Bac firingΒΆ

import numpy as np
import warnings

from neat import MorphLoc, CompartmentFitter
from models.L5_pyramid import getL5Pyramid

from plotutil import *

import pickle

    import neuron
    from neat import NeuronSimTree, NeuronCompartmentTree, createReducedNeuronModel
except ImportError:
    warnings.warn('NEURON not available, plotting stored image', UserWarning)
    SIM_FLAG = 0

## Parameters ##################################################################
# sites for simplification
D2S_CASPIKE = np.array([685., 785., 885., 985.])
D2S_APIC = np.array([85., 185., 285., 385., 485., 585.])
CA_LOC = (224, 0.86)

# morphology color map
vals = np.ones((2, 4))
vals[0,:] = mcolors.to_rgba('DarkGrey')
vals[1,:] = mcolors.to_rgba('lime')
CMAP_MORPH = mcolors.ListedColormap(vals)


/home/docs/checkouts/ UserWarning: NEURON not available, plotting stored image
  warnings.warn('NEURON not available, plotting stored image', UserWarning)
def getCTree(cfit, locs, f_name, recompute_ctree=False, recompute_biophys=False):
    Uses `neat.CompartmentFitter` to derive a `neat.CompartmentTree` for the
    given `locs`. The simplified tree is stored under `f_name`. If the
    simplified tree exists, it is loaded by default in memory (unless
    `recompute_ctree` is ``True``). The impedances for efficient impedance
    matrix evaluation are also stored, and are by default reloaded if they exist
    (unless `recompute_biophys` is ``True``).
        if recompute_ctree:
            raise IOError
        print('\n>>>> loading file %s'%f_name)
        file = open(f_name + '.p', 'rb')
        ctree = pickle.load(file)
        clocs = pickle.load(file)
    except (IOError, EOFError) as err:
        print('\n>>>> (re-)deriving model %s'%f_name)
        ctree = cfit.fitModel(locs, alpha_inds=[0], parallel=True,
        clocs = ctree.getEquivalentLocs()
        print('>>>> writing file %s'%f_name)
        file = open(f_name + '.p', 'wb')
        pickle.dump(ctree, file)
        pickle.dump(clocs, file)
    return ctree, clocs

def runCaCoinc(sim_tree, locs,
               ca_loc_ind, soma_ind,
               dt=0.1, t_max=300., t_calibrate=100.,
               psp_params=dict(t_rise=.5, t_decay=5., i_amp=.5, t_stim=50.),
               i_in_params=dict(i_amp=1.9, t_onset=45., t_dur=5.),
               rec_kwargs=dict(record_from_syns=False, record_from_iclamps=False,
                               record_from_vclamps=False, record_from_channels=False,
    Runs the BAC-firing protocol to elicit an AP burst in response to coincident
    somatic and dendritic input
    # initialize the NEURON model
    sim_tree.initModel(dt=dt, t_calibrate=t_calibrate, factor_lambda=10.)
    sim_tree.storeLocs(locs, 'rec locs')
    if stim_type == 'psp' or stim_type == 'coinc':
        sim_tree.addDoubleExpCurrent(locs[ca_loc_ind], psp_params['t_rise'], psp_params['t_decay'])
        sim_tree.setSpikeTrain(0, psp_params['i_amp'], [psp_params['t_stim']])
    if stim_type == 'psp':
        sim_tree.addIClamp(locs[soma_ind], 0., i_in_params['t_onset'], i_in_params['t_dur'])
    if stim_type == 'current':
        sim_tree.addDoubleExpCurrent(locs[ca_loc_ind], psp_params['t_rise'], psp_params['t_decay'])
        sim_tree.setSpikeTrain(0, 0., [psp_params['t_stim']])
    if stim_type == 'current' or stim_type == 'coinc':
        sim_tree.addIClamp(locs[soma_ind], i_in_params['i_amp'], i_in_params['t_onset'], i_in_params['t_dur'])
    # simulate the NEURON model
    res =, pprint=pprint, **rec_kwargs)
    return res

def runCalciumCoinc(recompute_ctree=False, recompute_biophys=False, axdict=None, pshow=True):
    global D2S_CASPIKE, D2S_APIC
    global CA_LOC

    lss_ = ['-', '-.', '--']
    css_ = [colours[3], colours[0], colours[1]]
    lws_ = [.8, 1.2, 1.6]

    # create the full model
    phys_tree = getL5Pyramid()
    sim_tree = phys_tree.__copy__(new_tree=NeuronSimTree())
    # compartmentfitter object
    cfit = CompartmentFitter(phys_tree, name='bac_firing', path='data/')

    # single branch initiation zone
    branch = sim_tree.pathToRoot(sim_tree[236])[::-1]
    locs_sb = sim_tree.distributeLocsOnNodes(D2S_CASPIKE, node_arg=branch, name='single branch')
    # abpical trunk locations
    apic = sim_tree.pathToRoot(sim_tree[221])[::-1]
    locs_apic = sim_tree.distributeLocsOnNodes(D2S_APIC, node_arg=apic, name='apic connection')

    # store set of locations
    fit_locs = [(1, .5)] + locs_apic + locs_sb
    sim_tree.storeLocs(fit_locs, name='ca coinc')
    # PSP input location index
    ca_ind = sim_tree.getNearestLocinds([CA_LOC], name='ca coinc')[0]

    # obtain the simplified tree
    ctree, clocs = getCTree(cfit, fit_locs, 'data/ctree_bac_firing',
            recompute_biophys=recompute_biophys, recompute_ctree=recompute_ctree)

    # print(ctree)
    print('--- ctree nodes currents')
    print('\n'.join([str(n.currents) for n in ctree]))

    reslist, creslist_sb, creslist_sb_ = [], [], []
    locindslist_sb, locindslist_apic_sb = [], []

    if axdict is None:
        axes_input = [pl.subplot(131), pl.subplot(132), pl.subplot(133)]
        pl.figure('V trace')
        axes_trace = [pl.subplot(131), pl.subplot(132), pl.subplot(133)]
        axes_morph = [pl.subplot(121), pl.subplot(122)]
        axes_input = axdict['inp']
        axes_trace = axdict['trace']
        axes_morph = axdict['morph']
        pshow = False

    for jj, stim in enumerate(['current', 'psp', 'coinc']):
        print('--- sim full  ---')
        rec_locs = sim_tree.getLocs('ca coinc')
        # runn the simulation
        res = runCaCoinc(sim_tree, rec_locs, ca_ind, 0, stim_type=stim,
                    rec_kwargs=dict(record_from_syns=True, record_from_iclamps=True))

        print('---- sim reduced ----')
        rec_locs = clocs
        # run the simulation of the reduced tree
        csim_tree = createReducedNeuronModel(ctree)
        cres = runCaCoinc(csim_tree, rec_locs, ca_ind, 0, stim_type=stim, rec_kwargs=dict(record_from_syns=True, record_from_iclamps=True))

        id_offset = 1.
        vd_offset = 7.2
        vlim = (-80.,20.)
        ilim = (-.1,2.2)

        # input current
        ax = axes_input[jj]
        ax.plot(res['t'], -res['i_clamp'][0], c='r', lw=lwidth)
        ax.plot(res['t'], res['i_syn'][0]+id_offset, c='b', lw=lwidth)

        ax.set_yticks([0., id_offset])
        if jj == 1 or jj == 2:
            drawScaleBars(ax, ylabel=' nA', b_offset=0)
        if jj == 2:
            ax.set_yticklabels([r'Soma', r'Dend'])


        # somatic trace
        ax = axes_trace[jj]
        ax.plot(res['t'], res['v_m'][0], c='DarkGrey', lw=lwidth)
        ax.plot(cres['t'], cres['v_m'][0], c=cll[0], lw=1.6*lwidth, ls='--')

        # dendritic trace
        ax.plot(res['t'], res['v_m'][ca_ind]+vd_offset, c='DarkGrey', lw=lwidth)
        ax.plot(cres['t'], cres['v_m'][ca_ind]+vd_offset, c=cll[1], lw=1.6*lwidth, ls='--')

        ax.set_yticks([cres['v_m'][0][0], cres['v_m'][ca_ind][0]+vd_offset])
        if jj == 1 or jj == 2:
            drawScaleBars(ax, xlabel=' ms', ylabel=' mV', b_offset=15)
            # drawScaleBars(ax, xlabel=' ms', b_offset=25)
        if jj == 2:
            ax.set_yticklabels([r'Soma', r'Dend'])


    plocs = sim_tree.getLocs('ca coinc')
    markers = [{'marker': 's', 'mfc': cfl[0], 'mec': 'k', 'ms': markersize/1.1}] + \
              [{'marker': 's', 'mfc': cfl[1], 'mec': 'k', 'ms': markersize/1.1} for _ in locs_apic + locs_sb]
    markers[ca_ind]['marker'] = 'v'
    plotargs = {'lw': lwidth/1.3, 'c': 'DarkGrey'}
    sim_tree.plot2DMorphology(axes_morph[0], use_radius=False, plotargs=plotargs,
                               marklocs=plocs, locargs=markers, lims_margin=0.01)
    # compartment tree dendrogram
    labelargs = {0: {'marker': 's', 'mfc': cfl[0], 'mec': 'k', 'ms': markersize*1.2}}
    labelargs.update({ii: {'marker': 's', 'mfc': cfl[1], 'mec': 'k', 'ms': markersize*1.2} for ii in range(1,len(plocs))})
    ctree.plotDendrogram(axes_morph[1], plotargs={'c':'k', 'lw': lwidth}, labelargs=labelargs)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    if SIM_FLAG:
bac firing

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.427 seconds)

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