Source code for

import numpy as np

import matplotlib.patheffects as patheffects
import matplotlib.patches as patches
import as cm
import matplotlib.pyplot as pl
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
from matplotlib.gridspec import GridSpec
from matplotlib.lines import Line2D

from ...trees.morphtree import MorphLoc
from ...trees.phystree import PhysTree
from ...trees.greenstree import GreensTree
from ...trees.sovtree import SOVTree
from ...trees.netree import NET, NETNode, Kernel

from import kernelextraction as ke

import warnings
import copy
import pickle
import concurrent.futures
import contextlib
import multiprocessing

    from import neuronmodel as neurm
except ModuleNotFoundError:
    warnings.warn('NEURON not available', UserWarning)

def cpu_count(use_hyperthreading=True):
    Return number of available cores.
    Makes use of hypterthreading by default.
    if use_hyperthreading:
        return multiprocessing.cpu_count()
        return multiprocessing.cpu_count() // 2

def consecutive(inds):
    split a list of ints into consecutive sublists
    return np.split(inds, np.where(np.diff(inds) != 1)[0]+1)

def getExpansionPoints(e_hs, channel, only_e_h=False):
    Returns a list of expansion points around which to compute the impedance
    matrix given a set of holding potentials. If the channel has only one state
    variable, the returned expansion points are at the holding potentials, if
    the channels has two state variables, the returned expansions points are
    are different combinations of the state variable values around the holding

    e_hs: iterable collection
        The holding potentials around which the expansion points are computed
    channel: `neat.channels.ionchannels.IonChannel`
        The ion channels
    only_e_h: bool
        If True, othe entries in ``sv_hs`` are only at ``e_hs``

    sv_hs: list of dict
        Each entry is a state variable expansion point
    e_hs: list of float
        The holding potentials corresponding to each entry in ``sv_hs``
    e_hs = list(e_hs)
    if len(channel.statevars) == 1 or only_e_h:
        sv_hs = [channel.computeVarinf(e_h) for e_h in e_hs]
    elif len(channel.statevars) == 2:
        # evaluate at the holding potentials
        sv_aux = [channel.computeVarinf(e_h) for e_h in e_hs]

        # check which variable is activation
        sv = channel.computeVarinf(np.array([-43.22, -32.22]))
        sind_act = None
        for ii, svar in enumerate(channel.ordered_statevars):
            if sv[svar][1] > sv[svar][0]:
                sind_act = 'ii' if ii == 0 else 'jj'

        # evaluate at combinations of holding potentials
        sv_hs_extra, e_hs_extra = [], []
        sv_o = channel.ordered_statevars
        for ii, sv_1 in enumerate(sv_aux):
            for jj, sv_2 in enumerate(sv_aux):
                sv_hs_extra.append({str(sv_o[0]): sv_1[sv_o[0]],
                                    str(sv_o[1]): sv_2[sv_o[1]]})
                # follow holding potential of activation state variable

        sv_hs = sv_aux + sv_hs_extra
        e_hs = e_hs + e_hs_extra
        raise Exception('Method only implemented for channels with two ' + \
                        'or less state variables')

    return sv_hs, e_hs

def asPassiveDendrite(phys_tree, factor_lambda=2., t_calibrate=500.):
        Set the dendrites to be passive compartments. Channel conductances at
        the resting potential are added to passive membrane conductance.

        phys_tree: `neat.PhysTree()`
            the neuron model
        factor_lambda: float (optional, defaults to 2.)
            multiplies the numbers of compartments given by the lambda rule (to
            compute resting membrane potential)
        t_calibrate: float (optional, defaults to 500. ms)
            The calibration time for the model (should reach resting potential)

        dt, t_max = .1, 1.
        # create a biophysical simulation model
        sim_tree = phys_tree.__copy__(new_tree=neurm.NeuronSimTree())
        # compute equilibrium potentials
        sim_tree.initModel(dt=dt, factor_lambda=factor_lambda, t_calibrate=t_calibrate)
        sim_tree.storeLocs([(node.index, .5) for node in phys_tree], 'rec locs')
        res =
        v_eqs = [v_m[-1] for v_m in res['v_m']]
        # store the equilbirum potential distribution

        return phys_tree

class FitTreeGF(GreensTree):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.setName('dont save', '')

    def setExpansionPointsForFit(self, sv_h, e_h):
        Set the holding potentials and expansion points for the fit

        sv_hs: dict of {string: np.ndarray}
            Keys are the channel names and values are numpy arrays that contain
            the expansion point for each ion channel
        e_h: float
            the holding potential
        for node in self:
            for c_name, sv in sv_h.items():
                node.setExpansionPoint(c_name, statevar=sv)

    def setName(self, name, path):
        Set the name and path under which the tree will be stored

        name: string
            string based on which name is generated (not equal to actual file
        path: string
            path where the file is to be located
        """ = name
        self.path = path

    def setImpedancesInTree(self, many_freqs=False, recompute=False, pprint=False):
        Sets the impedances in the tree.

        many_freqs: bool (optional, default is ``False``)
            If ``True``, evaluates the impedances over an array suitable to
            apply the inverse Fourrier transform to obtain temporal kernel
            If ``False``, evaluates at zero frequency
        recompute: bool (optional, default is ``False``)
            Force the impedances to be recomputed
        pprint: bool (optional, default is ``False``)
            Print info
        if pprint:
            print('>>> evaluating impedances with ' + str(list(self.channel_storage.keys())))

        if many_freqs:
            freqs = ke.create_logspace_freqarray()
            suffix = 'allfreqs_'
            freqs = np.array([0.])
            suffix = ''

        e_h_string = '_eh=%.2f'%(self.root.e_eq)

        # create suffix for state variable expansion point if it is specified
        cname_string = ''
        for c_name, channel in self.channel_storage.items():
            cname_string += '_' + c_name + '_'
                sv_h = self.root.expansion_points[c_name]
                for svar in channel.ordered_statevars:
                    sv = sv_h[str(svar)]
                    cname_string += str(svar) + '=%.8f'%sv
            except (KeyError, TypeError):

        file_name = 'GF_' + suffix + + e_h_string + cname_string + '.p'

        # check if impedances already exist
            # ensure that the tree is recomputed if 'recompute' is true
            if recompute:
                raise IOError
            file = open(self.path + file_name, 'rb')
            tree = pickle.load(file)
            del tree
        except (Exception, IOError, EOFError, KeyError) as err:
            if pprint: print('>>>>>Impedances not stored, calculating...')
            # set the impedances
            self.setImpedance(freqs, pprint=pprint)

            if not 'dont save' in
                # store the impedance tree
                file = open(self.path + file_name, 'wb')
                pickle.dump(self, file)

    def calcNETSteadyState(self, root_loc=None, dx=5., dz=5.):
        if root_loc is None: root_loc = (1, .5)
        root_loc = MorphLoc(root_loc, self)
        # distribute locs on nodes
        st_nodes = self.gatherNodes(self[root_loc['node']])
        d2s_loc = self.pathLength(root_loc, (1,0.5))
        net_locs = self.distributeLocsOnNodes(d2s=np.arange(d2s_loc, 5000., dx),
                                   node_arg=st_nodes, name='net eval')
        # compute the impedance matrix for net calculation
        z_mat = self.calcImpedanceMatrix('net eval', explicit_method=False)[0]
        # assert np.allclose(z_mat, z_mat_)
        # derive the NET
        net = NET()
        self._addNodeToNET(0., z_mat[0,0], z_mat, np.arange(z_mat.shape[0]), None, net,
                           alpha=1., dz=dz)

        return net, z_mat

    def _addNodeToNET(self, z_min, z_max, z_mat, loc_inds, pnode, net, alpha=1., dz=20.):
        # compute mean impedance of node
        inds = [[]]
        while len(inds[0]) == 0:
            inds = np.where((z_mat > z_min) & (z_mat < z_max))
            z_max += dz
        z_node = np.mean(z_mat[inds])
        # subtract impedances of parent nodes
        gammas = np.array([z_node])
        self._subtractParentKernels(gammas, pnode)
        # add a node to the tree
        node = NETNode(len(net), loc_inds, z_kernel=(np.array([alpha]), gammas))
        if pnode != None:
            net.addNodeWithParent(node, pnode)
            net.root = node
        # recursion for following nodes
        d_inds = consecutive(np.where(np.diag(z_mat) > z_max)[0])
        for di in d_inds:
            if len(di) > 0:
                self._addNodeToNET(z_max, z_max+dz, z_mat[di,:][:,di], loc_inds[di], node, net,
                                       alpha=alpha, dz=dz)

    def _subtractParentKernels(self, gammas, pnode):
        if pnode != None:
            gammas -= pnode.z_kernel['c']
            self._subtractParentKernels(gammas, pnode.parent_node)

class FitTreeSOV(SOVTree):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.setName('dont save', '')

    def setName(self, name, path):
        Set the name and path under which the tree will be stored

        name: string
            string based on which name is generated (not equal to actual file
        path: string
            path where the file is to be located
        """ = name
        self.path = path

    def setSOVInTree(self, recompute=False, pprint=False, maxspace_freq=100.):
        file_name = 'SOV_' + + '.p'
        # load or compute the separation of variables tree
            # ensure that the tree is recomputed if 'recompute' is true
            if recompute:
                raise IOError
            file = open(self.path + file_name, 'rb')
            tree = pickle.load(file)
            del tree
        except (IOError, EOFError, KeyError) as err:
            suffix = self.path + file_name if not 'dont save' in else ''
            if pprint: print('>>>>> Calculating SOV expansion... ' + suffix)
            # set the computational tree
            # compute SOV factorisation
            self.calcSOVEquations(maxspace_freq=maxspace_freq, pprint=False)
            if not 'dont save' in
                # store the tree
                file = open(self.path + file_name, 'wb')
                pickle.dump(self, file)

[docs]class CompartmentFitter(object): """ Helper class to streamline fitting reduced compartmental models Attributes ---------- tree: `neat.PhysTree()` The full tree based on which reductions are made e_hs: np.array of float The holding potentials for which quasi active expansions are computed freqs: np.array of float or complex (default is ``np.array([0.])``) The frequencies at which impedance matrices are evaluated name: str (default 'dont save') name of files in which intermediate trees required for the fit are stored. Details about what is in the actual pickle files are appended as a suffix to `name`. Default is to not store intermediate files. path: str (default '') specify a path under which the intermediate files are saved (only if `name` is specified). Default is empty string, which means that intermediate files are stored in the working directory. """ def __init__(self, phys_tree, e_hs=np.array([-75., -55., -35., -15.]), freqs=np.array([0.]), name='dont save', path=''): self.tree = phys_tree.__copy__(new_tree=PhysTree()) self.tree.treetype = 'original' # get all channels in the tree self.channel_names = self.tree.getChannelsInTree() # frequencies for fit self.freqs = freqs # expansion point holding potentials for fit self.e_hs = e_hs # name to store fit models = name self.path = path # boolean flag that is reset the first time `self.fitPassive` is called self.use_all_channels_for_passive = True
[docs] def setCTree(self, loc_arg, extend_w_bifurc=True): """ Store an initial `neat.CompartmentTree`, providing a tree structure scaffold for the fit for a given set of locations. The locations are also stored on ``self.tree`` under the name 'fit locs' Parameters ---------- loc_arg: list of locations or string (see documentation of :func:`MorphTree._convertLocArgToLocs` for details) The compartment locations extend_w_bifurc: bool (optional, default `True`) To extend the compartment locations with all intermediate bifurcations (see documentation of :func:`MorphTree.extendWithBifurcationLocs`). """ locs = self.tree._parseLocArg(loc_arg) if extend_w_bifurc: locs = self.tree.extendWithBifurcationLocs(locs) else: warnings.warn('Not adding bifurcations to `loc_arg`, this could '+ \ 'lead to inaccurate fits. To add bifurcation, set' + \ 'kwarg `extend_w_bifurc` to ``True``') self.tree.storeLocs(locs, name='fit locs') # create the reduced compartment tree self.ctree = self.tree.createCompartmentTree(locs) # add currents to compartmental model for c_name, channel in self.tree.channel_storage.items(): e_revs = [] for node in self.tree: if c_name in node.currents: e_revs.append(node.currents[c_name][1]) # reversal potential is the same throughout the reduced model self.ctree.addCurrent(copy.deepcopy(channel), np.mean(e_revs)) # set the equilibirum potentials at fit locations self.setEEq()
[docs] def createTreeGF(self, channel_names=[]): """ Create a `FitTreeGF` copy of the old tree, but only with the channels in ``channel_names``. Leak 'L' is included in the tree by default. Parameters ---------- channel_names: list of strings List of channel names of the channels that are to be included in the new tree. Returns ------- `FitTreeGF()` """ # create new tree and empty channel storage tree = self.tree.__copy__(new_tree=FitTreeGF()) tree.channel_storage = {} tree.setName(, self.path) # add the ion channel to the tree channel_names_newtree = set() for node, node_orig in zip(tree, self.tree): node.currents = {} g_l, e_l = node_orig.currents['L'] # add the current to the tree node._addCurrent('L', g_l, e_l) for channel_name in channel_names: try: g_max, e_rev = node_orig.currents[channel_name] node._addCurrent(channel_name, g_max, e_rev) channel_names_newtree.add(channel_name) except KeyError: pass tree.channel_storage = {channel_name: self.tree.channel_storage[channel_name] \ for channel_name in channel_names_newtree} tree.setCompTree() return tree
[docs] def evalChannel(self, channel_name, recompute=False, pprint=False, parallel=True, max_workers=None): """ Evaluate the impedance matrix for the model restricted to a single ion channel type. Parameters ---------- channel_name: string The name of the ion channel under consideration recompute: bool (optional, defaults to ``False``) whether to force recomputing the impedances pprint: bool (optional, defaults to ``False``) whether to print information parallel: bool (optional, defaults to ``True``) whether the models are evaluated in parallel Return ------ fit_mats """ locs = self.tree.getLocs('fit locs') # find the expansion point parameters for the channel channel = self.tree.channel_storage[channel_name] sv_hs, e_hs = getExpansionPoints(self.e_hs, channel) n_tree = len(e_hs) # create the trees with only a single channel fit_tree = self.createTreeGF([channel_name]) fit_tree.setName(, self.path) fit_trees = [] for sv_h, e_h in zip(sv_hs, e_hs): ftree = fit_tree.__copy__(new_tree=FitTreeGF()) ftree.setExpansionPointsForFit({channel_name: sv_h}, e_h) fit_trees.append(ftree) # compute the impedance matrices for different activation levels args_list = [fit_trees, [locs for _ in range(n_tree)], [recompute for _ in range(n_tree)], [pprint for _ in range(n_tree)]] # compute the impedance matrices if parallel: if max_workers is None: raise ValueError('need to provide number of workers if parallel is True') with concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=max_workers) as pool: fit_mats = list(, *args_list)) else: fit_mats = [self._calcFitMatrices(*args) for args in zip(*args_list)] # fit the model for this channel w_norm = 1. / np.sum([w_f for _, _, w_f in fit_mats]) for _, _, w_f in fit_mats: w_f /= w_norm return fit_mats
def _calcFitMatrices(self, fit_tree, locs, recompute, pprint): """ Compute the matrices needed to fit the channel """ e_h = fit_tree.root.e_eq c_name = list(fit_tree.channel_storage.keys())[0] sv_h = fit_tree.root.expansion_points[c_name] freqs = self.freqs # set the impedances in the tree fit_tree.setImpedancesInTree(recompute=recompute, pprint=pprint) # compute the impedance matrix for this acitvation level z_mat = fit_tree.calcImpedanceMatrix(locs) # compute the fit matrices m_f, v_t = self.ctree.computeGSingleChanFromImpedance(c_name, z_mat, e_h, freqs, sv=sv_h, other_channel_names=['L'], all_channel_names=self.channel_names, action='return') # compute open probability to weigh fit matrices channel = self.tree.channel_storage[c_name] po_h = channel.computePOpen(e_h, **sv_h) w_f = 1. / po_h return m_f, v_t, w_f
[docs] def fitChannels(self, recompute=False, pprint=False, parallel=True): """ Fit the active ion channel parameters Parameters ---------- recompute: bool (optional, defaults to ``False``) whether to force recomputing the impedances pprint: bool (optional, defaults to ``False``) whether to print information parallel: bool (optional, defaults to ``True``) whether the models are evaluated in parallel """ # create the fit matrices for each channel n_arg = len(self.channel_names) if n_arg > 0: args_list = [self.channel_names, [recompute for _ in range(n_arg)], [pprint for _ in range(n_arg)], [parallel for _ in range(n_arg)], ] if parallel: max_workers = min(n_arg, cpu_count()) # split cores evenly over inner workers inner_max_workers = cpu_count() // max_workers args_list += [[inner_max_workers for _ in range(n_arg)]] with concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=max_workers) as pool: fit_mats_ = list(, *args_list)) else: fit_mats_ = [self.evalChannel(*args) for args in zip(*args_list)] fit_mats = [f_m for f_ms in fit_mats_ for f_m in f_ms] # store the fit matrices for m_f, v_t, w_f in fit_mats: if not (np.isnan(m_f).any() or np.isnan(v_t).any() or np.isnan(w_f).any()): self.ctree._fitResAction('store', m_f, v_t, w_f, channel_names=self.channel_names) # run the fit self.ctree.runFit()
# chan_eval = ChannelEvaluator() # chan_eval.evaluate(self, recompute=recompute, pprint=pprint, parallel=parallel)
[docs] def fitPassive(self, use_all_channels=True, recompute=False, pprint=False): """ Fit the steady state passive model, consisting only of leak and coupling conductances, but ensure that the coupling conductances takes the passive opening of all channels into account Parameters ---------- use_all_channels: bool (optional) use leak at rest of all channels combined in the passive fit (passive leak has to be refit after capacitance fit) recompute: bool (optional, defaults to ``False``) whether to force recomputing the impedances pprint: bool (optional, defaults to ``False``) whether to print information """ self.use_all_channels_for_passive = use_all_channels # get equilibirum potentials v_eqs_tree = self.getEEq('tree') v_eqs_fit = self.getEEq('fit') locs = self.tree.getLocs('fit locs') # initialize appropriate greens tree channel_names = list(self.tree.channel_storage.keys()) if use_all_channels \ else [] fit_tree = self.createTreeGF(channel_names) fit_tree.setEEq(v_eqs_tree) fit_tree.setName( + '_atRest_', self.path) # set the channels to passive fit_tree.asPassiveMembrane() # set the impedances in the tree fit_tree.setImpedancesInTree(recompute=recompute, pprint=pprint) # compute the steady state impedance matrix z_mat = fit_tree.calcImpedanceMatrix(locs)[0].real # fit the coupling+leak conductances to steady state impedance matrix self.ctree.computeGMC(z_mat, channel_names=['L']) # print passive impedance matrices if pprint: z_mat_fit = self.ctree.calcImpedanceMatrix(channel_names=['L']) np.set_printoptions(precision=2, edgeitems=10, linewidth=500, suppress=True) print('\n----- Impedance matrix comparison -----') print('> Zmat orig =') print(z_mat) print('> Zmat fit =') print(z_mat_fit) print('> Zmat diff =') print(z_mat - z_mat_fit) print('---------------------------------------\n') # restore defaults np.set_printoptions(precision=8, edgeitems=3, linewidth=75, suppress=False)
[docs] def fitPassiveLeak(self, recompute=False, pprint=True): """ Fit leak only. Coupling conductances have to have been fit already. Parameters ---------- recompute: bool (optional, defaults to ``False``) whether to force recomputing the impedances pprint: bool (optional, defaults to ``False``) whether to print information """ locs = self.tree.getLocs('fit locs') # compute the steady state impedance matrix fit_tree = self.createTreeGF([]) fit_tree.setName( + '_onlyL_', self.path) # set the impedances in the tree fit_tree.setImpedancesInTree(recompute=recompute, pprint=pprint) # compute the steady state impedance matrix z_mat = fit_tree.calcImpedanceMatrix(locs) # fit the conductances to steady state impedance matrix self.ctree.computeGSingleChanFromImpedance('L', z_mat, -75., self.freqs, other_channel_names=[], action='fit') # print passive impedance matrices if pprint: z_mat_fit = self.ctree.calcImpedanceMatrix(channel_names=['L']) np.set_printoptions(precision=2, edgeitems=10, linewidth=500, suppress=True) print('\n----- Impedance matrix comparison -----') print('> Zmat orig =') print(z_mat) print('> Zmat fit =') print(z_mat_fit) print('> Zmat diff =') print(z_mat - z_mat_fit) print('---------------------------------------\n') # restore defaults np.set_printoptions(precision=8, edgeitems=3, linewidth=75, suppress=False)
[docs] def createTreeSOV(self, eps=1.): """ Create a `SOVTree` copy of the old tree Parameters ---------- channel_names: list of strings List of channel names of the channels that are to be included in the new tree Returns ------- `` """ # create new tree and empty channel storage tree = self.tree.__copy__(new_tree=FitTreeSOV()) if self.use_all_channels_for_passive: tree.setName( + '_allchans_', self.path) else: tree.setName(, self.path) if not self.use_all_channels_for_passive: tree.channel_storage = {} for node, node_orig in zip(tree, self.tree): node.currents = {} g_l, e_l = node_orig.currents['L'] # add the current to the tree node._addCurrent('L', g_l, e_l) # set the computational tree tree.setCompTree(eps=eps) return tree
def _calcSOVMats(self, locs, recompute=False, pprint=False): """ Use a `neat.SOVTree` to compute SOV matrices for fit """ # create an SOV tree sov_tree = self.createTreeSOV() # compute the SOV expansion for this tree sov_tree.setSOVInTree(recompute=recompute, pprint=pprint) # get SOV constants alphas, phimat, importance = sov_tree.getImportantModes(locarg=locs, sort_type='importance', eps=1e-12, return_importance=True) alphas = alphas.real phimat = phimat.real return alphas, phimat, importance, sov_tree
[docs] def fitCapacitance(self, inds=[0], check_fit=True, force_tau_m_fit=False, recompute=False, pprint=False, pplot=False): """ Fit the capacitances of the model to the largest SOV time scale Parameters ---------- inds: list of int (optional, defaults to ``[0]``) indices of eigenmodes used in the fit. Default is [0], indicating the largest eigenmode check_fit: bool (optional, default ``True``) Check whether the largest eigenmode of the reduced model is within tolerance of the largest eigenmode of the full tree. If not, capacitances are set to mach membrane time scale force_tau_m_fit: bool (optional, default ``False``) force capacitance fit through membrance time scale matching recompute: bool (optional, defaults to ``False``) whether to force recomputing the impedances pprint: bool (optional, defaults to ``False``) whether to print information pplot: bool (optional, defaults to ``False``) whether to plot the eigenmode timescales """ # compute SOV matrices for fit locs = self.tree.getLocs('fit locs') alphas, phimat, importance, sov_tree = \ self._calcSOVMats(locs, recompute=recompute, pprint=pprint) # fit the capacitances from SOV time-scales self.ctree.computeC(-alphas[inds]*1e3, phimat[inds,:], weights=importance[inds]) def calcTau(): nm = len(locs) # original timescales taus_orig = np.sort(np.abs(1./alphas))[::-1][:nm] # fitted timescales lambdas, _, _ = self.ctree.calcEigenvalues() taus_fit = np.sort(np.abs(1./lambdas))[::-1] return taus_orig, taus_fit def calcTauM(): clocs = [locs[n.loc_ind] for n in self.ctree] # original membrane time scales taus_m = [] for l in clocs: g_m = sov_tree[l[0]].getGTot(channel_storage=sov_tree.channel_storage) taus_m.append(self.tree[l[0]].c_m / g_m *1e3) taus_m_orig = np.array(taus_m) # fitted membrance time scales taus_m_fit = np.array([ / node.currents['L'][0] for node in self.ctree]) *1e3 return taus_m_orig, taus_m_fit taus_orig, taus_fit = calcTau() if (check_fit and np.abs(taus_fit[0] - taus_orig[0]) > .8*taus_orig[0]) or \ force_tau_m_fit: taus_m_orig, taus_m_fit = calcTauM() # if fit was not sane, revert to more basic membrane timescale match for ii, node in enumerate(self.ctree): = node.currents['L'][0] * taus_m_orig[ii] * 1e-3 warnings.warn('No sane capacitance fit achieved for this configuragion,' + \ 'reverted to more basic membrane time scale matching.') if pprint: # mode time scales taus_orig, taus_fit = calcTau() # membrane time scales taus_m_orig, taus_m_fit = calcTauM() np.set_printoptions(precision=2, edgeitems=10, linewidth=500, suppress=False) print('\n----- capacitances -----') print(('Ca (uF) =\n' + str([ for nn in self.ctree]))) print('\n----- Eigenmode time scales -----') print(('> Taus original (ms) =\n' + str(taus_orig))) print(('> Taus fitted (ms) =\n' + str(taus_fit))) print('\n----- Membrane time scales -----') print(('> Tau membrane original (ms) =\n' + str(taus_m_orig))) print(('> Tau membrane fitted (ms) =\n' + str(taus_m_fit))) print('---------------------------------\n') # restore default print options np.set_printoptions(precision=8, edgeitems=3, linewidth=75, suppress=False) else: lambdas = None if pplot: self.plotKernels(alphas, phimat)
def plotSOV(self, alphas=None, phimat=None, importance=None, n_mode=8, alphas2=None): fit_locs = self.tree.getLocs('fit locs') if alphas is None or phimat is None or importance is None: alphas, phimat, importance, _ = self._calcSOVMats(fit_locs, recompute=False, pprint=False) if alphas2 is None: alphas2, _, _ = self.ctree.calcEigenvalues() fit_locs = self.tree.getLocs('fit locs') colours = list(pl.rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'].by_key()['color']) loc_colours = np.array([colours[ii%len(colours)] for ii in range(len(fit_locs))]) markers = Line2D.filled_markers pl.figure('SOV', figsize=(10,10)) gs = GridSpec(2,2) ax1, ax2, ax3 = pl.subplot(gs[0,0]), pl.subplot(gs[0,1]), pl.subplot(gs[1,:]) # x axis modes x_arr = np.arange(n_mode) x_loc = np.arange(len(fit_locs)) # time scales ax1.semilogy(x_arr, np.abs(1./alphas[:n_mode]), 'rD--') if alphas2 is not None: ax1.semilogy(x_arr[:len(alphas2)], np.sort(np.abs(1./alphas2))[::-1], 'bo--') ax1.set_xlabel(r'$k$') ax2.set_ylabel(r'$\tau_k$ (ms)') # importance ax2.semilogy(x_arr, importance[:n_mode], 'rD--') ax2.set_xlabel(r'$k$') ax2.set_ylabel(r'$I_k$') # spatial modes for kk in range(n_mode): ax3.plot(x_loc, phimat[kk,:], ls='--', c='DarkGrey') ax3.scatter(x_loc, phimat[kk,:], c=loc_colours, marker=markers[kk%len(markers)], label=r''+str(kk)) ax3.set_xlabel(r'$x_i$') ax3.set_ylabel(r'$\phi_k(x_i)$') ax3.legend(loc=0) def _constructKernels(self, a, c): nn = len(self.tree.getLocs('fit locs')) return [[Kernel((a, c[:,ii,jj])) for ii in range(nn)] for jj in range(nn)] def _getKernels(self, alphas=None, phimat=None, recompute=False, pprint=False): """ Returns the impedance kernels as a double nested list of "neat.Kernel". The element at the position i,j represents the transfer impedance kernel between compartments i and j. If one of the arguments is not given, the SOV matrices are computed Parameters ---------- alphas: np.array The exponential coefficients, as follows from the SOV expansion phimat: np.ndarray (dim=2) The matrix to compute the exponential prefactors, as follows from the SOV expansion recompute: bool Force recomputing the SOV expansion if ``True`` (only if `alphas` or `phimat` are ``None``) pprint: bool Is verbose if ``True`` Returns ------- k_orig: list of list of `neat.Kernel` The kernels of the full model k_comp: list of list of `neat.Kernel` The kernels of the reduced model """ fit_locs = self.tree.getLocs('fit locs') if alphas is None or phimat is None: alphas, phimat, _, _ = self._calcSOVMats(fit_locs, recompute=recompute, pprint=pprint) # compute eigenvalues alphas_comp, phimat_comp, phimat_inv_comp = \ self.ctree.calcEigenvalues(indexing='locs') # get the kernels k_orig = self._constructKernels(alphas, np.einsum('ik,kj->kij', phimat.T, phimat)) k_comp = self._constructKernels(-alphas_comp, np.einsum('ik,kj->kij', phimat_comp, phimat_inv_comp)) return k_orig, k_comp
[docs] def getKernels(self, recompute=False, pprint=False): """ Returns the impedance kernels as a double nested list of "neat.Kernel". The element at the position i,j represents the transfer impedance kernel between compartments i and j. Parameters ---------- recompute: bool Force recomputing the SOV expansion if ``True`` pprint: bool Is verbose if ``True`` Returns ------- k_orig: list of list of `neat.Kernel` The kernels of the full model k_comp: list of list of `neat.Kernel` The kernels of the reduced model """ return self._getKernels(recompute=recompute, pprint=pprint)
[docs] def plotKernels(self, alphas=None, phimat=None, t_arr=None, recompute=False, pprint=False): """ Plots the impedance kernels. The kernel at the position i,j represents the transfer impedance kernel between compartments i and j. Parameters ---------- alphas: np.array The exponential coefficients, as follows from the SOV expansion phimat: np.ndarray (dim=2) The matrix to compute the exponential prefactors, as follows from the SOV expansion t_arr: np.array The time-points at which the to be plotted kernels are evaluated. Default is ``np.linspace(0.,200.,int(1e3))`` recompute: bool Force recomputing the SOV expansion if ``True`` (only if `alphas` or `phimat` are ``None``) pprint: bool Is verbose if ``True`` Returns ------- k_orig: list of list of `neat.Kernel` The kernels of the full model k_comp: list of list of `neat.Kernel` The kernels of the reduced model """ fit_locs = self.tree.getLocs('fit locs') nn = len(fit_locs) k_orig, k_comp = self._getKernels(alphas=alphas, phimat=phimat) if t_arr is None: t_arr = np.linspace(0.,200.,int(1e3)) pl.figure('Kernels', figsize=(2.*nn, 1.5*nn)) gs = GridSpec(nn, nn) gs.update(top=0.98, bottom=0.04, left=0.04, right=0.98) colours = list(pl.rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'].by_key()['color']) loc_colours = np.array([colours[ii%len(colours)] for ii in range(len(fit_locs))]) for ii in range(nn): for jj in range(ii, nn): ko, kc = k_orig[ii][jj], k_comp[ii][jj] ax = pl.subplot(gs[ii,jj]) ax.plot(t_arr, ko(t_arr), c='DarkGrey') ax.plot(t_arr, kc(t_arr), ls='--', c=loc_colours[jj]) # limits ax.set_ylim((-0.5, 20.)) # kernel label pstring = '%d $\leftrightarrow$ %d'%(ii,jj) ax.set_title(pstring, pad=-10)
[docs] def checkPassive(self, loc_arg, alpha_inds=[0], n_modes=5, use_all_channels_for_passive=True, force_tau_m_fit=False, recompute=False, pprint=False): """ Checks the impedance kernels of the passive model. Parameters ---------- loc_arg: list of locations or string (see documentation of :func:`MorphTree._convertLocArgToLocs` for details) The compartment locations alpha_inds: list of ints Indices of all mode time-scales to be included in the fit n_modes: int The number of eigen modes that are shown use_all_channels_for_passive: bool Uses all channels in the tree to compute coupling conductances force_tau_m_fit: bool Force using the local membrane time-scale for capacitance fit recompute: bool whether to force recomputing the impedances pprint: bool is verbose if ``True`` Returns ------- ``None`` """ self.setCTree(loc_arg) # fit the passive steady state model self.fitPassive(recompute=recompute, use_all_channels=use_all_channels_for_passive, pprint=pprint) # fit the capacitances self.fitCapacitance(inds=alpha_inds, recompute=recompute, force_tau_m_fit=force_tau_m_fit, pprint=pprint, pplot=True) fit_locs = self.tree.getLocs('fit locs') colours = list(pl.rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'].by_key()['color']) loc_colours = np.array([colours[ii%len(colours)] for ii in range(len(fit_locs))]) pl.figure('tree') ax = pl.gca() locargs = [dict(marker='o', mec='k', mfc=lc, markersize=6.) for lc in loc_colours] self.tree.plot2DMorphology(ax, marklocs=fit_locs, locargs=locargs, use_radius=False) pl.tight_layout()
def getNET(self, c_loc, locs, channel_names=[], recompute=False, pprint=False): greens_tree = self.createTreeGF(channel_names=channel_names) greens_tree.setImpedancesInTree(recompute=recompute, pprint=False) # create the NET net, z_mat = greens_tree.calcNETSteadyState(c_loc) net.improveInputImpedance(z_mat) # prune the NET to only retain ``locs`` loc_inds = greens_tree.getNearestLocinds([c_loc]+locs, 'net eval') net_reduced = net.getReducedTree(loc_inds, indexing='locs') return net_reduced def calcEEq(self, locs, t_max=500., dt=0.1, factor_lambda=10.): # create a biophysical simulation model sim_tree_biophys = self.tree.__copy__(new_tree=neurm.NeuronSimTree()) # compute equilibrium potentials sim_tree_biophys.initModel(dt=dt, factor_lambda=factor_lambda) sim_tree_biophys.storeLocs(locs, 'rec locs', warn=False) res_biophys = sim_tree_biophys.deleteModel() return np.array([v_m[-1] for v_m in res_biophys['v_m']])
[docs] def setEEq(self, t_max=500., dt=0.1, factor_lambda=10.): """ Set equilibrium potentials, measured from neuron simulation. Sets the `v_eqs_tree` and `v_eqs_fit` attributes, respectively containing the equilibrium potentials at (the middle of) each node in the original tree and at each of the fit locations Parameters ---------- t_max: float duration of the neuron simulation dt: float time-step of the neuron simulation factor_lambda: int of float if int, signifies the number of segments per section. If float, multiplies the number of segments given by the lambda rule with this number """ tree_locs = [MorphLoc((n.index, .5), self.tree) for n in self.tree] fit_locs = self.tree.getLocs('fit locs') # compute equilibrium potentials v_eqs = self.calcEEq(tree_locs + fit_locs, t_max=t_max, dt=dt, factor_lambda=factor_lambda) # store the equilibrium potentials self.v_eqs_tree = {n.index: v for n, v in zip(self.tree, v_eqs)} self.v_eqs_fit = v_eqs[len(tree_locs):]
[docs] def getEEq(self, e_eqs_type, **kwargs): """ Get equilibrium potentials. Specify `v_eqs_tree` and `v_eqs_fit` attributes, respectively containing the equilibrium potentials at (the middle of) each node in the original tree and at each of the fit locations Parameters ---------- e_eqs_type: 'tree' or 'fit' For 'tree', returns the `v_eqs_tree` attribute, containing the equilibrium potentials at (the middle of) each node in the original tree. For 'fit', returns the `v_eqs_fit` attribute, containing the equilibrium potentials at each of the fit locations. kwargs: When `v_eqs_tree` or `v_eqs_fit`, have not been set, calls ::func::`self.setEEq()` with these `kwargs` """ if not hasattr(self, 'v_eqs_tree') or not hasattr(self, 'v_eqs_fit'): self.setEEq(**kwargs) if e_eqs_type == 'fit': return self.v_eqs_fit elif e_eqs_type == 'tree': return self.v_eqs_tree else: raise IOError('``e_eqs_type`` should be \'fit\' or \'tree\'')
[docs] def fitEEq(self, **kwargs): """ Fits the leak potentials of the reduced model to yield the same equilibrium potentials as the full model Parameters ---------- kwargs: When `v_eqs_tree` or `v_eqs_fit`, have not been set, calls ::func::`self.setEEq()` with these `kwargs` """ # compute equilibirum potentials v_eqs = self.getEEq('fit', **kwargs) # fit the equilibirum potentials of the reduced model self.ctree.setEEq(v_eqs) self.ctree.fitEL()
[docs] def fitModel(self, loc_arg, alpha_inds=[0], use_all_channels_for_passive=True, recompute=False, pprint=False, parallel=False): """ Runs the full fit for a set of locations (the location are automatically extended with the bifurcation locs) Parameters ---------- loc_arg: list of locations or string (see documentation of :func:`MorphTree._convertLocArgToLocs` for details) The compartment locations alpha_inds: list of ints Indices of all mode time-scales to be included in the fit use_all_channels_for_passive: bool (optional, default ``True``) Uses all channels in the tree to compute coupling conductances recompute: bool whether to force recomputing the impedances pprint: bool whether to print information parallel: bool whether the models are evaluated in parallel Returns ------- `neat.CompartmentTree` The reduced tree containing the fitted parameters """ self.setCTree(loc_arg) # fit the passive steady state model self.fitPassive(recompute=recompute, pprint=pprint, use_all_channels=use_all_channels_for_passive) # fit the capacitances self.fitCapacitance(inds=alpha_inds, recompute=recompute, pprint=pprint, pplot=False) # refit with only leak if use_all_channels_for_passive: self.fitPassiveLeak(recompute=recompute, pprint=pprint) # fit the ion channel self.fitChannels(recompute=recompute, pprint=pprint, parallel=parallel) # fit the resting potentials self.fitEEq() return self.ctree
def recalcImpedanceMatrix(self, locarg, g_syns, channel_names=None, recompute=False): # process input locs = self.tree._parseLocArg(locarg) n_syn = len(locs) assert n_syn == len(g_syns) if n_syn == 0: return np.array([[]]) if channel_names is None: channel_names = list(self.tree.channel_storage.keys()) # compute equilibirum potentials all_locs = [(n.index, .5) for n in self.tree] e_eqs = self.calcEEq(all_locs + locs) # create a greenstree with equilibrium potentials at rest greens_tree = self.createTreeGF(channel_names=channel_names) greens_tree.setName( + '_atRest_', self.path) for ii, node in enumerate(greens_tree): node.setEEq(e_eqs[ii]) greens_tree.setImpedancesInTree(recompute=recompute, pprint=False) # compute the impedance matrix of the synapse locations z_mat = greens_tree.calcImpedanceMatrix(locs, explicit_method=False)[0].real # get the reversal potentials of the synapse locations n_all = len(self.tree) e_eqs = e_eqs[n_all:] # compute the ZG matrix gd_mat = np.diag(g_syns) zg_mat =, gd_mat) z_mat_ = np.linalg.solve(np.eye(n_syn) + zg_mat, z_mat) return z_mat_
[docs] def fitSynRescale(self, c_locarg, s_locarg, comp_inds, g_syns, e_revs, fit_impedance=False, channel_names=None, recompute=False): """ Computes the rescaled conductances when synapses are moved to compartment locations, assuming a given average conductance for each synapse. Parameters ---------- c_locarg: list of locations or string (see documentation of :func:`MorphTree._convertLocArgToLocs` for details) The compartment locations s_locarg: list of locations or string (see documentation of :func:`MorphTree._convertLocArgToLocs` for details) The synapse locations comp_inds: list or numpy.array of ints for each location in [s_locarg], gives the index of the compartment location in [c_locarg] to which the synapse is assigned g_syns: list or numpy.array of floats The average conductances for each synapse e_revs: list or numpy.array of floats The reversal potential of each synapse fit_impdedance: bool (optional, default `False`) Whether to also use the reproduction of the rescaled impedance matrix as target. channel_names: list of str or `None` (default) List of ion channels to be included in impedance matrix calculation. `None` includes all ion channels recompute: bool (defaults is `False`) Whether or not to recompute the impedance tree for this channel configuration Returns ------- g_resc: numpy.array of floats The rescale values for the synaptic weights """ # process input c_locs = self.tree._parseLocArg(c_locarg) s_locs = self.tree._parseLocArg(s_locarg) n_comp, n_syn = len(c_locs), len(s_locs) assert n_syn == len(g_syns) and n_syn == len(e_revs) assert len(c_locs) > 0 if n_syn == 0: return np.array([]) if channel_names is None: channel_names = list(self.tree.channel_storage.keys()) cs_locs = c_locs + s_locs cg_syns = np.concatenate((np.zeros(n_comp), np.array(g_syns))) comp_inds, g_syns, e_revs = np.array(comp_inds), np.array(g_syns), np.array(e_revs) # compute equilibirum potentials all_locs = [(n.index, .5) for n in self.tree] e_eqs = self.calcEEq(all_locs + cs_locs) # create a greenstree with equilibrium potentials at rest greens_tree = self.createTreeGF(channel_names=channel_names) greens_tree.setName( + '_atRest_', self.path) for ii, node in enumerate(greens_tree): node.setEEq(e_eqs[ii]) greens_tree.setImpedancesInTree(recompute=recompute, pprint=False) # compute the impedance matrix of the synapse locations z_mat = greens_tree.calcImpedanceMatrix(cs_locs, explicit_method=False)[0].real zc_mat = z_mat[:n_comp, :n_comp] # get the reversal potentials of the synapse locations n_all = len(self.tree) e_cs = e_eqs[n_all:n_all+n_comp] e_ss = e_eqs[-n_syn:] # compute the ZG matrix gd_mat = np.diag(cg_syns) zg_mat_ =, gd_mat) zg_mat = np.linalg.solve(np.eye(n_comp+n_syn) + zg_mat_, zg_mat_) zg_mat = zg_mat[:n_comp,n_comp:] # create the compartment assignment matrix & syn index vector c_mat = np.array([comp_inds == cc for cc in range(n_comp)]).astype(int) s_inds = np.array([np.where(cc > 0)[0][0] for cc in c_mat.T]) # compute the driving potential vectors es_vec = e_revs - e_ss ec_vec = e_revs - e_cs[s_inds] zc_mat =, c_mat) czg_mat =, zg_mat) # create matrices for inverse fit a1_mat = np.einsum('ck,kn->cnk', zc_mat, np.diag(ec_vec)) a2_mat = np.einsum('ck,kn->cnk', zc_mat, czg_mat*es_vec[None,:]) b_mat = zg_mat * es_vec[None,:] # unravel first two indices a_mat = np.reshape(a1_mat-a2_mat, (n_syn*n_comp,-1)) b_vec = np.reshape(b_mat, (n_syn*n_comp,)) if fit_impedance: # fit based on impedance matrix zr_mat = np.linalg.solve(np.eye(n_comp+n_syn) + zg_mat_, z_mat) zr_mat = zr_mat[:n_comp,:n_comp] zc_mat = z_mat[:n_comp,:n_comp] # b matrix for fit b_mat = zc_mat - zr_mat # a tensor for fit zcc =, c_mat) czr =, zr_mat) aa_mat = np.einsum('ik,kn->ink', zcc, czr) # unravel first two indices a_mat_ = np.reshape(aa_mat, (n_comp*n_comp,-1)) b_vec_ = np.reshape(b_mat, (n_comp*n_comp,)) # perfor mfit a_mat = np.concatenate((a_mat, a_mat_), axis=0) b_vec = np.concatenate((b_vec, b_vec_), axis=0) # compute rescaled synaptic conductances g_resc = np.linalg.lstsq(a_mat, b_vec, rcond=None)[0] b_arr = g_syns > 1e-9 g_resc[np.logical_not(b_arr)] = 1. g_resc[b_arr] = g_resc[b_arr] / g_syns[b_arr] return g_resc
def assignLocsToComps(self, c_locarg, s_locarg, fz=.8, channel_names=None, recompute=False): """ assumes the root node is in `c_locarg` """ if channel_names is None: channel_names = list(self.tree.channel_storage.keys()) # compute equilibirum potentials e_eqs = self.getEEq('tree') # create a greenstree with equilibrium potentials at rest greens_tree = self.createTreeGF(channel_names=channel_names) greens_tree.setName( + '_atRest_', self.path) for ii, node in enumerate(greens_tree): node.setEEq(e_eqs[ii]) greens_tree.setImpedancesInTree(recompute=recompute, pprint=False) # process input c_locs = self.tree._parseLocArg(c_locarg) s_locs = self.tree._parseLocArg(s_locarg) # find nodes corresponding to locs c_nodes = [self.tree[loc['node']] for loc in c_locs] s_nodes = [self.tree[loc['node']] for loc in s_locs] # compute input impedances c_zins = [greens_tree.calcZF(c_loc, c_loc)[0] for c_loc in c_locs] s_zins = [greens_tree.calcZF(s_loc, s_loc)[0] for s_loc in s_locs] # paths to root c_ptrs = [self.tree.pathToRoot(node) for node in c_nodes] s_ptrs = [self.tree.pathToRoot(node) for node in s_nodes] c_inds = [] for s_node, s_path, s_loc, s_zin in zip(s_nodes, s_ptrs, s_locs, s_zins): z_diffs = [] # check if there are compartment nodes before bifurcation nodes in up direction nn_inds = greens_tree.getNearestNeighbourLocinds(s_loc, c_locs) # print c_before_b c_ns = [c_nodes[ii] for ii in nn_inds] c_ps = [c_ptrs[ii] for ii in nn_inds] c_ls = [c_locs[ii] for ii in nn_inds] c_zs = [c_zins[ii] for ii in nn_inds] for c_node, c_path, c_loc, c_zin in zip(c_ns, c_ps, c_ls, c_zs): # find the common node as far from the root as possible s_p, c_p = s_path[::-1], c_path[::-1] kk = 0 while kk < min(len(s_p), len(c_p)) and s_p[kk] == c_p[kk]: p_node = s_p[kk] kk += 1 # distinguish cases for computing impedance different if p_node == s_node and p_node != c_node: z_diffs.append(fz*np.abs(c_zin - s_zin)) elif p_node == c_node and p_node != s_node: z_diffs.append((1.-fz)*np.abs(s_zin - c_zin)) elif p_node == c_node and p_node == s_node: fz_ = fz if c_loc['x'] > s_loc['x'] else (1.-fz) z_diffs.append(fz_*np.abs(s_zin-c_zin)) else: b_loc = (p_node.index, 1.) b_z = greens_tree.calcZF(b_loc, b_loc)[0] z_diffs.append((1.-fz)*(c_zin - b_z) + fz * (s_zin - b_z)) # compartment node with minimal impedance difference ind_aux = np.argmin(z_diffs) c_inds.append(nn_inds[ind_aux]) return c_inds