if startnode == None: startnode = self.root for node in self: node.content['color'] = 0. self.node_color = [0.] # trick to pass the pointer and not the number itself self._setColorsDown(startnode)
def _setColorsDown(self, node): node.content['color'] = self.node_color[0] if self.isLeaf(node): self.node_color[0] += 1. for cnode in node.child_nodes: self._setColorsDown(cnode)
[docs] def getXValues(self, locs): """ Get the corresponding location on the x-axis of the input locations Parameters ---------- locs: list of tuples, dicts or `neat.MorphLoc` list of the locations """ locinds = np.array(self.getNearestLocinds(locs, 'xaxis')).astype(int) return self.xaxis[locinds]
[docs] def plot1D(self, ax, parr, *args, **kwargs): """ Plot an array where each element corresponds to the matching location on the x-axis with a depth-first ordering on a 1D plot Parameters ---------- ax: `matplotlib.axes.Axes` instance the ax object on which the plot will be made parr: numpy.array of floats the array that will be plotted args, kwargs: arguments for `matplotlib.pyplot.plot` Returns ------- lines: list of `matplotlib.lines.Line2D` instances the line segments corresponding to the value of the plotted array in each branch Raises ------ AssertionError When the number of elements in the data array in not equal to the number of elements on the x-axis """ assert len(parr) == len(self.locs['xaxis']) pinds = self.getLeafLocinds('xaxis') d2s = self.distancesToSoma('xaxis') # make the plot lines = [] line = ax.plot(self.xaxis[0:pinds[0]+1], parr[0:pinds[0]+1], *args, **kwargs) lines.append(line[0]) if 'label' in list(kwargs.keys()): kwargs = copy.deepcopy(kwargs) del kwargs['label'] for ii in range(0,len(pinds)-1): line = ax.plot(self.xaxis[pinds[ii]+1:pinds[ii+1]+1], parr[pinds[ii]+1:pinds[ii+1]+1], *args, **kwargs) lines.append(line[0]) return lines
def setLineData(self, lines, parr): """ Update the line objects with new data Parameters ---------- lines: list of `matplotlib.lines.Line2D` instance the line segments of which the data has to be updated parr: numpy.array of floats the array that will be put in the line segments Raises ------ AssertionError When the number of elements in the data array in not equal to the number of elements on the x-axis """ assert len(parr) == len(self.locs['xaxis']) pinds = self.getLeafLocinds('xaxis') d2s = self.distancesToSoma('xaxis') lines[0].set_data(self.xaxis[0:pinds[0]+1], parr[0:pinds[0]+1]) for ii in range(0,len(pinds)-1): ll = ii+1 lines[ll].set_data(self.xaxis[pinds[ii]+1:pinds[ii+1]+1], parr[pinds[ii]+1:pinds[ii+1]+1])
[docs] def plotTrueD2S(self, ax, parr, cmap=None, **kwargs): """ Plot an array where each element corresponds to the matching location in the x-axis location list. Now all locations are plotted at their true distance from the soma. Parameters ---------- ax: `matplotlib.axes.Axes` instance the ax object on which the plot will be made parr: numpy.array of floats the array that will be plotted cmap: `matplotlib.colors.Colormap` instance If provided, the lines will be colored according to the branch to which they belong, in colors specified by the colormap kwargs: keyword arguments for `matplotlib.pyplot.plot` Returns ------- lines lines: list of `matplotlib.lines.Line2D` the line segments corresponding to the value of the plotted array in each branch Raises ------ AssertionError When the number of elements in the data array in not equal to the number of elements on the x-axis """ assert len(parr) == len(self.locs['xaxis']) locs = self.locs['xaxis'] pinds = self.getLeafLocinds('xaxis') d2s = self.distancesToSoma('xaxis') # list of colors for plotting cs = {node.index: node.content['color'] for node in self} cplot = [cs[loc['node']] for loc in locs] max_cs = max(cplot) min_cs = min(cplot) if np.abs(max_cs - min_cs) < 1e-12: norm_cs = max_cs + 1e-2 else: norm_cs = (max_cs - min_cs) * (1. + 1./100.) # create the truespace plot lines = [] if cmap != None: kwargs['c'] = cmap((cplot[0]-min_cs)/norm_cs) if 'color' in kwargs: del kwargs['color'] line = ax.plot(d2s[0:pinds[0]+1], parr[0:pinds[0]+1], **kwargs) lines.append(line[0]) if 'label' in kwargs: del kwargs['label'] for ii in range(0,len(pinds)-1): if cmap != None: kwargs['c'] = cmap((cs[locs[pinds[ii]+1]['node']]-min_cs)/norm_cs) line = ax.plot(d2s[pinds[ii]+1:pinds[ii+1]+1], parr[pinds[ii]+1:pinds[ii+1]+1], **kwargs) lines.append(line[0]) return lines
def _addScalebar(self, ax, borderpad=-1.8, sep=2): from import scalebars scalebars.addScalebar(ax, hidex=False, hidey=False, matchy=False, labelx='$\mu$m', loc=8, borderpad=borderpad, sep=sep) ax.set_xticklabels([])
[docs] def colorXAxis(self, ax, cmap, addScalebar=1, borderpad=-1.8): """ Color the x-axis of a plot according to the morphology. !!! Has to be called after all lines are plotted !!! Furthermor, node colors have to be set first. This can be done with `MorphTree.setNodeColors()` or manually by adding a 'color' entry to the ``MorphNode.content`` dictionary Parameters ---------- ax: `matplotlib.axes.Axes` instance the ax object of which the x-axis will be colored cmap: `matplotlib.colors.Colormap` instance Colormap that determines the color of each branch sizex: float Size of scalebar (in micron). If set to None, no scalebar is plotted. borderpad: float Borderpad of scalebar """ locs = self.locs['xaxis'] # list of colors for plotting cs = {node.index: node.content['color'] for node in self} cplot = [cs[loc['node']] for loc in locs] max_cs = max(cplot) min_cs = min(cplot) if np.abs(max_cs - min_cs) < 1e-12: norm_cs = max_cs + 1e-2 else: norm_cs = (max_cs - min_cs) * (1. + 1./100.) # necessary distance arrays pinds = self.getLeafLocinds('xaxis') assert len(pinds) > 0 d2s = self.distancesToSoma('xaxis') # plot colored xaxis ylim = np.array(ax.get_ylim()) ax.plot(self.xaxis[0:pinds[0]+1], [ylim[0]+1e-9 for _ in d2s[0:pinds[0]+1]], c=cmap((cplot[0]-min_cs)/norm_cs), lw=10) for ii in range(0,len(pinds)-1): if locs[pinds[ii]+1]['node'] in list(cs.keys()): ax.plot(self.xaxis[pinds[ii]+1:pinds[ii+1]+1], [ylim[0]+1e-9 for _ in d2s[pinds[ii]+1:pinds[ii+1]+1]], c=cmap((cs[locs[pinds[ii]+1]['node']]-min_cs)/norm_cs), lw=10) else: ax.plot(self.xaxis[pinds[ii]+1:pinds[ii+1]+1], [ylim[0]+1e-9 for _ in d2s[pinds[ii]+1:pinds[ii+1]+1]], c='k', lw=10) ax.set_ylim((ylim[0], ylim[1])) # add scalebar if addScalebar: self._addScalebar(ax, borderpad=borderpad) ax.axes.get_xaxis().set_visible(False)
[docs] def plot2DMorphology(self, ax, node_arg=None, cs=None, cminmax=None, cmap=None, use_radius=1, draw_soma_circle=1, plotargs={}, textargs={}, marklocs=[], locargs={}, marklabels={}, labelargs={}, cb_draw=0, cb_orientation='vertical', cb_label='', sb_draw=1, sb_scale=100, sb_width=5., set_lims=True, lims_margin=.1): """ Plot the morphology projected on the x,y-plane Parameters ---------- ax: `matplotlib.axes.Axes` instance the ax object on which the plot will be drawn node_arg: see documentation of `MorphTree._convertNodeArgToNodes` cs: dict {int: float}, None or 'x_color' If dict, node indices are keys and the float value will correspond to the plotted color. If None, the color of the tree will be the one specified in ``plotargs``. Note that the dict does not have to contain all node indices. The ones that are not featured in the dict are plot in the color specified in ``plotargs``. If 'node_color', colors will be those stored on the nodes. Note that choosing this option when there are nodes without 'color' as an entry in ``node.content`` will result in an error. Node colors can be set with `MorphTree.setNodeColor()`` cminmax: (float, float) or None (default) The min and max values of the color scale (if cs is provided). If None, the min and max values of cs are used. cmap: `matplotlib.colors.Colormap` instance colormap fram which colors in ``cs`` are taken use_radius: bool If ``True``, uses the swc radius for the width of the line segments draw_soma_circle: bool If ``True``, draws the soma as a circle, otherwise doesn't draw soma plotargs: dict `kwargs` for `matplotlib.pyplot.plot`. 'c'- or 'color'- argument will be overwritten when cs is defined. 'lw'- or 'linewidth' argument will be multiplied with the swc radius of the node if `use_radius` is ``True``. textargs: dict text properties for various labels in the plot marklocs: list of tuples, dicts or instances of `neat.MorphLoc` Location that will be plotted on the morphology locargs: dict or list of dict `kwargs` for `matplotlib.pyplot.plot` for the location. Use only point markers and no lines! When it is a single dict all location will have the same marker. When it is a list it should have the same length as `marklocs`. marklabels: dict {int: string} Keys are indices of locations in `marklocs`, values are strings that are used to annotate the corresponding locations labelargs: dict text properties for the location annotation cb_draw: bool Whether or not to draw a `matplotlib.pyplot.colorbar()` instance. cb_orientation: string, 'vertical' or 'horizontal' The colorbars' orientation cb_label: string The label of the colorbar sb_draw: bool Whether or not to draw a scale bar sb_scale: float Lenght of the scale bar (micron) sb_width: float Width of the scale bar set_lims: bool (optional, default ``True``) set ``ax`` limits based on the morphology lims_margin: float the margin, as fraction of total width and height of tree, at which the limits are placed """ # default cmap if cmap is None: cmap = cm.get_cmap('jet') # ensure color is indicated by the 'c'-parameter in `plotargs` if 'color' in plotargs: plotargs['c'] = plotargs['color'] del plotargs['color'] elif 'c' not in plotargs: plotargs['c'] = 'k' # define a norm for the colors, if defined if cs == 'x_color': cs = {node.index: node.content['color'] for node in self} if cs is not None: if cminmax is None: if len(cs) > 0: max_cs = cs[max(cs, key=cs.__getitem__)] # works for dict and list min_cs = cs[min(cs, key=cs.__getitem__)] # works for dict and list else: min_cs, max_cs = 0., 1. else: min_cs = cminmax[0] max_cs = cminmax[1] norm = pl.Normalize(vmin=min_cs, vmax=max_cs) # ensure linewidth is indicated as 'lw' in plotargs if 'linewidth' in plotargs: plotargs['lw'] = plotargs['linewidth'] del plotargs['linewidth'] elif 'lw' not in plotargs: plotargs['lw'] = 1. plotargs_orig = copy.deepcopy(plotargs) # locargs can be dictionary, so that the same properties hold for every # markloc, or can be list with the same size as marklocs, so that every # marker has different properties. `zorder` of the markers is also set # very high so that they are always in the foreground self.storeLocs(marklocs, 'plotlocs') xs = self.xs['plotlocs'] if type(locargs) == dict: if 'zorder' not in locargs: locargs['zorder'] = 1e4 locargs = [locargs for _ in marklocs] else: assert len(locargs) == len(marklocs) for locarg in locargs: if 'zorder' not in locarg: locarg['zorder'] = 1e4 # `marklabels` is a dictionary with as keys the index of the loc in # `marklocs` to which the label belongs. `labelargs` is the same for # every label for ind in marklabels: assert ind < len(marklocs) # plot the tree xlim = [0.,0.]; ylim = [0.,0.] for node in self._convertNodeArgToNodes(node_arg): if[0] < xlim[0]: xlim[0] =[0] if[0] > xlim[1]: xlim[1] =[0] if[1] < ylim[0]: ylim[0] =[1] if[1] > ylim[1]: ylim[1] =[1] # find the locations that are on the current node inds = self.getLocindsOnNode('plotlocs', node) if node.parent_node is None: # node is soma, draw as circle if necessary if draw_soma_circle: if cs is not None and node.index in cs: plotargs['c'] = cmap(norm(cs[node.index])) else: plotargs['c'] = plotargs_orig['c'] circ = patches.Circle([0:2], node.R, color=plotargs['c']) ax.add_patch(circ) for ind in inds: self._plotLoc(ax, ind,[0],[1], locargs, marklabels, labelargs) else: # plot line segment associated with node nxyz =; pxyz = if cs is not None and node.index in cs: plotargs['c'] = cmap(norm(cs[node.index])) else: plotargs['c'] = plotargs_orig['c'] if use_radius: plotargs['lw'] = plotargs_orig['lw'] * node.R ax.plot([pxyz[0], nxyz[0]], [pxyz[1], nxyz[1]], **plotargs) # plot the locations for ind in inds: locxyz = pxyz + (nxyz - pxyz) * xs[ind] self._plotLoc(ax, ind, locxyz[0], locxyz[1], locargs, marklabels, labelargs) # margins dx = xlim[1]-xlim[0] dy = ylim[1]-ylim[0] xlim[0] -= dx*lims_margin; xlim[1] += dx*lims_margin ylim[0] -= dy*lims_margin; ylim[1] += dy*lims_margin # draw a scale bar if sb_draw: scale = sb_scale dy = ylim[1]-ylim[0] dx = xlim[1]-xlim[0] ax.plot([xlim[0],xlim[0]+scale], [ylim[0],ylim[0]], 'k', linewidth=sb_width, zorder=1e5) txt = ax.annotate(r'' + str(scale) + ' $\mu$m', xy=(xlim[0]+scale/2., ylim[0]), xycoords='data', xytext=(xlim[0]+scale/2.,ylim[0]-dy/200.), ha='center', va='top', **textargs) # textcoords='offset points', **textargs) txt.set_path_effects([patheffects.withStroke(foreground="w", linewidth=2)]) if set_lims: ax.set_xlim(xlim); ax.set_ylim(ylim) ax.set_aspect('equal', 'datalim') if cs != None and cb_draw: # create colorbar ax divider = make_axes_locatable(ax) if cb_orientation == 'horizontal': cax = divider.append_axes("bottom", "5%", pad="3%") else: cax = divider.append_axes("right", "5%", pad="3%") # create a mappable sm = cm.ScalarMappable(cmap=cmap, norm=norm) sm._A = [] # fake array for scalar mappable # create the colorbar cb = pl.colorbar(sm, cax=cax, orientation=cb_orientation) ticks_cb = np.round(np.linspace(min_cs, max_cs, 7), decimals=1) cb.set_ticks(ticks_cb) if cb_orientation == 'horizontal':'bottom') else:'right') cb.set_label(cb_label, **textargs) ax.spines['top'].set_color('none') ax.spines['bottom'].set_color('none') ax.spines['right'].set_color('none') ax.spines['left'].set_color('none') ax.draw_frame = False ax.set_xticks([]) ax.set_yticks([])
def _plotLoc(self, ax, ind, xval, yval, locargs, marklabels, labelargs): """ plot a location on the morphology together with its annotation """ ax.plot(xval, yval, **locargs[ind]) if ind in marklabels: txt = ax.annotate(marklabels[ind], xy=(xval, yval), xycoords='data', xytext=(5,5), textcoords='offset points', **labelargs) txt.set_path_effects([patheffects.withStroke(foreground="w", linewidth=2)])
[docs] def plotMorphologyInteractive(self, node_arg=None, use_radius=1, draw_soma_circle=1, plotargs={'c': 'k', 'lw': 1.}, project3d=False): """ Show the morphology either in 3d or projected on the x,y-plane. When a line segment is clicked, the associated node is printed. Parameters ---------- ax: `matplotlib.axes.Axes` instance the ax object on which the plot will be drawn node_arg: see documentation of `MorphTree._convertNodeArgToNodes` use_radius: bool If ``True``, uses the swc radius for the width of the line segments draw_soma_circle: bool If ``True``, draws the soma as a circle, otherwise doesn't draw soma """ fig = pl.figure('Morphology interactive') ax = pl.gca(projection='3d') if project3d else pl.gca() # ax = pl.gca() if 'c' not in plotargs: plotargs.update({'c': 'k'}) if 'linewidth' in plotargs: plotargs['lw'] = plotargs['linewidth'] del plotargs['linewidth'] if 'lw' not in plotargs: plotargs.update({'lw': 'k'}) plotargs_orig = copy.deepcopy(plotargs) # plot the tree node_line_associators = {} for ii, node in enumerate(self._convertNodeArgToNodes(node_arg)): if node.parent_node is not None: # plot line segment associated with node nxyz =; pxyz = if use_radius: plotargs['lw'] = plotargs_orig['lw'] * node.R if project3d: line = ax.plot([pxyz[0], nxyz[0]], [pxyz[1], nxyz[1]], [pxyz[2], nxyz[2]], label=str(ii), picker=2., **plotargs) else: line = ax.plot([pxyz[0], nxyz[0]], [pxyz[1], nxyz[1]], label=str(ii), picker=2., **plotargs) node_line_associators.update({str(ii): node}) ax.axes.get_xaxis().set_visible(0) ax.axes.get_yaxis().set_visible(0) ax.axison = 0 # define the clickevent action def onPick(event): line = event.artist node = node_line_associators[line.get_label()] # print the associated node print('\n>>> line segment at ' + str(node) + \ ', distance to soma (um) = ' + \ str(self.pathLength({'node': node.index, 'x': 1}, {'node': 1, 'x':0.}))) # show morphology cid = fig.canvas.mpl_connect('pick_event', onPick)
@originalTreetypeDecorator def findCommonRoot(self, name): self._tryName(name) # get the node indices of nodes node_inds = self.getNodeIndices(name) # find the paths to the root paths = [set(self.pathToRoot(self[node_ind])) for node_ind in node_inds] # possible roots roots = list(set.intersection(*paths)) # return the node of highest order rootind = np.argmax([self.orderOfNode(node) for node in roots]) return roots[rootind]
[docs] @originalTreetypeDecorator def createNewTree(self, name, fake_soma=False, store_loc_inds=False): """ Creates a new tree where the locs of a given 'name' are now the nodes. Distance relations between locations are maintained (note that this relation is stored in `L` attribute of `neat.MorphNode`, using the `p3d` attribute containing the 3d coordinates does not maintain distances) Parameters ---------- name: string the name under which the locations are stored that should be used to create the new tree fake_soma: bool (default `False`) if `True`, finds the common root of the set of locations and uses that as the soma of the new tree. If `False`, the real soma is used. store_loc_inds: bool (default `False`) store the index of each location in the `content` attribute of the new node (under the key 'loc ind') Returns ------- `neat.MorphTree` The new tree. """ self._tryName(name) nids = self.getNodeIndices(name) # create new tree new_tree = self.__class__() if fake_soma: # find the common root of the set of locations snode = self.findCommonRoot(name) else: # use the soma as root snode = self[1] p3d = (, snode.R, snode.swc_type) new_snode = new_tree._createCorrespondingNode(1, p3d) new_snode.L = snode.L new_tree.setRoot(new_snode) new_nodes = [new_snode] if store_loc_inds: new_snode.content['loc ind'] = None if 1 not in nids else \ np.where(nids == 1)[0][0] # make two other soma nodes if fake_soma: for index in [2,3]: new_cnode = new_tree._createCorrespondingNode(index, p3d) new_tree.addNodeWithParent(new_cnode, new_snode) new_nodes.append(new_cnode) else: for cnode in snode.getChildNodes(skip_inds=[]): if cnode.index in [2,3]: p3d = (, cnode.R, cnode.swc_type) new_cnode = new_tree._createCorrespondingNode(cnode.index, p3d) new_tree.addNodeWithParent(new_cnode, new_snode) new_nodes.append(new_cnode) # make rest of tree for cnode in snode.child_nodes: self._addNodesToTree(cnode, new_snode, new_tree, new_nodes, name, store_loc_inds=store_loc_inds) # set the lengths of the nodes for new_node in new_tree: if new_node.parent_node != None: L = np.sqrt(np.sum(( -**2)) else: L = 0. new_node.setLength(L) return new_tree
def _addNodesToTree(self, node, new_pnode, new_tree, new_nodes, name, store_loc_inds=False): # get the specified locs xs = self.xs[name] # check which locinds are on the branch ninds = self.getLocindsOnNode(name, node) order_inds = np.argsort(xs[ninds]) for ind in np.array(ninds)[order_inds]: index = len(new_nodes) + 1 # new coordinates new_xyz = * (1.-xs[ind]) + * xs[ind] if node.parent_node.index == 1: new_radius = node.R else: new_radius = node.parent_node.R * (1.-xs[ind]) + node.R * xs[ind] # make new node p3d = (new_xyz, new_radius, node.swc_type) new_node = new_tree._createCorrespondingNode(index, p3d) if store_loc_inds: new_node.content['loc ind'] = ind # add new node new_tree.addNodeWithParent(new_node, new_pnode) new_nodes.append(new_node) # set new node as next parent node new_pnode = new_node # continue with the children for cnode in node.child_nodes: self._addNodesToTree(cnode, new_pnode, new_tree, new_nodes, name, store_loc_inds=store_loc_inds)
[docs] @originalTreetypeDecorator def createCompartmentTree(self, locarg): """ Creates a new compartment tree where the provided set of locations correspond to the nodes. Parameters ---------- locarg: list of locations or str if list of locations, specifies the locations, if str, specifies the name under which the set of location is stored that should be used to create the new tree Returns ------- `neat.MorphTree` The new tree. """ # process input argument if isinstance(locarg, list): locs = [MorphLoc(loc, self) for loc in locarg] name = 'comp_locs' self.storeLocs(locs, name=name) elif isinstance(locarg, str): name = locarg self._tryName(name) else: raise IOError('`locarg` should be list of locs or string') nids = self.nids[name] xs = self.xs[name] # create new tree new_tree = CompartmentTree() # find the common root of the set of locations snode = self.findCommonRoot(name) # check if that root is in set of locations possible_loc_inds = self.getLocindsOnNode(name, snode) if len(possible_loc_inds) > 0: # create the new root node new_pnode = CompartmentNode(0, loc_ind=possible_loc_inds[0]) new_tree.setRoot(new_pnode) new_nodes = [new_pnode] # create other nodes for loc_ind in possible_loc_inds[1:]: index = len(new_nodes) # make new node new_node = CompartmentNode(index, loc_ind=loc_ind) # add new node new_tree.addNodeWithParent(new_node, new_pnode) new_nodes.append(new_node) # set new node as next parent node new_pnode = new_node else: warnings.warn('Locations of name `' + name + '` do not define a root - ' + \ 'adding root to set of locations') locs = self.getLocs(name) locs = [(snode.index, 1.)] + locs self.storeLocs(locs, name=name) # create the new root node new_pnode = CompartmentNode(0, loc_ind=0) new_tree.setRoot(new_pnode) new_nodes = [new_pnode] # make rest of tree for cnode in snode.child_nodes: self._addCompNodesToTree(cnode, new_pnode, new_tree, new_nodes, name) return new_tree
def _addCompNodesToTree(self, node, new_pnode, new_tree, new_nodes, name): # get the specified locs xs = self.xs[name] # check which locinds are on the branch ninds = self.getLocindsOnNode(name, node) for loc_ind in ninds: index = len(new_nodes) # make new node new_node = CompartmentNode(index, loc_ind=loc_ind) # add new node new_tree.addNodeWithParent(new_node, new_pnode) new_nodes.append(new_node) # set new node as next parent node new_pnode = new_node # continue with the children for cnode in node.child_nodes: self._addCompNodesToTree(cnode, new_pnode, new_tree, new_nodes, name)
[docs] def __copy__(self, new_tree=None): """ Fill the ``new_tree`` with it's corresponding nodes in the same structure as ``self``, and copies all node variables that both tree classes have in common Parameters ---------- new_tree: :class:`STree` or derived class (default is ``None``) the tree class in which the ``self`` is copied. If ``None``, returns a copy of ``self``. Returns ------- The new tree instance """ if new_tree is None: new_tree = self.__class__() current_treetype = self.treetype self.treetype = 'original' super().__copy__(new_tree=new_tree) try: # set the computational tree self.treetype = 'computational' new_node = new_tree._createCorrespondingNode(self.root.index) self.root.__copy__(new_node=new_node) new_tree._computational_root = new_node new_tree.treetype = 'computational' self._recurseCopy(self.root, new_tree) except ValueError: pass self.treetype = current_treetype new_tree.treetype = current_treetype return new_tree